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rectal cancer

Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome Mimicking Rectal Cancer

Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome Mimicking Rectal Cancer

... Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome (SRUS) is a rare benign and chronic rectal disease that has a wide spectrum of clinical presentations and variable endoscopic ...mimicked rectal cancer on gross ...


Robotic Surgery for Rectal Cancer and Cost-Effectiveness

Robotic Surgery for Rectal Cancer and Cost-Effectiveness

... for Rectal Cancer and Cost-Effectiveness Youngbae Jeon, ...and Rectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea Robotic surgery ...


Oncologic results of preoperative chemoradiation in low rectal cancer

Oncologic results of preoperative chemoradiation in low rectal cancer

... In conclusions, sphincter-saving operation after preoperative chemoradiation is a mandatory option without deterioration of oncologic outcomes for the treatment of locally advanced low rectal cancer ...


Efficiency of non-contrast-enhanced liver imaging sequences added to initial rectal MRI in rectal cancer patients

Efficiency of non-contrast-enhanced liver imaging sequences added to initial rectal MRI in rectal cancer patients

... early cancer can be detected on endoscopic findings, the tumor may have spread beyond the extent expected based on the T stage ...colorectal cancer are frequently detected on preoperative APCT to evaluate ...


A Case Report of Rectal Cancer Treated by Sojukjeongwon-san.

A Case Report of Rectal Cancer Treated by Sojukjeongwon-san.

... Won-tak Shin 1 , O-sun Kwon, Jae-jun Lee, Sang-hoon Hong 2 1 Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Samse Oriental Medicine 2 Department of Internal Medicine, College of Korean Medicine, Dongeui University ...


Dosimetric Comparision for Rectal Cancer using 3D-CRT, IMRT, Tomotherapy

Dosimetric Comparision for Rectal Cancer using 3D-CRT, IMRT, Tomotherapy

... 대장암에서의 발생률 중 많은 부분을 차지하는 직장암(rectal cancer)은 전세계적 매우 높은 빈도로 발병하여 수 많은 새로운 환자들이 발생하고 있다. 암의 발생율의 증가는 치료를 위한 의학의 기술을 촉진해 왔다. 대표적인 암의 치료로서는 외과적 수 술, 항암치료, 방사선요법으로 알려져 있으며 이러 한 요법의 기술력은 날로 증가되고 있다. ...


Medullary Thyroid Cancer Misunderstanding as  Recurrent Rectal Cancer due to High Serum  CEA Levels

Medullary Thyroid Cancer Misunderstanding as Recurrent Rectal Cancer due to High Serum CEA Levels

... of rectal cancer underwent abdomen CT scan, colonofibroscopy, FDG-PET scan and chest X-ray, but this imaging methods couldn't detect recurrent evidence of rectal ...


초저위 직장암의 괄약근간 절제술 및 대장항문 문합술

Intersphincteric Resection and Coloanal Anstomosis for Very Low Lying Rectal Cancer

... Purpose: Ultralow anterior resection and coloanal anastomosis (hand-sewn) has commonly been used for preserving the anal sphincter in patients with low-lying distal rectal cancer.. Pre[r] ...


Laparoscopic Surgery for Rectal Cancer after Preoperative Chemoradiation in Elderly Patients

Laparoscopic Surgery for Rectal Cancer after Preoperative Chemoradiation in Elderly Patients

... for rectal cancer from January 2009 to June ...biopsy, rectal ultrasound, abdominopelvic computed tomography (CT), chest x-ray, and laboratory data including complete blood cell count, biochem- ical ...


Improvement of cancer bleeding in rectal cancer patient with a herbal decoction, Inhyungtang : A case report

Improvement of cancer bleeding in rectal cancer patient with a herbal decoction, Inhyungtang : A case report

... This male rectal cancer patient had not experienced any improvement of continuous rectal bleeding with tranexamic acids. He showed reduced amount of bleeding and his laboratory test results ...


Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Preliminary Results of BID Fractionation

Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy of Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Preliminary Results of BID Fractionation

... 13. Mohiuddin M, Regine WF, John WJ, Hagihara PF, McGrath PC, Kenady DE, Marks G: Preoperative chemoradiation in fixed distal rectal cancer: dose time factors for pathological complete response. Int J ...


A survey on the impact of operation volume on rectal cancer management

A survey on the impact of operation volume on rectal cancer management

... MATERIALS AND METHODS Questionnaires describing preoperative evaluation, opera- tive procedure, and postoperative surveillance in 39 major categories were sent out to the members of the ‘Korean Soci- ety of ...


Treatment strategies for locally advanced rectal cancer with synchronous resectable liver metastasis

Treatment strategies for locally advanced rectal cancer with synchronous resectable liver metastasis

... colon cancer with synchronous LM, a more complex procedure for the determination of the optimal treatment strategies is required for rectal cancer with synchronous LM, especially when a patient ...


JKSSJournal of the Korean Surgical Society pISSN 2233-7903ㆍ

Short-term outcomes after laparoscopic surgery following preoperative chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer

... the study group was not randomized. Long-term fol- low-up is required to evaluate the oncologic safety of lapa- roscopic surgery after preoperative CRT. Second, all the operations were conducted by a single experienced ...


JKSSJournal of the Korean Surgical Society pISSN 2233-7903ㆍ

Edematous and painful external hemorrhoids following intersphincteric resection for low rectal cancer

... low rectal cancer received neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with successful down staging of tumor before undergoing robot assisted ISR with coloanal hand-sewn ...


JKSSJournal of the Korean Surgical Society

Prognostic implication of metastatic lymph node ratio in node-positive rectal cancer

... with rectal cancer also showed that the co- variate AJCC/UICC pN classification was not associated with prognosis in any cases, whereas the LNR was the most powerful factor associated with overall and DFS ...


Traumatic Neuroma at the Inferior Mesenteric Artery Stump after Rectal Cancer Surgery:

Traumatic Neuroma at the Inferior Mesenteric Artery Stump after Rectal Cancer Surgery:

... Traumatic neuromas occurring in the abdomen, however, are rare. In the abdominal region, traumatic neuromas occur in the cystic duct stump and the common bile ducts as well as around the celiac trunk. This study reports ...


A study of the plan dosimetic evaluation on the rectal cancer treatment

A study of the plan dosimetic evaluation on the rectal cancer treatment

... In rectal cancer treatment, the VMAT plan was shown to be advantageous in most of the evaluation indexes compared to the 3D plan, and the dose of the femoral head was greatly ...


Oxaliplatin Induced Angioedema in a Rectal Cancer Patient: A Clinical Case Report

Oxaliplatin Induced Angioedema in a Rectal Cancer Patient: A Clinical Case Report

... 직장암 환자에서 Oxaliplatin 투여로 인한 혈관부종 발생 증례 보고 391 기에 임상적 의미가 있다고 판단하여 보고하고자 한다. 증례 서술 본 증례의 환자는 51세 한국인(Asian) 남성이며 2009년 12 월 10일 일반 건강검진 내시경 검사 중 이상병변 관찰되어 생검한 검체의 일부에서 샘암종(adenocarcinoma) 발견되어 폐 전이 직장암(Rectal ...


The effect of radiotherapy on rectal cancer: a histopathological appraisal and prognostic indicators

The effect of radiotherapy on rectal cancer: a histopathological appraisal and prognostic indicators

... chemoradiotherapy (CRT). RT Mechanism of Action Oxidative stress damage is extensive in cells exposed to ionising radiation. This damage mainly targets nuclear DNA through inhib- The management of rectal ...


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