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End stage renal disease

Tuberculosis in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

Tuberculosis in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

... Purpose: The purpose of our study was to describe the clinical and radiological mani- festations of tuberculosis in patients with end-stage renal disease. Materials and Methods: The medical ...


Depression in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

Depression in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

... KEY WORDS :End stage renal disease(ESRD)·Depression·Diagnosis·Treatment. 서 론 말기 신장질환은 진행성 신손상으로 인해 신실질이 점 진적으로 파괴되어 비가역적이고 영구적인 신기능 장애 를 보이고, 이로 인한 요독증을 피하기 위해 투석이나 신 이식을 해야 하는 임상적 상태이다. 1) 국내 ...


A Case of Primary Aldosteronism with End Stage Renal Disease

A Case of Primary Aldosteronism with End Stage Renal Disease

... chronic renal failure, there is dif- ficult to be diagnosed because hypertension is fre- quently associated with chronic renal ...nic renal failure or end stage renal ...


Dendritic Cell Dysfunction in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease

Dendritic Cell Dysfunction in Patients with End-stage Renal Disease

... kidney disease; DC, Dendritic cell; EPO, erythropoietin; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HD, hemodialysis; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; MPL, monophosphoryl ...


Hydrochlorothiazide does not increase furosemide’s effects in end-stage renal disease

Hydrochlorothiazide does not increase furosemide’s effects in end-stage renal disease

... recommended; its aim is to act on different nephron segments so that each diuretic might enhance the response of the other.[5] If combination diuretic therapy were effective for the treatment of edema in dialysis ...


Informal Caregiving in the Costs of Disease: Case Study of End Stage Renal Disease

Informal Caregiving in the Costs of Disease: Case Study of End Stage Renal Disease

... 많은 사람들이 그들의 병든 가족, 친지, 또는 친구들을 위해 금전적인 보 상을 받지 않고 간병을 한다. 이들이 환자의 간병을 위해 소요한 시간, 간 병으로 인한 임금손실, 정신적 피해, 그 밖의 생활에서의 변화 등은 질병의 비용을 계산하는데 있어 포함되어야 할 요소들임에 틀림없다. 하지만, 많은 무상간병인들은 자신이 하는 간병의 가치를 평가절하 하는 듯 하다. 말기 신장병(End ...


Impact of Dialysis Modality on Left Ventricular Geometry in End Stage Renal Disease Patients

Impact of Dialysis Modality on Left Ventricular Geometry in End Stage Renal Disease Patients

... impending end stage renal disease patients referred to our hospital for starting dialysis form 2002 and 2012, we enrolled all patients who started dialysis and maintained one ...


Eggerthella lenta Bacteremia after Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in an End-Stage Renal Disease Patient

Eggerthella lenta Bacteremia after Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography in an End-Stage Renal Disease Patient

... CASE REPORT A 69-year-old man visited our emergency room with abdomi- nal pain of one day. In past medical history, he had a surgery for mitral and tricuspid valve prolapse 19 years ago. He was di- agnosed with liver ...


Aldosterone Synthase Gene (CYP11B2) Polymorphism in Korean End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis

Aldosterone Synthase Gene (CYP11B2) Polymorphism in Korean End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis

... and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the Korean population and the association with CYP11B2 polymorphism and car- diovascular morbidity in ESRD patients on ...cardiovascular disease ...


Estimating Average Glucose Levels from Glycated Albumin in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

Estimating Average Glucose Levels from Glycated Albumin in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

... diabetic end stage renal disease (ESRD), glycated albu- min (GA) reflects recent glycemic control more accurately than glycated hemoglo- bin (HbA 1c ...


The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Vascular Biomarkers in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease.

The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus on Vascular Biomarkers in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease.

... INTRODUCTION End-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients often suffer from var- ious cardiovascular (CV) diseases, which account for consid- erable morbidity and ...


Influence of Blood Lead Concentration on the Nerve ConductionVelocity in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

Influence of Blood Lead Concentration on the Nerve ConductionVelocity in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease

... in renal failure patients (13-16), the role of lead on the clinical characteristics remains to be elucidat- ...with end-stage renal disease and to validate the relation with peripheral ...


Indoxyl sulfate (IS)-mediated immune dysfunction provokes endothelial damage in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Indoxyl sulfate (IS)-mediated immune dysfunction provokes endothelial damage in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

... Progressive renal failure causes uremia-related immune dysfunction, which features a chronic inflammatory ...of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)-related immune dysfunction in the ...


A Case of Gabapentin-induced Myoclonus in a Type 2 Diabetic Patient with End-stage Renal Disease

A Case of Gabapentin-induced Myoclonus in a Type 2 Diabetic Patient with End-stage Renal Disease

... Abstract Original Articles & Case Reports Development of myoclonus can manifest as a side effect of antiepileptic drugs in subjects with preexisting epilepsy, post-traumatic brain injury, encephalopathy, or focal and ...


Clinical Results of Arteriovenous Fistulas Constructed Using Autologous Vessels in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis

Clinical Results of Arteriovenous Fistulas Constructed Using Autologous Vessels in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients on Hemodialysis

... Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Dankook University College of Medicine Background: For hemodialysis patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), it is important to ...


Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Anemia in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

Association between Vitamin D Deficiency and Anemia in Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study

... with End-Stage Renal Disease: A Cross-Sectional Study Yung Ly Kim 1 , Hyunwook Kim 1 , Young Eun Kwon 1 , Dong-Ryeol Ryu 2 , Mi Jung Lee 1 , Kyung Sook Park 1 , Han Jak Ryu 1 , Jung Tak Park 1 ...


Indoxyl Sulfate-Mediated Metabolic Alteration of Transcriptome Signatures in Monocytes of Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

Indoxyl Sulfate-Mediated Metabolic Alteration of Transcriptome Signatures in Monocytes of Patients with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)

... al. End-stage renal disease is different from chronic kidney disease in upregulating ROS-modulated proinflammatory secretome in PBMCs—A novel multiple-hit model for disease ...


The Impact of Hemodialysis and Arteriovenous Access Flow on Extracranial Hemodynamic Changes in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients

The Impact of Hemodialysis and Arteriovenous Access Flow on Extracranial Hemodynamic Changes in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients

... in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients In this study, we characterized cerebral blood flow changes by assessment of blood flow parameters in neck arteries using carotid duplex ultrasonography and ...


Effectiveness of Topical Chia Seed Oil on Pruritus of End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients and Healthy Volunteers

Effectiveness of Topical Chia Seed Oil on Pruritus of End-stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Patients and Healthy Volunteers

... with renal dysfunction. While about 40% to 80% of patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) complain about pruritus and xerosis, there are few reports on the effects of topical n-3 ...


Is Frailty a Modifiable Risk Factor of Future Adverse Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Incident End-Stage Renal Disease?

Is Frailty a Modifiable Risk Factor of Future Adverse Outcomes in Elderly Patients with Incident End-Stage Renal Disease?

... Incident End-Stage Renal Disease? Little is known about the clinical significance of frailty and changes of frailty after dialysis initiation in elderly patients with end-stage ...


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