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treatment response

Factors Determining Treatment Response to Cryotherapy for Foot Warts

Factors Determining Treatment Response to Cryotherapy for Foot Warts

... the treatment response to cryotherapy of cutaneous warts 1-3 ...the treatment of cutaneous warts showed in- consistent results 3,4 ...the treatment response to cryotherapy in foot warts ...


Antibiotic Susceptibility and Treatment Response in Bacterial Skin Infection

Antibiotic Susceptibility and Treatment Response in Bacterial Skin Infection

... the treatment response of MRSA to empirical antibiotic use was more than ...therapeutic response is obtained when ap- propriate drainage is combined with empirical systemic antibiotics, even without ...


Three-month treatment response and exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Three-month treatment response and exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

... Some methodological limitations of this study should be not- ed. First, the use of the MCID criterion and its relation to clini- cal outcome is subject to expert debate, and these results may assist in resolving some of ...


Treatment Response and Long Term Follow-up Results of Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia

Treatment Response and Long Term Follow-up Results of Nonspecific Interstitial Pneumonia

... the treatment course of NSIP and identified several prognostic factors for treatment response and ...despite treatment, the progression is associated with vari- ous systemic conditions such as ...


Association between Apolipoprotein E Genotype and Treatment Response in Chronic Hepatitis C

Association between Apolipoprotein E Genotype and Treatment Response in Chronic Hepatitis C

... 방법: 196명의 만성 C형 간염 환자들의 전혈로 allele specific 중합효소연쇄반응을 이용해 ApoE 유전자형을 분석하였다. 간 효소, 혈소판 수 및 HCV 바이러스 양과 같은 여러 검사결과와 방사선학적 소견을 조사하였고, 치료반응평가를 위해 HCV 바이러스 양을 기준으로 지속적 바이러스 반응(sustained virologic response, SVR), 초기 ...


The Important Factors Associated with Treatment Response in Laser Treatment of Facial Scars: A Single-Institution Based Retrospective Study

The Important Factors Associated with Treatment Response in Laser Treatment of Facial Scars: A Single-Institution Based Retrospective Study

... of treatment (OT), defined as the period between the injury and treat- ment initiation, is associated with scar prognosis 5,15,16 ...the treatment response is ordi- nal variable, generalized ...


Noninvasive Biomarker for Predicting Treatment Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

Noninvasive Biomarker for Predicting Treatment Response to Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma

... This study has several limitations. First, the number of total patients and the proportion of patients in the progression group were relatively small. Second, only a 2-dimensional evaluation of tumors was done, although ...


R347C Polymorphisms in ADRA1A Genes and Mirtazapine Treatment Response in Koreans with Major Depression

R347C Polymorphisms in ADRA1A Genes and Mirtazapine Treatment Response in Koreans with Major Depression

... greater treatment response on di- ...MDD treatment ; patients who are carrying ADRA1A R347C T allele might show greater treatment response on ...


Relationship between Normal Uroflow Curve and  Treatment Response in Children with Primary  Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis

Relationship between Normal Uroflow Curve and Treatment Response in Children with Primary Monosymptomatic Nocturnal Enuresis

... Conclusions: The uroflow and residual urine measurement may be use- ful to predict a treatment response in the children with primary mono- symptomatic nocturnal enuresis.. Key Words: Noc[r] ...


Treatment response and disease progression TCP TCP

Treatment response and disease progression TCP TCP

... This tutorial defines the concepts of disease progression in the context of clinical pharmacology. Disease progression describes the natural history of disease, such as pain, or biomarker of drug response, such as ...


Can We Predict Treatment Response in Major Depression?

Can We Predict Treatment Response in Major Depression?

... Serretti et al. 96) GNB3 106 MD Various antidepressants T allele had a better response to antidepressant treatment BP:Bipolar affective disorder, MD:Major depressive disorder... H[r] ...


Predictors of Antimuscarinic Treatment Response for  Female Patients with Overactive Bladder

Predictors of Antimuscarinic Treatment Response for Female Patients with Overactive Bladder

... Com- paring the pre- and post-treatment frequency/volume charts revealed that the satisfied and moderate groups showed decreased frequency and nocturia, and increased functional bladde[r] ...


Analysis of Treatment Response in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus JOMP

Analysis of Treatment Response in Patients with Oral Lichen Planus JOMP

... confirm treatment results due to no clinical photo, and patients with dysplasia as a result of ...total treatment period of the patients as well as the time period until the subjective symptoms of the ...


Treatment  Response  of  Cognitive  Behavioral  Group  Therapy for  Social  Anxiety  Disorder:

Treatment Response of Cognitive Behavioral Group Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder:

... 역기능적 신념의 변화 양상과 유사하게 부정적인 사회적 사건에 대한 주관적 확률 및 부담 평정치의 변화 양상에서도 상호작용 불 안 치료 비반응자 집단은 반응자 집단에 비하 여 미미한 수준의 증상 경감을 보이는 것에 그치는 것으로 나타났다.. 반응자 집단의 경우, 모의 노출 훈련이 제공되는 4회기와 8회기 사 이에 부정적인 사회적 사[r] ...


Association between Thyroid Dysfunction and Severity, Treatment Response in Schizophrenic Inpatients

Association between Thyroid Dysfunction and Severity, Treatment Response in Schizophrenic Inpatients

... 갑상샘 호르몬과 항정신병 약물 용량의 상관 여부 본 연구에 포함된 대상자들에게서 항정신병 약물이 갑상 샘 호르몬에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 시행한 상관분석 결과는 표 5에 나타냈다. 한편 TSH 이상군에서 증상 심각도는 정상군과 차이를 보이지 않았고 치료반응에 있어서는 TSH, TT3, fT4 이상군 모두에서 정상군과 비[r] ...


Measurements of treatment response in childhood acute leukemiaDario Campana, Elaine Coustan-Smith

Measurements of treatment response in childhood acute leukemiaDario Campana, Elaine Coustan-Smith

... The implementation of MRD studies in treatment proto- cols requires a strong interaction between MRD specialists and pediatric oncologists. MRD studies can be relatively expensive compared to routine clinical ...


Treatment response to intravitreal bevacizumab in small pigmented choroidal lesions with subretinal fluid

Treatment response to intravitreal bevacizumab in small pigmented choroidal lesions with subretinal fluid

... However, they suggested the need for caution when using anti-VEGF agents for uveal melanomas. In fact, since bevacizumab has been used to inhibit primary or metastatic cancer in a different type of can- cers, such ...


Analysis of CT Patterns and Treatment Response in Patients with Mediastinal Tuberculous Lymphadenitis

Analysis of CT Patterns and Treatment Response in Patients with Mediastinal Tuberculous Lymphadenitis

... According to the response to treat- ment, each patient was categorized into prompt response group (response within the first three months and no residual lymph node afte[r] ...
Association Study between Treatment Response of Amisulpride and Dopamine D3 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms

Association Study between Treatment Response of Amisulpride and Dopamine D3 Receptor Gene Polymorphisms

... The third dopamine receptor (D3) as a novel target for antipsychotics. A functional variant of the dopamine D3 receptor is associated with risk and age-at-onset of essential tremor. Do[r] ...


Imaging-Based Tumor Treatment Response Evaluation: Review of Conventional, New, and Emerging Concepts

Imaging-Based Tumor Treatment Response Evaluation: Review of Conventional, New, and Emerging Concepts

... Tumor Response Evaluation Independent central review (ICR) is advocated by regulatory authorities as a means of independent verification of clinical trial end-points dependent on medical imaging when the data from ...


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