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Restless legs syndrome

Association of Restless Legs Syndrome Variants in Korean Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome

Association of Restless Legs Syndrome Variants in Korean Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome

... Study Objectives: Recent genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for Caucasians identified several allelic variants associated with increased risk of developing restless legs syndrome (RLS), also ...


Epidemiology of Restless Legs Syndrome in Korean Adults

Epidemiology of Restless Legs Syndrome in Korean Adults

... This survey was conducted by interviewers from Taylor Nel- son Sofres (TNS), who received in depth training about RLS as well as interviewing techniques. Data collection was done with a software package designed ...


Updates on the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

Updates on the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

... Guidelines for the first-line treat- ment of restless legs syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease, preven- tion and treatment of dopaminergic augmentation: a combined task force of the IRLSSG, E[r] ...


Restless Legs Syndrome developed from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1

Restless Legs Syndrome developed from Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Type 1

... 하지불안증후군(restless legs syndrome; RLS)의 병인은 현재까지 논란의 여지가 많고 중추성과 말초성 병인 각각에 대한 다양한 가설이 ...pain syndrome; CRPS) 역시 확실한 병 인은 알려져 있지 않고 중추신경계와 말초신경계를 모두 침 범하는 전신질환으로 이해되고 ...


Sleep Disorders and Restless Legs Syndrome in Alcohol Dependence Patients

Sleep Disorders and Restless Legs Syndrome in Alcohol Dependence Patients

... Key words: Alcohol dependence·Restless legs syndrome·Sleep disorder. 서 론 알코올 문제를 다루는 임상현장에서 수면문제는 매우 중 요한 관심사이다. 많은 환자들이 불면을 이유로 알코올을 사용하고, 또한 알코올 사용으로 인하여 다양한 수면장애 를 경험하게 된다. 특히, 많은 알코올 의존 환자에서 다리 ...


Restless Legs Syndrome and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

Restless Legs Syndrome and Quality of Life in Hemodialysis Patients

... RLS:restless legs syndrome, IRLS:international restless legs scale, AIS:athens insomnia scale, ESS:epworth sleepiness scale, SF-36:medical outcome study short form-36, PF:physical funct[r] ...


Impaired cerebral & peripheral endothelial function in patients with restless legs syndrome

Impaired cerebral & peripheral endothelial function in patients with restless legs syndrome

... 2 Ⅱ. Methods Subjects Patients with RLS were included who visited the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Clinic in the Department of Neurology between March 2014 and April 2017. Final enrollment consisted of 34 ...


Restless legs syndrome and tension-type headache: a population-based study

Restless legs syndrome and tension-type headache: a population-based study

... RLS. Restless legs syndrome was more prevalent in women and participants with lower educational level (middle school or less) than among men and those with higher educational ...


The Relation of Restless Legs Syndrome with Diseases of Peripheral Nerves

The Relation of Restless Legs Syndrome with Diseases of Peripheral Nerves

... Many neurologists, particularly whose subspecialty is in peripheral neurology, may agree that patients with peripheral neuropathy often complain of the “restless legs” symptoms. These symptoms seem to share ...


A Case of a Patient with Both Chorea and Restless Legs Syndrome

A Case of a Patient with Both Chorea and Restless Legs Syndrome

... disease, restless legs syndrome (RLS), and ...neurological syndrome characterized by abrupt involun- tary movements resulting from a continuous flow of random muscle ...


Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients on Hemodialysis: Symptom Severity and Risk Factors

Restless Legs Syndrome in Patients on Hemodialysis: Symptom Severity and Risk Factors

... ᄏRestless legs syndrome (RLS) is a sleep disorder that frequently occurs in dialysis patients, which disturbs the sleep and reduces the quality of ...International Restless Legs ...


Alterations in Salience Network Functional Connectivity in Individuals with Restless Legs Syndrome

Alterations in Salience Network Functional Connectivity in Individuals with Restless Legs Syndrome

... Jeonghun Ku 1 , Yeong Seon Lee 2 , Keun tae Kim 2 , HyukWon chang 3 & Yong Won cho 2 ✉ Background and purpose: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a neurological disorder which is most commonly ...


Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnant Thai Women: Prevalence, Predictive Factors, and Natural Course

Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnant Thai Women: Prevalence, Predictive Factors, and Natural Course

... Restless Legs Syndrome in Pregnant Thai Women JCN pants (33.3%) continued experiencing RLS symptoms, indi- cating that the prevalence of RLS decreased significantly to 3.7%. The symptoms disappeared ...


Brain regions associated with periodic leg movements during sleep in restless legs syndrome

Brain regions associated with periodic leg movements during sleep in restless legs syndrome

... The neural substrates related to periodic leg movements during sleep (PLMS) remain uncertain, and the specific brain regions involved in PLMS have not been evaluated. We investigated the brain regions associated with ...


A Case Report of Treating Restless Legs Syndrome in Children by Oriental Medicine

A Case Report of Treating Restless Legs Syndrome in Children by Oriental Medicine

... Key words: Restless legs syndrome, Korean medical treatment, Children RLS, Myofascial release, Case report.. ISSN 1226-8038(Print), 2287-9463(Online), https://doi.org/10.7778/jpkm.2018.3[r] ...


Prevalence and Its Correlates of Restless Legs Syndrome in Outpatients with Bipolar Disorders

Prevalence and Its Correlates of Restless Legs Syndrome in Outpatients with Bipolar Disorders

... 방 법 안정적으로 외래 치료 중인 양극성 장애 환자 100명이 본 연구에 포함되었다. RLS의 진단과 증상의 심한 정 도는 International Restless Legs Syndrome Study Group에서 개발한 진단 기준을 이용하였다. Beck 우울증 척도(Beckʼs Depression Inventory), 상태 불안 ...


Research Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

Research Trend of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Treatment of Restless Legs Syndrome

... 하지불안증후군(Restless Legs Syndrome, 이하 RLS)는 하지를 움직이고 싶어 하는 강한 충동 및 초조감이 저항할 수 없을 정도로 강하게 나타나는 운동감각 질환으로서, 하 지의 불쾌한 감각은 쉬거나 움직임이 없을 때 나타나는데, 특히 저녁이나 야간 수면시 나타나며, 움직임에 의해 해소 되므로 심하면 수면 장애로 이어지는 등 삶의 질에 ...


Restless Legs Syndrome in Parkinson’s Disease Patients: Clinical Features Including Motor and Nonmotor Symptoms

Restless Legs Syndrome in Parkinson's Disease Patients: Clinical Features Including Motor and Nonmotor Symptoms

... Parkinson-plus syndrome, vascular parkinsonism, and secondary parkinsonism were excluded, as were patients with diseases that could cause other secondary RLS, such as iron-deficiency anemia, pregnancy, chronic ...


척추성 하지 동통으로 오인되기 쉬운 하지 불안 증후군 - 2예 보고-

Restless Legs Syndrome Mimicking Lower Leg Pain of Spinal Origin - Report on Two Cases -

... Word: Restless legs syndrome (RLS) 정형외과 영역에서 척추성 하지 동통은 다른 여러 질환 과 감별을 요하는 질환이며 이를 위해서는 각각의 질환에 대한 지식과 진단법에 대해 숙지하고 있어야 ...증후군(Restless Legs Syndrome, RLS)은 하지의 동통을 호소하며 비활동시 증상이 ...


The Study on Effect of Korean Medical Treatment for Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome

The Study on Effect of Korean Medical Treatment for Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome

... The Study on Effect of Korean Medical Treatment for Patients with Restless Legs Syndrome.. Yu-Jin Lee, Jae-Eun Lee, Soo-Jin Kim*, Jong-Ho Yoo.[r] ...


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