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weight perception

Gender Differences in the Effects of Weight, Weight Perception, and Weight Satisfaction on Depression in Adolescents

Gender Differences in the Effects of Weight, Weight Perception, and Weight Satisfaction on Depression in Adolescents

... and weight, weight perception, and body satisfaction among Korean ...normal weight, or overweight/obese; weight perception was classified into perception of being ...


Force Arrow: An Efficient Pseudo-Weight Perception Method

Force Arrow: An Efficient Pseudo-Weight Perception Method

... ▸Keyword: Virtual Reality, Object Manipulation, Weight Perception of Virtual Object I. Introduction 최근 3D 디스플레이들과 이에 따른 입력 인터페이스 기술의 발전으로 몰입 가상환경에서 3D 애플리케이션들을 널리 활용하 고 있다 [1, 2]. 몰입 가상환경에서 가상 객체의 조작은 사용자가 ...


Body Weight Perception, Mental Health, and Weight Control Behavior in Normal Weight Adolescents: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015

Body Weight Perception, Mental Health, and Weight Control Behavior in Normal Weight Adolescents: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013-2015

... Key words: Adolescent, Weight perception, Mental health, Diet-Reducing, Exercise 서 론 연구의 필요성 청소년기는 신체 성장이 빠르고 사회성이 발달하는 시기로 외모에 대한 관심이 증가하는 시기이다. 또한 자아개념이 형성되는 시기로 가 치판단이 외부의 영향을 많이 받는다[1]. 그렇기 때문에 청소년들은 본 ...


Interaction Effect between Weight Perception and Comorbidities on Weight Control Behavior in Overweight and Obese Adults: Is There a Sex Difference?

Interaction Effect between Weight Perception and Comorbidities on Weight Control Behavior in Overweight and Obese Adults: Is There a Sex Difference?

... between weight perception and weight control behav- ior after adjusting for covariates, including age, household in- come, education level, marital status, smoking, BMI, and chron- ic disease ...on ...


Analysis of Women's Body Mass Index, Weight Perception and Obesity-related Quality of Life

Analysis of Women's Body Mass Index, Weight Perception and Obesity-related Quality of Life

... Journal of Korean Society for the Study of Obesity, 11(3),.. Analysis of Women's Body Mass Index, Weight Perception and Obesity-related Quality of Life.. Song, Mi Ryeong 1) ․Lee, Hae Wo[r] ...


Differences in Breast Cancer Screening Rates according to Obesity and Weight Perception among Korean Women

Differences in Breast Cancer Screening Rates according to Obesity and Weight Perception among Korean Women

... Differences in Breast Cancer Screening Rates according to Obesity and Weight Perception among Korean Women.. Kim, Sejeong 1 · Kim, Hee-Seung 2 · Kim, Hye-Jin 3.[r] ...


Association between weight perception and depression across sex, age and race/ethnicity in the US adult population

Association between weight perception and depression across sex, age and race/ethnicity in the US adult population

... and weight stigma present in the specific ...in weight, body and eating include weight gain, body dissatisfaction and the desire to be ...thinness, weight criticism in the family, and ...


A Study on Obesity Index, Body Shape Satisfaction and Body Shape Esteem according to Weight Perception in Elementary Students

A Study on Obesity Index, Body Shape Satisfaction and Body Shape Esteem according to Weight Perception in Elementary Students

... Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify the obesity index, body shape satisfaction and body shape esteem according to weight perception in elementary school students. The sub[r] ...


Association between Body Weight Perception and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015–2016

Association between Body Weight Perception and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults: The Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015–2016

... Body Weight Perception and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults Korean Journal of Family Practice KJFP 객관적으로 BMI 로 측정한 비만도가 더 높은 사람에게서 대사증후 군 위험도가 더 높은 것으로 나타났는데, 이는 개인이 비만하지 않 다고 생각함으로써 생활 습관 개선, 신체활동을 하지 ...


Body Mass Index, Body Weight Perception, and Depressed Mood in Korean Adolescents

Body Mass Index, Body Weight Perception, and Depressed Mood in Korean Adolescents

... and weight directly and use an objective method of assessing depressive symptoms in adolescents when evaluating the associations between depressed mood, BMI, and ...


A Study o f the Body Weight Perception, Living Habits and Food Intake Frequency by Residence Type in Female College Students of Chenbuk Area

A Study o f the Body Weight Perception, Living Habits and Food Intake Frequency by Residence Type in Female College Students of Chenbuk Area

... Abstract This study aims at examining perception, life style and food habits by residence type in female college students. The data analysis were conducted by a body fat analyzer and questionnaire survey. The ...


Factors Influencing Korean Adolescents' Body Weight Perceptions and Weight Change Efforts

Factors Influencing Korean Adolescents' Body Weight Perceptions and Weight Change Efforts

... body weight perception, appropriate weight change efforts, and factors that influencing these ...body weight perception was shown in the order of the underweight ...body weight ...


Relationships between Obesity, Body Image Perception, and Weight Control in Adult Women

Relationships between Obesity, Body Image Perception, and Weight Control in Adult Women

... Analysis of weight control behavior by body image perception among Korean women in different age groups: using the 2010 Korea national health and nutrition examination survey data.. Ko[r] ...


Relationships between Obesity, Body Image Perception, and Weight Control in Adult Women

Relationships between Obesity, Body Image Perception, and Weight Control in Adult Women

... Analysis of weight control behavior by body image perception among Korean women in different age groups: using the 2010 Korea national health and nutrition examination survey data.. Ko[r] ...


Body Perception, Attitude on Weight-control and Self-Esteem according to the weight group of High School Students in Daegu

Body Perception, Attitude on Weight-control and Self-Esteem according to the weight group of High School Students in Daegu

... body perception, attitude on weight-control and self-esteem according to the weight group of high school ...in weight-control than boys, especially about ...their weight to lose ...


Study on Perception of Weight Control and Patterns of Diet/Low-Calorie Food Consumption according to Weight Status in Adult Women

Study on Perception of Weight Control and Patterns of Diet/Low-Calorie Food Consumption according to Weight Status in Adult Women

... 따라서 본 연구에서는 아름다움을 추구하는 성인여성들을 대상으로 체중 상태에 따라 체중조절 인식 및 다이어트 식품 섭취․구매 행동 및 선호도를 파악함으로써, 여성들의 체중 조절을 위한 올바른 인식제고와 삶의 질을 높이기 위한 건강 한 다이어트 식품선택의 기초자료로 활용하고자 본 연구를 실시하였다.. 연구 방법.[r] ...


A study on the perception of nutrition labeling among high school boys based on their weight

A study on the perception of nutrition labeling among high school boys based on their weight

... Problems analysis related to nutrition and the development of nutrition education programs for high school students (II) -A study centered on the development of nu- trition education p[r] ...


Difference in Volume Perception according to Cup Shape in Normal Weight and Overweight Female College Students

Difference in Volume Perception according to Cup Shape in Normal Weight and Overweight Female College Students

... volume perception of water according to cup shape was examined in female college students divided into a normal weight group (<23 body mass index, n=51) and an overweight group (≥23 body mass index, ...


Influence on in-dorm university students' body-shape perception, obesity, and weight control toward Obesity stress

Influence on in-dorm university students' body-shape perception, obesity, and weight control toward Obesity stress

... 특히 , 남자대학생의 경우에는 마른 체형이 살이 찔 수 있도록 운동프로그램을 병행하는 것이 비만스트레스 감소에 더 좋은 성과를 낼 수 있을 것이다 . 주제어 : 주관적 체형인식 , 비만도 , 체중조절 행태 , 비만스트레스 Abstract Targeting in-dorm university students, this study is to check body-shape ...


Lifestyle Behaviors and Parental Perception of Children's Weight in Relation to Overweight Risk of Preschool Children

Lifestyle Behaviors and Parental Perception of Children's Weight in Relation to Overweight Risk of Preschool Children

... Lifestyle Behaviors and Parental Perception of Children’s Weight in Relation to Overweight Risk of Preschool Children.. Kyung-Min Kang, Gun-Ae Yoon*.[r] ...


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