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nasotracheal intubation

Learning fiberoptic intubation for awake nasotracheal intubation

Learning fiberoptic intubation for awake nasotracheal intubation

... 2.4. Time measurement interval and safety main- tenance Before inserting the endotracheal tube into the nostril, 100% oxygen saturation level was maintained by manual ventilation of oxygen and inhalation anesthetics. ...


경비삽관 시도 중 발생한 심각한 비출혈

Massive Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation

... Dae-Geun Jeon, et al : Massive Epistaxis during Nasotracheal Intubation 52 대한치과마취과학회지 제 13 권 제 2 호 51 - 54 수용성 젤리를 바른 후 , 튜브 끝부분에 돌출되도록 식도청진 기를 삽입하고 부풀려 끝부분을 부드럽게 만든 6.5 번 강화 기관 내 튜브 (Reinforced tube) 를 비강 ...


Awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation for patients with difficult airway

Awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation for patients with difficult airway

... It must not only provide sufficient anesthesia, but also maintain spontaneous breathing. We introduce a method to achieve this using a small dose of fentanyl and midazolam in combination with topical anesthesia. The ...


Risk factors affecting the difficulty of fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation

Risk factors affecting the difficulty of fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation

... with nasotracheal intubation was anticipated due to nasal cavity obstruction, mass or deformity, and those undergoing emergency surgery were also ...


Awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation for patients with difficult airway

Awake fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation for patients with difficult airway

... Awake intubation could be associated with painful stimulation during passage of the tracheal tube through the nose and the ...awake intubation; however, there is a risk for respiratory depression ...


Identifying the more suitable nostril for nasotracheal intubation using radiographs

Identifying the more suitable nostril for nasotracheal intubation using radiographs

... the nasotracheal intubation to examine whether the presence of septal deviation influences the development of ...for nasotracheal intubation and contribute to safer patient ...


Orotracheal intubation in a patient with difficult airway by using fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation: A case report

Orotracheal intubation in a patient with difficult airway by using fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation: A case report

... nasal intubation may be attempted, rather than an oral intubation, if the former is believed to be more favorable than the ...performing nasotracheal intubation with a fiberoptic scope is ...


Jaw Thrust Improves the Fiberoptic Laryngeal View during Fiberoptic Nasotracheal Intubation

Jaw Thrust Improves the Fiberoptic Laryngeal View during Fiberoptic Nasotracheal Intubation

... When intubation by direct laryngoscopy fails, the flexible bronchoscope can be effectively used to secure the ...fiberoptic intubation is usually dependent on the quality of fiberoptic view especially for ...


Inferior turbinate outfracture for successful nasotracheal intubation in a patient undergoing maxillofacial surgery - case report-

Inferior turbinate outfracture for successful nasotracheal intubation in a patient undergoing maxillofacial surgery - case report-

... Turbinate outfracture for nasotracheal intubation http://www.jdapm.org 391 was enucleated. The surgical time was 45 minutes. Muscle relaxation was completely reversed by intra- venous sugammadex 200 mg and ...


Pharyngeal flap damage caused by nasotracheal intubation in a patient who underwent palatoplasty and pharyngoplasty

Pharyngeal flap damage caused by nasotracheal intubation in a patient who underwent palatoplasty and pharyngoplasty

... surgeries, nasotracheal intubation is performed under general ...bronchoscope-guided nasotracheal tube was inserted through the pharyngeal flap ostium; however, active bleeding occurred in the ...


Optimal effect-site concentration of remifentanil for minimizing cardiovascular changes caused by fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation

Optimal effect-site concentration of remifentanil for minimizing cardiovascular changes caused by fiberoptic nasotracheal intubation

... It has a rapid onset and an ultrashort duration of action; it is more stable and has a shorter context-sensitive half-time than other opioids [17]. Previous studies have reported the use, but not the appropriate ...


A comparison of the effects of epinephrine and xylometazoline in decreasing nasal bleeding during nasotracheal intubation

A comparison of the effects of epinephrine and xylometazoline in decreasing nasal bleeding during nasotracheal intubation

... Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Republic of Korea Background: Various techniques have been introduced to decrease complications during nasotracheal ...


Optimal effect-site concentration of remifentanil to prevent hemodynamic changes during nasotracheal intubation using a video laryngoscope

Optimal effect-site concentration of remifentanil to prevent hemodynamic changes during nasotracheal intubation using a video laryngoscope

... Methods: Twenty-one patients, aged between 19 and 60 years old, scheduled for elective surgery were included in this study. Anesthesia was induced by slowly injecting propofol. At the same time, remifentanil infusion was ...


A prospective randomized trial of xylometazoline drops and epinephrine merocele nasal pack for reducing epistaxis during nasotracheal intubation

A prospective randomized trial of xylometazoline drops and epinephrine merocele nasal pack for reducing epistaxis during nasotracheal intubation

... 1 Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh, India 2 Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Education and ...


Effect of Neck Extension on the Advancement of Tracheal Tubes From the Nasal Cavity to the Oropharynx in Nasotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Effect of Neck Extension on the Advancement of Tracheal Tubes From the Nasal Cavity to the Oropharynx in Nasotracheal Intubation: A Randomized Controlled Trial

... Therefore, use of it should be considered after 2–3 times failed tube advancements. In our study, the time was about 10 s on average for passing the tube into the oropharynx in the neck exten- sion group. Considering a ...


굴곡성 내시경을 이용한 경비기관내삽관 시 후두경으로 관찰한 후두시야

The Effect of Laryngeal View Grade and Intraoral Bleeding on Intubation Difficulty during Fiberoptic Nasotracheal Intubation

... * difficulty grade was classified by intubation time. grade 1: < 1 min, grade 2: 1 min-2 min 30 sec, grade 3: 2 min 30 sec-5min, grade 4: > 5 min. 다는 보고도 있다(King and Adams, 1990). 기관내삽관은 후두경을 이용한 삽관이 보편적으 로 시행되지만 ...


Computed tomography evaluation and pretreatment for a safe nasotracheal intubation, avoiding nasal cavity injuries

Computed tomography evaluation and pretreatment for a safe nasotracheal intubation, avoiding nasal cavity injuries

... 경비 기관내 삽관시 수술 전 촬영한 CT를 이용한 평가는 수술 전 intubation site 결정에 도움을 주며, 점막비대 (mucosal hypertrophy) 또는 하비갑개의 골성 비대(bony hypertrophy of inferior concha)를 확인하여 E-L 전처치의 필 요성 및 submucosal infe[r] ...


Effect-site consentration of remifentanil for nasotracheal versus orotracheal intubation during propofol target-controlled infusion

Effect-site consentration of remifentanil for nasotracheal versus orotracheal intubation during propofol target-controlled infusion

... tracheal intubation was the most potent stimulus of the airway during nasotracheal intubation (Singh, 2003), which typically comprises three distinct stages: (i) nasopharyngeal intubation; ...


Estimation of optimal nasotracheal tube depth in adult patients

Estimation of optimal nasotracheal tube depth in adult patients

... nasotracheal intubation was performed. All intubations were performed by appropriately trained residents or staff of the department of anesthe- siology. Ring-Adair-Elwyn (RAE) preformed nasal endotracheal ...


Blind Intubation Using Fiberoptic Bronchoscope in Epistaxis

Blind Intubation Using Fiberoptic Bronchoscope in Epistaxis

... Korea Nasotracheal intubation is an essential procedure during general anesthesia for dental ...Fiberoptic intubation is best accomplished by those who perform it as part of their daily ...fiberoptic ...

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