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Intravenous infusion

Accuracy and Satisfaction with IVIC300 (Intravenous infusion controller)

Accuracy and Satisfaction with IVIC300 (Intravenous infusion controller)

... 존에 주로 사용되고 있는 두 가지 종류의 장치의 문제 점을 보완하여 속도의 조절은 물론 측정도 가능하고 주입펌프와 같이 비소모품이긴 하지만 부피가 작아 휴 대하기 편한 IVIC300(Intravenous infusion controller, 이하 IVIC300)이라는 장치에 대한 최근 건강관리자들 의 요구가 증가되고 있다(Park et al, 2012). 그러나 ...


Outcome Evaluation of Intravenous Infusion of Urokinase for Acute Ischemic Stroke

Outcome Evaluation of Intravenous Infusion of Urokinase for Acute Ischemic Stroke

... continuous infusion of ur- okinase in cerebral stoke patients who were late admitted over 6 hours after ...urokinase infusion (Group I, n=93) or not (Group II, n=50) after 6 hours and within 72 hours of ...


Adaptation of VR 360-degree Intravenous Infusion Educational Content for Nursing Students

Adaptation of VR 360-degree Intravenous Infusion Educational Content for Nursing Students

... for intravenous infusion education, basic data on whether VR 360-degree video can be applied as educational content in the future is prepared by grasping the empathy and flow of nursing students in ...


Adaptation of Intravenous Infusion Nursing Practice Guideline

Adaptation of Intravenous Infusion Nursing Practice Guideline

... 검색사이트로는 임상실무지 침을 개발하는 국가별 대표적 조직인 Guideline Interna- tional Network (GIN), National Guidelines Clearinghouse (NGC), Gerontological Nursing Interventions Research Center, National Hea[r] ...


Updates of Nursing Practice Guideline for Intravenous Infusion

Updates of Nursing Practice Guideline for Intravenous Infusion

... 실무지침 갱신방법은 The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)[10,11]와 The Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN)[12]의 지침개발방법과 임상진 료지침 실무를 위한 핸드북 [9]에서 제시한 지침의 갱신방법을 기반으[r] ...


Intravenous Infusion Monitoring Sensor Based on Longitudinal Electric Field Proximity Sensing Technique

Intravenous Infusion Monitoring Sensor Based on Longitudinal Electric Field Proximity Sensing Technique

... A novel intravenous (IV) infusion monitoring sensor is presented to measure the drop rate in the drip chamber of an IV infusion set. It is based on a capacitive proximity sensor and detects the ...


Effects of Intravenous Infusion of Ethanol on Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion of Rats

Effects of Intravenous Infusion of Ethanol on Exocrine Pancreatic Secretion of Rats

... Sprague-Dawley 수컷 흰쥐(몸무게 250-300 g) 를 무작위로 6 마리씩 나누어 실험을 수행하였다 . 총담췌관 결찰은 실험 3 일 전에 가벼운 ether 마취하에 복부를 절개한후 십이지장으로 들 어가는 췌장관을 이중 결찰하였다 .14) 다시 복부를 봉합한후 kanamycin 을 주사하고 3 일 후에 실험에 사용하였다 . caerulein 을 정맥주사한 실험군은 20% ...


Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Two Voriconazole Formulations after Intravenous Infusion in Healthy Korean Volunteers

Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Two Voriconazole Formulations after Intravenous Infusion in Healthy Korean Volunteers

... an infusion pump. At the end of the infusion, approximately 12 – 15 mL of saline was flushed within 1 min to ensure that no investigational product remained in the intravenous administration ...


Population pharmacokinetic Analysis of Doripenem after Intravenous Infusion in Korean Patients with Acute Infections

Population pharmacokinetic Analysis of Doripenem after Intravenous Infusion in Korean Patients with Acute Infections

... 4-h infusion produces a better PD profile than a 1-h infusion, we recommend the use of extended infusions to bring about better clinical outcomes, especially when patients have either normal or augmented ...


Acute Bilateral Anterior Uveitis after a Single Intravenous Infusion of Zoledronic Acid in Metastatic Breast Cancer.

Acute Bilateral Anterior Uveitis after a Single Intravenous Infusion of Zoledronic Acid in Metastatic Breast Cancer.

... ter 3 days, the cellular reaction of the right eye subsided considerably; however, cellular reaction of the left eye was 2+, and posterior synechiae had presented (Fig. 1F). Atro- pine 0.5% (Isopto Atropine; Alcon, Fort ...


Sudden Deaths of Neonates Receiving Intravenous Infusion of Lipid Emulsion Contaminated with Citrobacter freundiiInfectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology

Sudden Deaths of Neonates Receiving Intravenous Infusion of Lipid Emulsion Contaminated with Citrobacter freundiiInfectious Diseases, Microbiology & Parasitology

... Bacterial contamination is an important safety issue involving lipid emulsions, because the iso-osmotic and nutritional properties of lipid emulsions are ideal environment for bacterial growth. 4 Previous studies also ...


The Current Status of Intravenous Infusion Therapy Education for New Nurses and Their Needs for the Education

The Current Status of Intravenous Infusion Therapy Education for New Nurses and Their Needs for the Education

... 있다 . 8개의 영역은 정맥주입요법의 개요, 정맥주입요법의 실 제 , 주입제제에 따른 주입요법, Intravenous lock, 정맥주입 요법 종류 , 말초삽입형 중심정맥관, 합병증, 정맥주입 전담간 호사이다 . 각 영역의 구체적인 내용으로 16개의 하위영역을 나누었으며 정맥주입요법의 개요 , 정맥주입요법을 위한 혈관 선택 , 적절한 물품선택, 정맥주입요법 술기, 카테터 삽입 ...


Effects of Open Laboratory Self-directed Practice on Knowledge, Self-confidence, Skill Competency, and Satisfaction of Intravenous Infusion

Effects of Open Laboratory Self-directed Practice on Knowledge, Self-confidence, Skill Competency, and Satisfaction of Intravenous Infusion

... of blood pressure. The effects of online nursing education contents on self efficacy, knowledge, and performance of nursing skills. Effectiveness of web-based learning in basic nursing[r] ...


Assessment of patient safety and the efficiency of facility utilizationfollowing simplified ultra-rapid intravenous infusion of hepatitis B immunoglobulin in a high-volume liver transplantation center

Assessment of patient safety and the efficiency of facility utilizationfollowing simplified ultra-rapid intravenous infusion of hepatitis B immunoglobulin in a high-volume liver transplantation center

... under investigation, though not yet commercially available. Thus, it is necessary for LT patients to visit hospitals reg- ularly in order to receive HBIG. In order to enhance patient compliance, two factors should be ...


Smart syringe pumps for drug infusion during dental intravenous sedation

Smart syringe pumps for drug infusion during dental intravenous sedation

... and intravenous routes. Intravenous administration has the advantage of rapid onset of action, predictable duration of action, and easy ...as intravenous sedatives. Administration of these sedatives ...


A Case of Successful Recovery from High Dose Intravenous Nicorandil Infusion in Refractory Coronary Vasospasm with Hemodynamic Collapse

A Case of Successful Recovery from High Dose Intravenous Nicorandil Infusion in Refractory Coronary Vasospasm with Hemodynamic Collapse

... massage, intravenous injection of epinephrine and atropine, and intravenous infusion of ...nicorandil intravenous infusion without ST elevation of his inferior ...


Simulation of Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests and the Corresponding Isoglycemic Intravenous Glucose Infusion Studies for Calculation of the Incretin Effect

Simulation of Oral Glucose Tolerance Tests and the Corresponding Isoglycemic Intravenous Glucose Infusion Studies for Calculation of the Incretin Effect

... the intravenous infusion rates used during the IIGI study for each subject are applied to the corresponding OGTT model to validate the results of parameter ...nous infusion rates used for subject #1 ...


Life-Threatening Thrombocytopenia Following Intravenous Contrast Media Infusion

Life-Threatening Thrombocytopenia Following Intravenous Contrast Media Infusion

... Adverse reactions to contrast media are typically divided into two categories, chemotoxic reactions and hypersensitivi- ty reactions. 8,9 Chemotoxic reactions are associated with the chemical properties of radiocontrast ...


Thrombolytic Treatment for Acute Ischemic Cerebral Stroke: Intraarterial Urokinase Infusion vs. Intravenous Heparin and Urokinase Infusion

Thrombolytic Treatment for Acute Ischemic Cerebral Stroke: Intraarterial Urokinase Infusion vs. Intravenous Heparin and Urokinase Infusion

... c. Pre-contrast CT after thrombolysis shows high-aUenuated areas in brain stem and both cerebellar hem ispheres suggesting con trast leakage rather than true hemorrha[r] ...


Dexmedetomidine intravenous sedation using a patient-controlled sedation infusion pump: a case report

Dexmedetomidine intravenous sedation using a patient-controlled sedation infusion pump: a case report

... report. The results of the pre-anesthesia examination perfor- med the day before the surgery after the patient was admitted showed no specific findings, except eosinophil levels elevated to 13% in the blood test. He was ...


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