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[PDF] Top 20 The Effects of Project Based Learning on Learners' Creativity and Problem Solving

Has 10000 "The Effects of Project Based Learning on Learners' Creativity and Problem Solving" found on our website. Below are the top 20 most common "The Effects of Project Based Learning on Learners' Creativity and Problem Solving".

Analysis of learning effects of the problem based method and the project team teaching method in engineering education- A case study

Analysis of learning effects of the problem based method and the project team teaching method in engineering education- A case study

... 그 결과는 공학교육에의 교수법 적용 및 교수법의 향상 에 도움이 될 것이다. 2. 관련연구 PBL(Problem based Learning)교수법[1]은 학습자에게 실제적인 문제를 제시하고 제시된 문제의 해결을 위해 학습자들이 함께 문제해결방안을 강구하는 학습법이다. ... See full document


Analyzing the effect of software education applying problem-solving learning

Analyzing the effect of software education applying problem-solving learning

... various problem situations accurately and the ability to solve problems effectively using computing technology become more ...Based on this background, an education of future human ... See full document


A study on the history of project approach and its application for improving mathematical problem solving skill

A study on the history of project approach and its application for improving mathematical problem solving skill

... ‘project based learning’, ’ 프로젝트 접근법’, ‘과제기반학습’ 을 검색 키워드로 사용하였 다. 둘째, 검색된 논문 중 학위논문을 제외하고 국내학술지에 게재된 논문만을 포함시켜 그 결과의 신뢰도를 높이고자 하였다. 즉, 학위논문의 경우 기관 및 학위의 종류에 따라 논 문의 질에 큰 편차를 보여 학위논문에 근거한 연구의 결과를 신뢰하여 ... See full document


The effects of a maternal nursing competency reinforcement program on nursing students' problem-solving ability, emotional intelligence, self-directed learning ability, and maternal nursing performance in Korea: a randomized controlled trial

The effects of a maternal nursing competency reinforcement program on nursing students' problem-solving ability, emotional intelligence, self-directed learning ability, and maternal nursing performance in Korea: a randomized controlled trial

... Third, the difference in self-directed learning ability between the experimental and control groups was significant, but the dif- ference in self-directed learning ability over ... See full document


The impact of puzzle based algorithm learning on problem solving skill of learners

The impact of puzzle based algorithm learning on problem solving skill of learners

... 4.3.2 문제 해결 과정 문제 해결 과정 검사지는 Lee(1978)이 개발한 Process Behaviors on problem solving performance을 번안하여 5점 평정 척도로 구성하 였다. 본 검사지는 학습자가 문제 해결 과정에서 경험하게 되는 문제 인식, 문제 정의, 해결책, 고 안, 문제 해결의 실천, 문제 해결 과정 검토라는 ... See full document


Effects of integrative simulation practice on nursing knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and immersion in problem-based learning among nursing students

Effects of integrative simulation practice on nursing knowledge, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and immersion in problem-based learning among nursing students

... 최근 시뮬레이션 실습을 일부 임상 실습교육 시간으로 허용하여 대학 인증평가에도 반영하고 있다. 따라서 최대한 임상 상황과 유 사하게 재현하기 위해 고충실도 시뮬레이터( high - fidelity simula- tor )를 활용한 실습이 널리 이루어지고 있다[ 20 ]. 그러나 시뮬레이 션 실습을 통해 학생들의 역량을 극대화하기에는 몇몇 문제점이 나 타나고 있다[ 21 ]. 즉 임상과 최대한 ... See full document


A study on learning action formation levels in the process of mathematics problem solving

A study on learning action formation levels in the process of mathematics problem solving

... 학습행위의 특징을 기술한다는 것은 목표를 달성 하기 위해 학생이 무엇을 어떻게 하는가에 대해 묘사하는 것을 의미한다. 학습행위는 학습과제의 수행 과정에서 학습 자료 변형의 구체적인 방법들 을 포함한다. ...학습행위의 형성을 평가할 때에, 가 능하면 학습문제를 해결하는 학습행위의 구체적인 구성요소로부터 벗어나 문제해결 과정에서 자립[r] ... See full document


The effects of online learning situation and learners' learning style on satisfaction in Blended Learning

The effects of online learning situation and learners' learning style on satisfaction in Blended Learning

... ☞ keyword : 블랜디드 러닝 , 학습스타일 , 만족도 , Blended learning, learning style, satisfaction 1. 문제의 제기 혼합적 패러다임 속에 등장한 블랜디드 러닝은 학습자의 학습경험을 극대화하기 위해 다양한 학 습방법과 전달기제를 조합하여 학습환경을 최적화 하는 전략으로 볼 수 있다. 특히 이러닝에 대한 부 정적인 ... See full document


Analysis of the moderating effects of programming languages and the relationship between learners' learning characteristics and achievements

Analysis of the moderating effects of programming languages and the relationship between learners' learning characteristics and achievements

... analyzed the relationship between the characteristics of learners and the achievement level according to the language they learn in programming education for non-major ... See full document


The effects of empathy and self concept on problem solving: Focusing on the mediating effect of communication of nursing students

The effects of empathy and self concept on problem solving: Focusing on the mediating effect of communication of nursing students

... Influence of nursing informatics competencies and problem-solving ability on nursing performance ability among clinical nurses, The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Educa[r] ... See full document


A Study on the effects of the Digital Textbook on ability of Problem-solving - Focused on the unit of problem-solving method finding In Mathematics 6-A -

A Study on the effects of the Digital Textbook on ability of Problem-solving - Focused on the unit of problem-solving method finding In Mathematics 6-A -

... Dept. of Computer Education, Chinju National University of Education 요 약 본 연구는 디지털교과서의 문제 푸는 방법 찾기 조작자료가 실험반 학생들의 문제해 결력에 긍정적 영향을 미칠 것인지, 또한 서책교과서로 공부한 비교반 학생들과 문제 해결력에 있어서 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 분석하고자 ... See full document


A study of the activation from strategic perspectives based on autonomous vehicle issues and problem solving

A study of the activation from strategic perspectives based on autonomous vehicle issues and problem solving

... SAE(society of automotive engineers)에 따르면 자율 주행 기술을 단 계별로 구분 하였는데, 레벨 0단계의 비자동화 단계, 레 벨 1단계의 운전자지원 단계, 레벨 2단계의 부분적 자율 주행단계, 레벨 3단계의 조건부 자율주행 단계, 레벨 4단 계의 고급 자율주행단계, 레벨 5단계의 무인 주행이 가 능한 완전한 자율주행단계로 ... See full document


The relationship between intrinsic motivation and learning outcomes in problem-based learning

The relationship between intrinsic motivation and learning outcomes in problem-based learning

... Content analysis of student essays after attending a problem-based learning course: Facilitating the development of critical thinking and communication skills in Japanese nursing stud[r] ... See full document


Development and implementation of project teaching-learning plan for 'residential space utilization' of home economics for creativity and character education

Development and implementation of project teaching-learning plan for 'residential space utilization' of home economics for creativity and character education

... The purpose of this study was to develope and implement a project teaching‧learning process plan in order to improve a creativity and character for 'residential [r] ... See full document


Effects of cooperative learning on learning attitude and self-directed learning capability of learners

Effects of cooperative learning on learning attitude and self-directed learning capability of learners

... Fig. 1. Cooperative learning design 2. 연구방법 전라남도 ‘C’ 대학 3년제 치위생과 2학년 학생 50명을 대상으로 2학년 2학기 AⅡ 교과목 시간을 활용하여 박과 김 1) 의 모형을 연구 목적에 적합하게 추가 변형 보완하여 협 동학습 모형을 개발하였으며, 총 12주 동안 팀 수업으로 진 행되었다. 팀 구성은 직전학기 전체성적과 AⅠ교과목 성적 을 ... See full document


An analysis of the mobile learning usages of adult learners and the effects of their perceptions of mobile learning to their learning achievements in a cyber-university

An analysis of the mobile learning usages of adult learners and the effects of their perceptions of mobile learning to their learning achievements in a cyber-university

... 1,118 online adult learners who enrolled in a cyber-university in Korea were involved in this study and the data for their demographic information, mobile learnin[r] ... See full document


Antecedents and consequences of perceived usefulness of team project-based learning

Antecedents and consequences of perceived usefulness of team project-based learning

... 지각된 유용성은 학습성과에 긍정적인 영향을 미치 는 요인으로 보고되고 있는데[2].[3].[4]주로 스마트 학 습법과 같은 학습에서 학습기기 수용, 학습성과 등에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 검증되어왔다. 팀 과제 수행이 학습에 얼마나 도움이 되는지, 결과물이 얼마나 향상될 수 있는지에 대해 학습자가 지각하는 수준은 학 습성과의 [r] ... See full document


Effect of forming groups according to the brain hemisphere preference on the cooperative problem solving learning achievement in the middle school technology

Effect of forming groups according to the brain hemisphere preference on the cooperative problem solving learning achievement in the middle school technology

... Second, making groups according that the brain preference is more similar was more effective than making groups according that the brain preference is more diffre[r] ... See full document


The mediating effect of self-regulated learning ability on the relationship between experience of good class and problem solving ability of nursing students

The mediating effect of self-regulated learning ability on the relationship between experience of good class and problem solving ability of nursing students

... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of self-regulated learning ability on the relationship between experiencing a good class and problem solving a[r] ... See full document


An exploratory study on the factors of creative problem-solving ability

An exploratory study on the factors of creative problem-solving ability

... 국내 연구를 살펴보면 이명숙 외(2016) [7] 는 창의성에 대해 태도, 동기와 같은 정서적 측면 보다는 인지적 정신 과정에 무게를 두고 창의성의 인지적 과정을 측정하기 위한 CPCS(Cognitive Processes of Creativity Scle) 를 제시한 바 있다. 이 연구에서는 창의성 발현에서 창의 적 사고 과정을 조작, 시각화‧이미지화, 몰입, 비유‧유 추, ... See full document


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