Lung Cancer
Lung Cancer : Overview
... for Lung Cancer National Cancer Center Research Institute E-mail : ...ung cancer became a leading cause of cancer deaths in Korea in ...of lung cancer in 2000 and the ...
Lung Cancer Screening
... Depiscan), 네덜란드(n=24,000; Dutch Lung Cancer Screening Trial)에서 시행되고 있고 그 결과를 기다 려 보아야 할 것 같다. 넷째는 역설적으로 발달한 영상학적 기술에 의한 문제인데, 최근 사용되는 MDCT를 사용한 경우는 해 상도가 좋아 한 사람에게도 다수의 결절들이 발견 될 수가 있고, 이는 방사선과 의사로 하여금 병변을 ...
Lung Cancer Screening: Update
... tate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian trial 연구에서 1993~2001 년의 기간 동안 55~74세의 154901명을 대상으로 흉부X선을 매년 4회 촬영한 대상자들을 일반인과 2009년 12월까지 최장 Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide as ...
Biomarkers for Lung Cancer
... for Lung Cancer Over the last decade, intense interest has been focused on discovery of biomarkers and their clinical ...uses. Lung cancer biomarker discovery has particular eminence in this ...
Lung Cancer Associated with Sarcoidosis−
... of lung cancer and sarcoidosis in the same patient is very ...a lung cancer patient detected radiologically is apt to be misunderstood to be mediastinal metastases, and it is thus considered ...
Lung cancer and insurance medicine
... 서론 전세계적으로 매년 약 15만 명 정도가 폐암으로 사망하며, 폐암은 우라나라에서도 중요 사망원인들 중의 하나이다. 소 세포폐암(small cell lung cancer; SCLC)과 비소세포폐암(non small cell lung cancer; NSCLC)은 그 예후가 매우 불량하여 보험의학적 관심이 크지 않은 실정이다. 그런데 최근 ...
Female Lung Cancer: Re-Analysis of National Survey of Lung Cancer in Korea, 2005
... 여성이 더 젊은 나이에 발견되기 때문에 조기 발견의 필요 성이 여성에 더 필요하고 early lung cancer action program (ELCAP) 연구(18)에서 여성의 비교위험도는 남성의 1.6이 고 나이는 비슷하나 흡연량은 47, 64갑년으로 적었다. 여자 가 남자보다 I기에 진단이 많으나 절제율은 큰 차이가 없었 다. 소세포암종의 경우 여성에서 ...
Lung Cancer Screening: Subsequent Evidences of National Lung Screening Trial
... National Lung Screening Trial (NLST) demonstrated a 20% reduction in lung cancer mortality and a ...smokers. Lung cancer screening using a low-dose chest computed tomography might be ...
Spontaneous pneumothorax associated with lung cancer
... There is minimal pneumothorax on the left upper lobe in patient of hematogenous lung metastasis from renal cell carcinoma.. A complicating of lung cancer[r] ...
Circulating Tumor Cells in Lung Cancer
... 3) Monitoring chemotherapy in lung cancer patients CTCs 분석은 항암치료에 대한 반응을 monitoring 하는데 임상적인 의미를 갖는다. Randomised trial SWOG S0500는 진행성 유방암에서 1차 항암치료 3주 후에 OS, PFS를 향상 시키는지에 대해 CTC level을 측정하여 임상적으로 pro- ...
May-Thurner Syndrome in Lung Cancer
... Along this course, it underlies the right CIA, which may compress it against the lumbar spine. A 69-year-old man with squamous cell lung cancer presented with acute onset painful left leg swelling. He had ...
Lung Cancer with Acute Myocardial Infarction
... J Lung Cancer 2007;6(2):92 92 Lung Cancer with Acute Myocardial Infarction A 63-year-old man with recurred squamous cell lung carcinoma was admitted to our facility due to an acute ...
Radiological study of primary lung cancer
... Pathologic cell types of p rimary lung cancer are as follow: Epidermoid Ca.. has smoking.[r] ...
Lung Cancer Presenting as Spontaneous Pneumothorax
... 1예 Lung Cancer Presenting as Spontaneous Pneumothorax Spontaneous pneumothorax accompanying primary lung cancer is rare and its occurrence as an initial sign of primary lung ...
Lobectomy for Left-sided Lung Cancer
... Lobectomy for Left-sided Lung Cancer Hee Suk Jung, M.D.*, Yong Hee Kim, M.D.*, Seung-Il Park, M.D.*, Dong-Kwan Kim, M.D.* Background: The use of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) to perform major ...
Lower Airway Microbiota and Lung Cancer
... with lung cancer (LC) using protected brush ...contralateral lung and the side of the tumor; these specimens were analyzed by 16S rRNA-based-next-generation ...
Thy-1+ Cancer-associated Fibroblasts Adversely Impact Lung Cancer Prognosis
... human lung cancer and adjacent normal lung tissues, respectively, and found that the signature was correlated with a poor prognosis in human lung cancer cohorts 17 ...colon ...
Recurrent Erlotinib-Induced Interstitial Lung Disease on Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
... cell lung cancer ...interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to erlotinib has been reported on an infrequent basis in ...particular lung cancer ...
Recent Trends of Lung Cancer in Korea
... on lung cancer lesions that are difficult to access with CT-guided PCNA and PCNB for cen- tral lung lesions 19 ...peripheral lung lesions in an inaccessible position for EBUS–transbron- chial ...
Response Evaluation of Chemotherapy for Lung Cancer
... approached to lung cancer and malignant mesothelioma, up to date 31 . There were four kinds of response from melanoma patients whom had ipilimumab: two conventional response, response after tumor burden ...