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Electronic Health Records

Review of Semantically Interoperable Electronic Health Records for Ubiquitous Healthcare

Review of Semantically Interoperable Electronic Health Records for Ubiquitous Healthcare

... interoperable electronic health records for ubiquitous healthcare data manage- ment: the ontology-based model and the information, or openEHR archetype model, and the link to standard terminologies ...


Active Pharmacovigilance of Drug-Induced Liver Injury Using Electronic Health Records

Active Pharmacovigilance of Drug-Induced Liver Injury Using Electronic Health Records

... Active surveillance of ADR has been attempted to overcome the disadvantages of spontaneous reporting and post-marketing surveillance. 2 In the advent of active pharmacovigilance in various ADR, DILI has been examined for ...


Impact of Simulated Electronic Health Records on Informatics Competency of Students in Informatics Course

Impact of Simulated Electronic Health Records on Informatics Competency of Students in Informatics Course

... Objectives: Nursing has embraced online education to increase its workforce while providing flexible advanced education to nurse professionals. Faculty use virtual simulation and other adaptive learning technologies to ...


Adoption of Electronic Health Records: A Roadmap for India

Adoption of Electronic Health Records: A Roadmap for India

... Sunil Kumar Srivastava, PhD Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology, Government of India, New Delhi, India Objectives: The objective of the study was to create a roadmap for the adoption of Electronic ...


Integrating Genetic Data into Electronic Health Records: Medical Geneticists’ Perspectives

Integrating Genetic Data into Electronic Health Records: Medical Geneticists’ Perspectives

... In terms of the functional requirements, the findings showed that a number of functions, such as the possibility of drawing a genetic pedigree, genetic risk assessment, avail- ability of a patient portal, and information ...


Development of Clinical Contents Model Markup Language for Electronic Health Records

Development of Clinical Contents Model Markup Language for Electronic Health Records

... To facilitate active use of CCM within EHR systems, CCM should be expressed in machine readable format for com- puter systems to electronically process them. However, computer systems could not process CCM with its ...


Triggers and Outcomes of Falls in Hematology Patients: Analysis of Electronic Health Records

Triggers and Outcomes of Falls in Hematology Patients: Analysis of Electronic Health Records

... 이에 입원 환자를 대상으로 낙상위험사 정도구의 개발 및 검증에 대한 연구가 활발하게 이루어져 왔는 데[20,21], 국내 종합병원에서 가장 빈번하게 사용하고 있는 낙 상위험사정도구인 Morse Fall Scale (MFS)과 JHFRAT의 민 감도와 음성 예측도가 높아 종합병원 입원 환자의 낙상을 예측 하기에 적합함에도 불구하고,[r] ...


Early Experiences with Mobile Electronic Health Records Application in a Tertiary Hospital in Korea

Early Experiences with Mobile Electronic Health Records Application in a Tertiary Hospital in Korea

... mobile Electronic Health Record (EHR) applications is large and growing, there is a paucity of evidence demonstrating the usage patterns of these mobile applications by healthcare ...healthcare ...


Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction using Electronic Health Records Pattern Information based on Deep Learning

Chronic Kidney Disease Risk Prediction using Electronic Health Records Pattern Information based on Deep Learning

... 드문 실정이다. 이러한 만성 신질환을 조기에 예측하고자 전자의무기록(electronic health record, EHR)을 이용한 연구들이 선행되고 있다. 최근 딥러닝의 기술이 급속하게 발전하면서 의료 분야에서도 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있으며 기존의 전통적인 기계학습(Machine Learning)보다 좋은 성능을 보이고 있다. 또한, 딥러닝 분야에서 다양한 모델 ...


A clinical research strategy using longitudinal observational  data in the post-electronic health records era

A clinical research strategy using longitudinal observational data in the post-electronic health records era

... 통제어휘란 미리 정의된 용어체계로서 특정 분야에서 사용 되는 개념을 기술하는 용어체계를 말한다. 한국표준질병사인 분류(Korean Classification of Diseases 5th revision, KCD-5), 국제질병 및 사인분류(International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health ...


A Design of Electronic Health Records Partial Encryption Method for Protecting Patient's Information on the U-Healthcare Environment

A Design of Electronic Health Records Partial Encryption Method for Protecting Patient's Information on the U-Healthcare Environment

... the health care services anywhere ...medical records at hospital safely, in order to avoid the exposure of the user's personal information which can occur due to the frequent usage of the electronic ...


A Survey on Long-Term Preservation of Composite Electronic Records with Heterogeneous Electronic Records

A Survey on Long-Term Preservation of Composite Electronic Records with Heterogeneous Electronic Records

... 대표적인 예로 우리나라 정부부처 및 공공기 관에서 오랫동안 생산되고 CAD 도면류는 장 기보존 대상이지만, 아직까지 대부분의 CAD 도면류가 프린트되어 보존되고 있다. 또한 웹 2.0시대가 도래하면서 소셜 네트워크 서비스 와 같은 새로운 형태의 서비스가 등장하였고, 우리나라 정부부처 및 공공기관에서 소셜 네 트워크서 비스를 이용한 대국민 서비스를 하 고 있다. 따라서 소셜 네트워크 서비스 ...


A Survey on Long-Term Preservation of Composite Electronic Records with Heterogeneous Electronic Records

A Survey on Long-Term Preservation of Composite Electronic Records with Heterogeneous Electronic Records

... 대표적인 예로 우리나라 정부부처 및 공공기 관에서 오랫동안 생산되고 CAD 도면류는 장 기보존 대상이지만, 아직까지 대부분의 CAD 도면류가 프린트되어 보존되고 있다. 또한 웹 2.0시대가 도래하면서 소셜 네트워크 서비스 와 같은 새로운 형태의 서비스가 등장하였고, 우리나라 정부부처 및 공공기관에서 소셜 네 트워크서 비스를 이용한 대국민 서비스를 하 고 있다. 따라서 소셜 네트워크 서비스 ...


Pharmacovigilance study using Electronic Medical Records

Pharmacovigilance study using Electronic Medical Records

... 전자의무기록(EMR, electronic medical record) 데이터는 환자 진료의 부산물로 의사 처방, 검사 결과, 진단명 등 자세한 정보들이 그대로 저장되어 있는 원천 자료이므로, 별도의 보고절차가 없어도, 누락되는 자료가 발생하지 않으며, 환자와 관련된 모든 정보를 저장하고 ...


Records Management Business Analysis of Certified Electronic Document Center as the 'External Electronic Records Storage Facilities'

Records Management Business Analysis of Certified Electronic Document Center as the 'External Electronic Records Storage Facilities'

... Key words : Korean Archives Law, external electronic records storage facilities, commercial records facilities, Certified Electronic Document Center, records preservat[r] ...


Usage Pattern Differences and Similarities of Mobile Electronic Medical Records Among Health Care Providers

Usage Pattern Differences and Similarities of Mobile Electronic Medical Records Among Health Care Providers

... Principal Findings According to the analyses, daily users increased from 200 in 2012 to 438 in 2016. The number of users and connections steadily increased over time. The steady use of approximately two-thirds of all ...


Development	of	Mobile	Electronic	Health	Records	Application	in	a	Secondary	General	Hospital	in	Korea

Development of Mobile Electronic Health Records Application in a Secondary General Hospital in Korea

... Objectives: The recent evolution of mobile devices has opened new possibilities of providing strongly integrated mobile services in healthcare. The objective of this paper is to describe the decision driver, development, ...


전자기록물의 메타데이터 추출 및 비교 검증 기술 연구

Extracting and Validating Metadata in Electronic Records

... migrate electronic records, the validation of the required metadata in electronic records and verified with the metadata in the document are also ...


A Study of Electronic Records Folder Management

A Study of Electronic Records Folder Management

... 기록 건(records)은 공식적인 기록으로 선언 된 논리적 엔티티로, 컨텐트와 메타데이터로 구성된다. 기록은 하나의 워드 문서이거나, 웹 페이지나 멀티미디어 문서와 같이 단일한 객체 로 취급되는, 단단히 묶인 객체 집합이 될 수도 있다. 기록철에는 많은 기록이 포함될 수 있지 만, 새로 생성된 철에는 기록이 아직 포함되어 있지 않을 수도 있다. 기록건의 처분 등 일부 관리기준은 ...


A Study of Redesigning Electronic Records Management Policies

A Study of Redesigning Electronic Records Management Policies

... 첫째는 국가기록원 중 앙기록관리시스템(CAMS)을 단일 시스템에서 연계된 복수시스템으로 재구 축할 필요가 있다. 거대 시스템 CAMS는 주기적 기능개선에도 불구하고 비 교적 큰 변동사항을 반영하기 어렵고 특정 단위기능의 개선이 다른 기능에 영향을 미치는 경우도 흔치않게 발생한다. 따라서 각 시스템의 기능단위들 도 가급적 [r] ...


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