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low body mass index (BMI)

Relationship between low body mass index and morbidity after gastrectomy for gastric cancer

Relationship between low body mass index and morbidity after gastrectomy for gastric cancer

... the Korea Central Cancer Registry first reported the incidence of gastric cancer [3]. Malnutrition is a condition that results from consuming a diet that has not enough or excess nutrients, resulting in health problems. ...


The Impact of Preoperative Low Body Mass Index on Postoperative Complications and Long-term Survival Outcomes in Gastric Cancer Patients

The Impact of Preoperative Low Body Mass Index on Postoperative Complications and Long-term Survival Outcomes in Gastric Cancer Patients

... the low BMI group was significantly worse in only the stage I/II subgroup and not in the stage III/IV ...OS, low BMI was found to be an independent poor prognostic factor in only the stage I/II subgroup and ...


Relationship between Low Muscle Mass and Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly People with Normal Body Mass Index

Relationship between Low Muscle Mass and Metabolic Syndrome in Elderly People with Normal Body Mass Index

... vention (KCDC). It had introduced a rolling sampling sur- vey so that it can represent the entire population of Korea. This nationally representative survey is composed with three component surveys: health interview, ...


Body Mass Index and MortalityHye Jin Yoo*

Body Mass Index and MortalityHye Jin Yoo*

... Association of BMI with mortality in individuals with type 2 diabetes Compared to the general population, subjects with type 2 diabe- tes exhibit higher mortality, mainly caused by CVD. 11 Although be- ing overweight or ...


Adolescent Health Behaviors according to Body Mass Index

Adolescent Health Behaviors according to Body Mass Index

... to Body Mass Index Yeojin Im 1 , Won-Oak Oh 2 , Min Hyun Suk 3 1 College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul; 2 College of Nursing, Korea University, Seoul; 3 College of Nursing, Cha ...


Body Mass Index, Body Weight Perception, and Depressed Mood in Korean Adolescents

Body Mass Index, Body Weight Perception, and Depressed Mood in Korean Adolescents

... mal BMI. One study reported that girls demonstrated a high- er risk of depression when their BMI was either higher or low- er than what was normal, 25) and this is contrary to the results of the present study. In ...


Association of Body Mass Index with Oral Cancer Risk

Association of Body Mass Index with Oral Cancer Risk

... that low BMI is an indicator of low socio-economic status (SES) and poor nutrition and that it exhibits a close relationship with ...that body weight, or BMI, is lower in cigarette smokers than in ...


Association of body mass index with incident tuberculosis in Korea

Association of body mass index with incident tuberculosis in Korea

... Our study suggests that high BMI is associated with a low risk of incident TB. However, not all subgroups showed this inverse dose-response relationship between BMI and risk of incident TB. Interestingly, there ...


Personality traits and body mass index in a Korean population

Personality traits and body mass index in a Korean population

... found low neuroticism in overweight and obese groups, but different questionnaire was used and facets of neuroticism were not ...traits, body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference, men and ...


Body Mass Index is Associated with Haplotype in Korean Premenopausal Women

Body Mass Index is Associated with Haplotype in Korean Premenopausal Women

... low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels only in young males whose fathers had a proven myocardial infarction before the age of 55 yr but not in the controls who were age-match- ed and recruited ...


Effects of A Body Shape Index and Body Mass Index and Suicidal Behaviors

Effects of A Body Shape Index and Body Mass Index and Suicidal Behaviors

... 2.4 통제변수 이 연구의 통제변수로는 나이, 성별, 거주 지역, 소득, 교육수준, 결혼여부, 수면시간, 1년간의 음주 빈도, 스트 레스에 대한 인지 정도, 지각된 체형이 포함되었다. 나이 는 19-20세, , 30-39세, 40-49세, 50-59세, 60-69세, 70세 이상으로 구분하였다. 거주 지역은 Metropolitan(서울) 과 Urban(대전, 대구, 부산, 인천, 광주, 울산 ...


Correlationship researches of Apolipoprotein A1 in body mass index

Correlationship researches of Apolipoprotein A1 in body mass index

... 이러한 동맥경화를 예방하는 인자로 알려진 HDL- Cholesterol은 그표면의 단백성분으로 Apo A-Ⅰ, Apo A- Ⅱ, Apo C, Apo E를 함유 하고 있으며 동맥경화를 촉진 시키는 인자인 LD L-Cholesterol은 단백성분으로 유일하 게 Apo B-100만을함유하고 있다[1]. 저밀도 지단백(low density lipoprotein LDL)의 농도가 ...


Body Adiposity Index and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Korean Adults: A Comparison with Body Mass Index and Other Parameters

Body Adiposity Index and Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors in Korean Adults: A Comparison with Body Mass Index and Other Parameters

... In particular, when adiposity is checked using the recom- mended cut-off levels, BAI classifies most females at an ideal weight, indicating that BAI has low sensitivity and specificity. The present study was a ...


Ideal  Body  Mass  Index  and  Level  of  Body  Mass  Index  for Management  of  Obesity

Ideal Body Mass Index and Level of Body Mass Index for Management of Obesity

... 23.8 kg/m 2 에서 고혈압과 당뇨병의 유병률이 유의하게 증가한다고 보고했다. 그러나 이 연구는 유병률의 유 의한 증가를 설명하는 기준으로 전체 대상의 체질량지 수를 4분위수로 나눈 값 중 제1사분위수를 이용하였으 며, 당뇨와 고혈압만을 유병률에 이용하였고, 체질량 지수나 유병률을 모두 설문에 의존한 단점이 있다 12) . 본 연구는 이환지수가 가장 낮은 체질량지수를 최적 체질량지수로 ...


한국인에서 체질량지수와 체형 Body Mass Index and Body Shape

한국인에서 체질량지수와 체형 Body Mass Index and Body Shape

... Key words: Body shape, Body mass index, Waist circumference, Three-dimensional body scanning.. ꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏꠏ.[r] ...


한국여성에서 체질량지수(Body Mass Index)에 따른유방치밀도의 차이

한국여성에서 체질량지수(Body Mass Index)에 따른유방치밀도의 차이

... Mammographic dense breast has been reported both as a cause of false-negative findings on mammography and as an indicator of increased breast cancer risk. The pur[r] ...


Analysis of Body Fat Mass Index for Korean Adults

Analysis of Body Fat Mass Index for Korean Adults

... WHO 의 비만의 정의는 체질량 지수를 기준으로 한다. 4) 그러나 체 질량 지수는 체중과 키의 관계로 산출되는 값으로 체성분을 직접 평 가하지 않으므로 체지방과 제지방을 구별할 수 없다. 체지방과 제지 방은 건강과 질병에 미치는 영향이 다르다. 5-7) 환자의 대사성질환의 위험인자를 개선하기 위하여 비만을 진단하고 치료하는 임상의로서 는 제지방이 아닌, 체지방에 대한 정확하고 재현성이 높은 ...


한국 아동의 수면시간과 체질량지수

Sleep Duration and Body Mass Index in Korean Children

... 출 호르몬(TSH-releasing hormone)의 분비는 저하된 다. 4-6) 이러한 다양한 호르몬의 분비 변화는 비만에 관련이 있다. 7,8) 수면시간은 개인마다 차이가 있으나, 수면의 지속성과 단 계별 분포에 가장 큰 영향을 주는 요인은 나이다. 9) 출생 후 신생아의 평균 수면시간은 16~18시간이나, 생후 3년이 지나 면 12시간 정도로 감소하고, 학동기 아동들은 하루 10~11시 ...


 우리나라도 체질량지수(body mass index, BMI) 25 kg/m

우리나라도 체질량지수(body mass index, BMI) 25 kg/m

... Department of Alternative Medicine, Kyonggi University, Seoul, Korea Background: This study was performed to investigate the effect of nutrition and exercise or exercise program alone on macronutrients, sodium intake, ...


Relationship between Body Mass Index and Microalbuminuria in Healthy Adults

Relationship between Body Mass Index and Microalbuminuria in Healthy Adults

... 통계분석 시 P값(유의확률)이 0.05 미만인 경우를 유의한 것으로 보았으며 통계분석은 IBM SPSS statics ver. 생활습관과 관련해서는 음주습관과 흡연 여부는 체질량지수와 관련이 있는 것 으로 나타났다. BMI, body mass index; WC, waist circumference; SBP, systolic [r] ...


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