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Injury Severity Score

Time to Surgery and Injury Severity Score

Time to Surgery and Injury Severity Score

... 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, 2 Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, 3 Trauma Training Center, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University ...


The Prognostic Significance of Injury Severity Score and Height of Fall in Free Fall Patients

The Prognostic Significance of Injury Severity Score and Height of Fall in Free Fall Patients

... 조사내용은 환자의 성별 및 연령, 추락 높이, 입원여부, 재원기간, 손상부위, 손상정도, 수술유무 등이며, 대상 환자 중 응급실 내원 후 사망한 환자는 6명이었고, 이 환자들은 입원이나 수술의 대상이 아니므로 통계에서 결측값으로 지 정하여 제외하였다. 본 연구에서 손상 별 중증도는 1974년 Baker 등(3)에 의해 고안된 Injury severity ...


Why do Multiple-trauma Patients Stay Longer in the Intensive Care Unit?; - A Comparison of Injury Severity Score and The Number of Injured Regions -

Why do Multiple-trauma Patients Stay Longer in the Intensive Care Unit?; - A Comparison of Injury Severity Score and The Number of Injured Regions -

... New Injury Severity Score (NISS)가 ISS보다 중환자실 입실여부와 긴 입원일자를 예측할 수 있다고 하였으며, Hala 등(12)은 개발 도상국에서 시행한 연구에서는 65세 이하의 환자군에서 ISS 가 NISS에 비하여 중환자실 입실여부를 잘 예측한다고 하였 ...


Prognostic Accuracy of the Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment for Outcomes Among Patients with Trauma in the Emergency Department: A Comparison with the Modified Early Warning Score, Revised Trauma Score, and Injury Severity Score

Prognostic Accuracy of the Quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment for Outcomes Among Patients with Trauma in the Emergency Department: A Comparison with the Modified Early Warning Score, Revised Trauma Score, and Injury Severity Score

... The adjusted odds ratios (aORs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) of the study outcomes were calculated for qSOFA scores using multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusted for potential confounders. We also ...


Reliability and Validity of Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS)

Reliability and Validity of Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity Score (TLICS)

... spine injury classifications, there is no consensus regarding the optimal ...spine injury cases retrospectively to classify and calculate injury severity score according to ...


The Relationship between Psychiatric Consequences and Injury Severity Following Traffic Accidents

The Relationship between Psychiatric Consequences and Injury Severity Following Traffic Accidents

... jury severity score 7) 와 McBride법에 의한 노동능력 상실률 8) 을 사용하였다. Injury severity score 7) 는 복 합적인 사고 피해자의 신체 손상도를 평가하기 위해 Greenspan, Mclellan 및 Greiger가 만든 도구인 Abb - reviated injury ...


Relation between Serum S100β and Severity and Prognosis in Traumatic Brain Injury

Relation between Serum S100β and Severity and Prognosis in Traumatic Brain Injury

... 미만성 뇌손상 4단계: 뇌부종, 0.5 cm이상의 정중선 변위, 25 mL이상의 국소병변 없슴; Non-evacuated mass lesion: 25 mL이상의 병변, 수술적으로 제거하지 않음).(25) 각 환자의 내원 당시와 내원 24시간 이후의 Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)를 측정하였으며, 환자의 최종 진단명 및 외상의 정도는 Injury ...


Validation of the Simplified Motor Score for the Triage after Traumatic Brain Injury

Validation of the Simplified Motor Score for the Triage after Traumatic Brain Injury

... (11)은 AIS를 이용한 중증도 예측에서 GCS 전체 점수와 GCS의 운동 요소를 비교한 결과 통계적으로 유의한 차이 가 없었다고 보고하였다. Meredith 등(12)은 외상 중증도 지수(Injury Severity Score)를 이용한 중증도 예측 능력 평 가를 통해 GCS의 운동 요소를 Trauma score 및 GCS 전 체 점수와 ...


Evaluation of lung injury score as a prognostic factor of critical care management in multiple trauma patients with chest injury

Evaluation of lung injury score as a prognostic factor of critical care management in multiple trauma patients with chest injury

... (ISS: injury severity score)가 높을수록 사망률과 합병증이 증가하는 것으로 알려져 ...점수(lung injury score)를 조사하여 외상 환자에 서 폐합병증과의 관계를 파악하고 인공 호흡기 유지 시간 및 중환자실 재원기간의 예측인자로서의 적절성을 평가하 고자 ...


CT Based Hemoperitoneum Scoring for Clinicians: Objectifying the Severity of Splenic Injury and Recovery

CT Based Hemoperitoneum Scoring for Clinicians: Objectifying the Severity of Splenic Injury and Recovery

... III. 결 과 1. Demographics 환자군 평균 나이는 29.0세로 성비는 남성이 69.2%로 남 성비율이 높았다. 손상기전은 운수사고가 가장 많았으며 낙 상이 그 다음 순이었다. 평균 Injury Severity Score(ISS) 는 18.15였으며 비교적 중상으로 생각되는 16점이상은 19명 으로 48.7%였다. 중환자실 입원기간 평균은 ...


Usefulness of the Base Deficit as an Injury-severity Indicator in Multiple-trauma Patients with Head Injuries

Usefulness of the Base Deficit as an Injury-severity Indicator in Multiple-trauma Patients with Head Injuries

... 손상정도계수(Iinjury Severity Score, ISS), 외상치 (Revised Trauma Score, RTS), TRISS (Trauma Score and Injury Severity Score) 등이 ...


Classification on Patient Severity Score among Hemodialysis Patients

Classification on Patient Severity Score among Hemodialysis Patients

... 1) Professor, Division of Nursing Science, College of Health Science, Ewha Womans University 2) Unit Manager, Catholic University Gang Nam St. Mary's Hospital.. 3) Job Manager, Departmen[r] ...


Non-Operatively Treated Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture with Posterior Ligamentous Complex Injury: Case Report and Consideration on the Limitation of Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity (TLICS) Score

Non-Operatively Treated Thoracolumbar Burst Fracture with Posterior Ligamentous Complex Injury: Case Report and Consideration on the Limitation of Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity (TLICS) Score

... Thoracolumbar Injury Classification and Severity (TLICS) score in 2007, it has been widely used as a referential guideline for making surgical decisions in thoracolumbar ...cle injury, who was ...


Analysis of Factors Affecting Pedestrian Leg Injury Severity

Analysis of Factors Affecting Pedestrian Leg Injury Severity

... leg injury severity in pedestrian-vehicle ...leg injury severity is classified into two classes, which are dependent variables in this study, such as ‘severe’ and ‘minor’ ...leg injury. ...


Estimation of the Scale of Injury according to Severity

Estimation of the Scale of Injury according to Severity

... The current conditions of injury of each county were grasped by conducting complex sample frequency analysis on death, hospitalization, outpatient department according to gender,[r] ...


Victimization Characteristics and Severity of Physical Injury by Domestic Violence

Victimization Characteristics and Severity of Physical Injury by Domestic Violence

... Cheol-Woo Park, et al. Victimization Characteristics and Severity of Physical Injury by Domestic Violence Korean Journal of Family Practice KJFP 적 학대가 동반되었는지가 평가에 도움이 되는 항목이다. 25) 본 연구 에서처럼 가정폭력 피해자들의 신체 ...


Does Obesity Affect the Severity of Exercise-Induced Muscle Injury?

Does Obesity Affect the Severity of Exercise-Induced Muscle Injury?

... muscle injury and reexamines the potential mechanisms of exercise-induced muscle injury related to ...muscle injury after exercise, includ- ing maximal strength, delayed onset muscle soreness, ...


Comparison Prehospital RTS (Revised trauma score) with Hospital RTS in Trauma Severity Assessment

Comparison Prehospital RTS (Revised trauma score) with Hospital RTS in Trauma Severity Assessment

... 한 구급단계 중증도 평가는 그 지역사회의 외상 환자에 대한 효율성을 판단할 수 있는 근거가 된다. 현재 우리나라에서 시행되는 구급 단계 환자 평가는 구급일지 상의 의식상태, 동공반응, 생체징후로 이루어지고, 또한 중증 외상의 경우 중증 외상 세부 사항 표로 평가가 이루어진다. 하지만 구급 일지 상의 평가만으로 외상 환자의 중증도 평가를 하는 것은 쉽지 않은 일이며, 구급대원이 중증외상을 ...


Factors Affecting Injury Severity in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crash by Novice Driver

Factors Affecting Injury Severity in Pedestrian-Vehicle Crash by Novice Driver

... 사고발생 시 인명피해가 큰 보행자-차량 교통사고의 사고 심각 도를 종속변수로 설정하고 사고 심각도의 증가에 유의한 영향을 미칠 것으로 판단되는 성별, 연령, 교통법규위반 횟 수, 교통사고위치 등의 운전자 특성에 관련된 각종 변수들을 독립변수로 설정하여 운전자 운전 경력에 따라 분류하 였다.. 이항 로지스틱 회귀분석(BLR)[r] ...


Application of Poisoning aBIG score for Prediction of Fatal Severity in Acute Adult Intoxications

Application of Poisoning aBIG score for Prediction of Fatal Severity in Acute Adult Intoxications

... 중독중증점수(Poisoning Severity Score, 이하 PSS)는 조기 예측 인자의 성격보다는 환자의 최종 임상 경과에 해당한다 3,4) ...Dysfunction Score), SAPS (Simplified Acute Physiology Score), SOFA (Sequential Organ Failure Assessment) 등의 ...


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