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The aged

Housing Defects and Housing Satisfaction for Supporting to the Aged - Emphasis on the Jeonbuk Aged Households -

Housing Defects and Housing Satisfaction for Supporting to the Aged - Emphasis on the Jeonbuk Aged Households -

... of the aged according to the personal characteristics and their housing ...on the 280 senior persons living in Jeonbuk ...obsolete. The facility defects of housing were the most ...


Satisfaction of the aged with their dental treatments and consideration of the necessity for dental hygienic education about the aged

Satisfaction of the aged with their dental treatments and consideration of the necessity for dental hygienic education about the aged

... into aged satisfaction with their dental ...of the aged with their dental services, with a view to providing good quality medical services for aged oral health and contributing to the ...


A Study on the Nutritional Habit, Nutritional Knowledge, Functional Health Status of the Aged People in the Hall for the Aged in Sungnam Area

A Study on the Nutritional Habit, Nutritional Knowledge, Functional Health Status of the Aged People in the Hall for the Aged in Sungnam Area

... Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine the basic materials needed for nutrition and health programs for aged ...programs, the nutritional habit, nutritional knowledge and ...


Quickly Changing Architectural O.D.L and I.D.L for the Aged

Quickly Changing Architectural O.D.L and I.D.L for the Aged

... These preliminary studies suggest that the aged people in the country suffer from insufficient O.D.L and I.D.L systems caused by nation-wide economic poverty compared with the aged peop[r] ...


Telephones for the Hearing Impaired and the Aged

Telephones for the Hearing Impaired and the Aged

... (auditiory brainstem response) 및 임피던스 오디오 메터 등이 있지만, 보통은 순음에 대한 청력이 기본 자료로서 이용된다.. 난청은 몇 단계로 분류되지만, 전화통화와 관련하여 분류하면 표1 과 같다..[r] ...


Factors Influencing Death Anxiety in the Aged

Factors Influencing Death Anxiety in the Aged

... The relationship between anxiety and social support of death among the elderly, Unpublished master's thesis, University of Pusan, Pusan, Korea.. Sohn, H.[r] ...


A Study of Middle Aged Women’s Health Status, Preparation for the Aged, and Perception of Successful Aging

A Study of Middle Aged Women’s Health Status, Preparation for the Aged, and Perception of Successful Aging

... 저작권법에 따른 이용자의 권리는 위의 내용에 의하여 영향을 받지 않습니다.. 이것은 이용허락규약 (Legal Code) 을 이해하기 쉽게 요약한 것입니다.[r] ...


The Effects of a Dementia Education Program for the Aged

The Effects of a Dementia Education Program for the Aged

... 본 연구결과에서 치매교육 프로그램 실시 후에 실험군의 치매에 대한 지식점수는 통계적으로 유의하게 증가하였고, 대조군과의 비교결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으 로 나타났는데 이러한 결과는 일반 재가노인들을 대상으로 치매 프로그램을 실시한 후 효과를 평가한 선행연구(Choi, 2006)의 결과를 지지한다... 이 러한 결[r] ...


Factors Influencing the Well-being of the Aged in Rural Areas

Factors Influencing the Well-being of the Aged in Rural Areas

... A study on health concern, self-rated health, health status, and health promotion behavior of elderly women in urban area.. Factor analysis related with health status an[r] ...


Mobile SNS Application Accessibility Evaluation for the Disabled and the Aged

Mobile SNS Application Accessibility Evaluation for the Disabled and the Aged

... 이에 본 논문에 서는 행정안전부에서 고시한 '모바일 애플리케이션 접근성 지침'과 한국정보화진흥원의 ‘모바일 애플리 케이션(안드로이드) 접근성 점검 매뉴얼 (v1.0)’을 기반으로 페이스북과 카카오톡인 모바일 SNS의 모바 일 앱 접근성을 평가하여, 모바일 앱 접근성 준수 현황을 파악하고, 개선방향을 제안하고자 한다.. 키워드: 모[r] ...


Self-care Status of the Aged Diabetic Patients with Noncompliance

Self-care Status of the Aged Diabetic Patients with Noncompliance

... Effect of nutrition education on knowledge, attitude and behavior about dietary therapy and blood glucose control in type Ⅱ diabetic patients [dissertation]. Self c[r] ...


Analysis of the whole body shape of old-old aged males -focused on 70-85 aged males-

Analysis of the whole body shape of old-old aged males -focused on 70-85 aged males-

... investigate the body shape characteristics. and the type of the whole body of older ...analyzed the body shape of elderly males using Korea 's 2015 elderly anthropometric data by SPSS ...24.0. ...


Administration of glucosylceramide ameliorated the memory impairment in aged mice

Administration of glucosylceramide ameliorated the memory impairment in aged mice

... and the role of glucosylceramide have not been well studied in the central nervous ...investigate the possible roles of glucosylceramide in memory function in aged ...in the aged ...


The Lived Experiences of the Middle-Aged Women

The Lived Experiences of the Middle-Aged Women

... 본 연구의 목적은 중년 여성의 삶에 대한 경험을 심층 적으로 파악함으로써 그 본질적인 구조를 파악하여 간호 중재의 기초 자료로 활용하며 중년 여성의 삶의 질을 , 높이고 건강한 여성 확대된 삶 창조적인 삶을 영위하기 , , 위한 전략을 세우는데 도움이 되고자 한다.. Ⅱ 연구 방법 및 자료 분석.[r] ...


The Effect of an Exercise Program on Middle-aged and Aged Women in Rural Areas

The Effect of an Exercise Program on Middle-aged and Aged Women in Rural Areas

... Conclusion: These results suggest that the exercise program has an effect in decreasing body composition, and improving blood pressure, blood glucose, and blood lipi[r] ...


The Factors Affecting Retirement Adjustment by Elapsed Time from Middle-Aged & Advanced-Aged Retiree's Retirement

The Factors Affecting Retirement Adjustment by Elapsed Time from Middle-Aged & Advanced-Aged Retiree's Retirement

... 은퇴 후 3~5년 경과집단에서는 교육수준과 건강상태, 그리고 가구월 소득이 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 분석되었는데, 이는 교 육수준이 높고 건강상태가 좋으며 가구월소득이 많은 은퇴 자일수록 은퇴 후 생활에 만족할 가능성이 높다는 것이다.. 이와 같은 결과는 은퇴 후 3~5년 경과시점에 이들 요인이 은 퇴생활의 적응을 결정하게 [r] ...


Aged Man welfare

Aged Man welfare

...  은퇴 이후의 취업설계 , 기술과 경험을 사회에 환원할 수 있는 일자리 , 신규직종에 대한 직무 교육 등이 필요함.[r] ...


Aged Man Welfare

Aged Man Welfare

...  협의 : 퇴직 , 실직 , 병약 등으로 경제적 곤궁과 정신적 고통에 직면 한 노인을 대상으로 공적부조 및 생활지도 등의 구체적 지원사업 실시.[r] ...


Repair bond strengths of non-aged and aged resin nanoceramics

Repair bond strengths of non-aged and aged resin nanoceramics

... of the block, the milling process, trau- ma, clinical wear, parafunctional habits, or a combination of these ...of the restoration over ...of the restoration. 19 The effect of surface ...


Study on the character of the old aged pulsation

Study on the character of the old aged pulsation

... According to analysis result, elder people’s pulse has more large value in pulse height, applied pressure and pulse power than younger’s that. It reveals that elder people in modernized [r] ...


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