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Temperature Change

Women's Comfort Temperature Range and Dynamic Temperature Change for Maintaining Thermal Comfort in Low Temperature Environment

Women's Comfort Temperature Range and Dynamic Temperature Change for Maintaining Thermal Comfort in Low Temperature Environment

... comfort temperature range (쾌적온도범위), thermal comfort (온열쾌적성), dynamic temperature change (동적 온도변화), low temperature environment (저온환경) ...


Effects of Ambient Temperature Change on the Internal Pressure Change of Multi-Layered Subsea Pipeline

Effects of Ambient Temperature Change on the Internal Pressure Change of Multi-Layered Subsea Pipeline

... ambient temperature change; however, there is a little study based on the theoretical and numerical ...internal temperature change using the transient heat transfer method for the stage of ...


Analysis of Air Temperature Change Distribution that Using GIS technique

Analysis of Air Temperature Change Distribution that Using GIS technique

... air temperature change of peripheral area using this AWS ...air temperature change of Pusan area through data about temperature among ...air temperature distribution chart by ...


Temperature Change Analysis for Land Use Zoning Using Landsat Satellite Imagery

Temperature Change Analysis for Land Use Zoning Using Landsat Satellite Imagery

... the change of the urban surface temperature with land use zoning in Jinju using Landsat TM/ETM + imagery and to provide the correlation between NDVI(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and urban surface ...


An Experimental Study on Bubble Growth and Temperature Change on Microheater

An Experimental Study on Bubble Growth and Temperature Change on Microheater

... 마이크로 히터에서의 기포성장과 온도변화에 관한 실험적 연구 고승현 ․ 김호영 *† ․ 김신규 * ․ 장영수 * ․ 이윤표 * ․ 김용찬 ** An Experimental Study on Bubble Growth and Temperature Change on Microheater ...


Analysis of Road Surface Temperature Change Patterns using Machine Learning Algorithms

Analysis of Road Surface Temperature Change Patterns using Machine Learning Algorithms

... Surface Road Temperature Change, Machine Learning, Road Weather, Thermal Mapping, Ambient Temperature... 노면결빙으로 인한 미끄럼 사고는 기 상상태, 제설작업 상태, 운전자의 부주의와 같은 외생적 요소들이 복합적으로 작용하여 발생하지만 가장 근본적 인[r] ...


$N_2O$ Emissions on the Soil of Alpine Wetland by Temperature Change

$N_2O$ Emissions on the Soil of Alpine Wetland by Temperature Change

... 고 찰 일반적으로 토양에서 N 2 O 가스는 호기적 질화작용이 나 혐기적 탈질작용과 같은 미생물학적 과정을 통해 형 성된다 . 토양에서 N 2 O 가스 배출은 온도 , pH, 강우 , 질소 함량 , 토성 , 식생 , 경지이용 등 다양한 요인에 의해 영향 을 받으며 (Frency, 1997), 보편적으로 토양온도가 상승함 에 따라 N 2 O 배출량이 증가하는 것으로 알려져 있다 (Parton ...


A Study on the Temperature Change of Green House using Aerogel

A Study on the Temperature Change of Green House using Aerogel

... the temperature change of the quadruple-structure green house and the temperature change in the dual-structure green house of soft film and silica airgel were ...daytime temperature ...


A Study of Physiology Signal Change by Air Conditioner Temperature Change

A Study of Physiology Signal Change by Air Conditioner Temperature Change

... conditioner temperature raising at the point of time that human body begins to ...to change of time enters by uncomfortable area gradually at general cold room temperature that magnetic pole is in ...


Temperature Change of Sand Colliding with Cannonballs

Temperature Change of Sand Colliding with Cannonballs

... *Y. K. Kim 1 , J. W. Jeon 1 , # W. C. Choi(wcchoi@korea.ac.kr) 2 , J. K. Kim 3 , B. S. Kim 3 1 고려대학교 기계공학과 대학원, 2 고려대학교 기계공학부, 3 국방과학연구소 Key words : Cannonball, Collision, Sand, Temperature 1. 서론 ...


Research in Physiology Signal Change of Thermal-Comfort Evaluation by Air Conditioner Temperature Change

Research in Physiology Signal Change of Thermal-Comfort Evaluation by Air Conditioner Temperature Change

... † Div. of Environmental Engineering, Pukyong National University, Pusan, Korea (Reccived Februry 1, 2006 / Accepted Februry 17, 2006) Abstract Man has always striven to create a thermally comfortable environment. This is ...


Thermoregulatory Behaviors of Obese Children According to Temperature Change

Thermoregulatory Behaviors of Obese Children According to Temperature Change

... preferred temperature at 33 ...oral temperature and the mean skin temperature between the two groups, but changes in forearm blood flow were less in OC than in ...preferred temperature was ...


Dynamic Performance Simulation of OTEC According to Seawater Temperature Change

Dynamic Performance Simulation of OTEC According to Seawater Temperature Change

... Kim, 2007, "Cycle Simulation on OTEC System using the Condenser Effluent from Nuclear Power Plant", Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society, Vol. Lee, 2013, "Performan[r] ...


The Brain Temperature Change after the Use of Mobile Phone

The Brain Temperature Change after the Use of Mobile Phone

... Results: In PCS phone user group (Average; 35.73708 ℃), brain temperature decreased (with statistical significance, p<0.05), compared to those of non-user group (Average; 35.9527℃) or[r] ...


Establishment of Data Base for Body Temperature Change in Cattle

Establishment of Data Base for Body Temperature Change in Cattle

... body temperature, Database, Core temperature, Skin temperature, Cattle) 서 론 우리나라에서 2010년 11월 말에 발생한 구 제역으로 인해 소 16만 마리와 돼지 330만 마리가 살처분되어 수많은 축산농가가 피해 를 입었고, 축산물 가격이 오르면서 그 영향 이 소비자에게도 미치는 현상이 나타났다 ...


Generation characteristics of transparent BIPV module according to temperature change

Generation characteristics of transparent BIPV module according to temperature change

... Especially a temperature should be considered, for it affects both electrical efficiency of PV module and heating and cooling load in building.. Transparent PV mod[r] ...


Analysis of Temperature Change of Tunnel Lining with Heating Element

Analysis of Temperature Change of Tunnel Lining with Heating Element

... Keywords : Cold region, Tunnel lining temperature, Winter season, Insulator, Heating element 요 지 : 한랭지역에 건설된 터널 라이닝은 터널주변 지하수의 결빙 등으로 인한 균열, 누수 및 백태 등이 빈번하게 발생하게 된다. 이러한 터널의 동결피해는 동절기 외기온도에 의해 터널내부 라이닝 및 배면의 지반온도의 ...


The Trend on the Change of the Cherry Blossom Flowering Time due to the Temperature Change

The Trend on the Change of the Cherry Blossom Flowering Time due to the Temperature Change

... II.. 최고·일 최저 기온 등의 기온 자료이다. 벚꽃 개 화시기의 시계열적인 변화를 파악하기 위해 개화 일을 5년 이동 평균하여 그래프로 나타내었다. 그 러나 시계열 분석 방법은 시간에 따른 개화시기 의 변화 경향을 파악할 수 있으나 지역별로 그 변화 정도의 차이를 정량화하여 파악하는 것은 어렵다. 그래서 연구 기간 동안 개화시기[r] ...


Influence of Temperature Change of the Sole on Dynamic Balance Ability

Influence of Temperature Change of the Sole on Dynamic Balance Ability

... Before each experiment applied the cold and hot packs, the balance ability of the ordinary temperature was measured once by conducting a limit of stability test using Biorescue, and the[r] ...


Effect of water temperature change on the seaweeds in coast of Ulleungdo

Effect of water temperature change on the seaweeds in coast of Ulleungdo

... 울릉도 해조류 분포는 수온변화와 밀접한 관계를 가지는 것 으로 해석되며 동해안의 수온상승과 더불어 난류의 세력이 , 강해질수록 조하대의 해조류 상은 온대성 해조류 상에서 아 열대 해조류상으로 천이될 수 있을 것이다.. 동해안의 수온상승과 동안난류의 세력이 북상함에 따라 울릉도 연안의 해조류 상은 점차적으로 제주도 생물상과 유 [r] ...


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