Tuberculous Pleural Effusion
Differential Diagnosis of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion and Malignant Pleural Effusion: CT Accuracy and Findings
... Frequent CT findings in tuberculous pleural effusion included diffuse pleural thickening , enhancement of pleura , deposition of extrapleural fa t, and pleural calcif[r] ...
Respective Contribution of Liquid and Solid Media to Mycobacterial Yields from Pleural Fluid in Tuberculous Pleural Effusion
... in tuberculous pleural effusion pleural fluid culture and the combined use of liquid and solid media increased the sensitivity only by a fur- ther 1% when compared to that observed using ...
A Case of Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Developed after Percutaneous Needle Biopsy of a Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
... A tuberculous pleural effusion may be a sequel to a primary infection or represent the reactivation of pulmonary ...a tuberculous pleural ...with pleural effusion that ...
Loculated Tuberculous Pleural Effusion: Easily Identifiable and Clinically Useful Predictor of Positive Mycobacterial Culture from Pleural Fluid
... the pleural space for most, according to experimental study of guinea pigs and negative cultivation of MTB in patients with TBPE 1,4,31 ...the pleural space by paucibacillary MTB related to serial ...
Relationship between Pleural Adenosine Deaminase Level and Patterns of Pleural Enhancement in Patients with a Tuberculous Pleural Effusion on CT Scan
... dominant pleural effusion; >50%)이면서 흉수 내에 ADA활성도 값이 상승(≥40 U/L)되어 있고 결핵약 투여 후 6개월 이상 의 추적검사에서 호전을 보이거나(24/44), 둘째, 흉막 조직검사에서 건락성괴사(caseation necrosis)를 보이 는 육아종이 있거나(1/44), 셋째, 객담 도말검사나 객 담 배양검사에서 ...
Tuberculous Pleural Effusion vs Empyema: It is Possible to Differentiate Based on CT Findings?
... Density of pleural effusion in pyogenic empyema Homogenous water density of effusion(25 HU) with thin pleural thickening in th e right thorax are noted.. 。 。m[r] ...
Immune responses in the lungs of patients with tuberculous pleural effusion without pulmonary tuberculosis
... exudative pleural effusion showing lymphocyte predominance, absence of cancer cells, and adenosine deaminase (ADA) level (>40 IU/L) ...and pleural fluid in all study sub- jects except ...
Value of Ultrasound in the Determination of Drainage Methods in Patients with Tuberculous Pleural Effusion
... Follow-up radiographs available in 39 patients demonstrated pleural fibrosis with intercostal space narrowing in 7 patients with honeycomb septated effusion , 3 pati[r] ...
Clinical significancer of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor in Patients with Lung Cancer and Tuberculous Pleural Effusion
... Comparison of serum VEGF levels in patients with lung cancer according to their clinical features. No.[r] ...
Factors Influencing Residual Pleural Opacity in Tuberculous PleuralEffusion
... Residual Pleural Opacity in Tuberculous Pleural Effusion Tuberculous pleural effusion (TPE) leads to residual pleural opacity (RPO) in a sig- nificant proportion of ...
A Case of Pseudochylothorax Developed from Chronic Pleural Effusion after Treatment of Tuberculous Pleurisy
... EK Park et al: A case of pseudochylothorax developed from chronic pleural effusion 460 고 찰 세계적으로 가성유미흉은 1999년까지 문헌으로 보고된 것은 174예로 드문 질환이다 1 . 가성유미흉은 유미흉보다 드물어 비외상성 고지질성 흉막삼출 중에 오직 6%만이 가성유미흉으로 분류되었다 4 . ...
A Case of Pseudochylothorax Developed from Chronic Pleural Effusion after Treatment of Tuberculous Pleurisy
... EK Park et al: A case of pseudochylothorax developed from chronic pleural effusion 460 고 찰 세계적으로 가성유미흉은 1999년까지 문헌으로 보고된 것은 174예로 드문 질환이다 1 . 가성유미흉은 유미흉보다 드물어 비외상성 고지질성 흉막삼출 중에 오직 6%만이 가성유미흉으로 분류되었다 4 . ...
TNF-α in the Pleural Fluid for the Differential Diagnosis of Tuberculous and Malignant Effusion
... parapneumonic effusion)나 울혈성심부전에 의한 삼출성흉수 내 TNF- α는 혈청 TNF-α와 상관관계가 있었으나 암성 흉수 의 경우 이러한 관계는 없었는데, 그 원인을 단순부폐렴 성흉수나 울혈성심부전에 의한 삼출성흉수의 TNF-α는 주로 혈청 TNF-α의 영향을 받기 때문이라고 설명하 ...
Diagnostic Tools of Pleural Effusion
... increasing effusion produces dyspnea, trepopnea, chest pain or ...of pleural effusions usually correlate with the degree of dys- pnea, dyspnea is frequently not proportional to the size of the ...
The Relation of Residual Pleural Thickening with Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinases of Pleural Effusion in Patients with Tuberculous Pleuritis
... PF: pleural fluid; P/S ratio: pleural fluid to serum ratio; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase: ADA; adenosine deaminase; ESR: erythrocyte sedimentation rate; CRP: c-reactive ...
CT Findings of Tuberculous Pericardial Effusion
... CT findings were evaluated with regard to the appearance and the location of pericardial thickening , location of pericardial effusion , loculation of the pericardial[r] ...
Isolated Non-chylous Pleural Effusion in Two Neonates
... showed pleural fluid in the left hemithorax with the collapsed left lung ...the pleural fluid which was ...the pleural fluid following total parenteral ...
Bilateral myelomatous pleural effusion: presentation of two cases
... Five months after initial diagnosis, the patient presented to the emergency room with worsening dyspnea. On exami- nation, she was found to be in moderate respiratory distress, with bilateral scattered rales and dullness ...
Posterior Mediastinal Angiolipoma that Presented with Pleural Effusion
... 일반적으로 혈관지방 종은 조영 전 CT 영상에서 종괴 내에 특징적인 지방음영 및 강한 조영증강 소견을 보이지만 이번 증례에서는 특징적인 지 방음영이 보이지 않아 감별이 어려웠으며 수술 후에 병리조직 검사를 통하여 진단되었다.. Two entities in angiolipoma.[r] ...
Simple pneumomediastinum showing the findings of pleural effusion
... Frontal chest radiography showed not only pneumomediastinum but also ditfu se h aziness with sharp medial m argin on left lower lung field , blunting of costophrenic angle , and ind[r] ...