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clinical outcome

Clinical Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians

Clinical Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians

... Clinical Outcome of Cardiac Surgery in Octogenarians The purpose of this study was to investigate the operative results and the clinical outcomes for octogenarians who underwent cardiac ...


Clinical Outcome of Urgent Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Clinical Outcome of Urgent Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

... It is thought that in urgent cases, similarly to elective patients, the status of the patients’ health before and after surgery may contribute to the quality of life of the patient. To obtain a good clinical ...


Genomic Grade Index predicts postoperative clinical outcome of GIST

Genomic Grade Index predicts postoperative clinical outcome of GIST

... and clinical outcome in the North American Intergroup Phase III Trial of imatinib mesylate for treatment of advanced gastrointestinal stromal tumor: CALGB 150105 Study by Cancer and Leukemia Group B and ...


Postoperative Spinal Epidural Hematoma: Risk Factor and Clinical Outcome

Postoperative Spinal Epidural Hematoma: Risk Factor and Clinical Outcome

... patient 8 was excluded in this study due to delayed surgical time due to patients condition. The no change group consists of only one patient showed symptom duration as 5 hours. Although non parametric statistical ...


Clinical outcome for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in extremely elderly patients

Clinical outcome for laparoscopic cholecystectomy in extremely elderly patients

... reported that among high-risk patients with AC, 88.3% were managed with percutaneous cholecystostomy (PC) without relapse within a median follow-up period of 38.1 months, despite radiologically severe AC in some ...


Prognostic factors influencing clinical outcome of nonsurgical endodontic treatment

Prognostic factors influencing clinical outcome of nonsurgical endodontic treatment

... the clinical outcome of nonsurgical endodontic treat- ment and identify patient- and tooth-related factors, rather than treatment-related factors, that were the best predictors of this ...


Risk Factors Affecting Clinical Outcome of Ruptured Vertebrobasilar Saccular Aneurysms

Risk Factors Affecting Clinical Outcome of Ruptured Vertebrobasilar Saccular Aneurysms

... Results of the current study indicated that initial poor Hunt-Hess grade was a risk factor associated with unfavorable outcome. In accordance with our re- sult, Hillman 3) reported that neurological status at ini- ...


Clinical Outcome for High-dose Pralidoxime in Treating Organophosphate Intoxication

Clinical Outcome for High-dose Pralidoxime in Treating Organophosphate Intoxication

... 유기인계 농약 중독 환자에서 고용량 Pralidoxime이 치료 결과에 미치는 효과 이화여자대학교 의학전문대학원 응급의학교실, 을지대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실 1 이경민∙최윤희∙전영진∙이덕희 1 Clinical Outcome for High-dose Pralidoxime in Treating Organophosphate Intoxication ...


Electrode Position and the Clinical Outcome after Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation

Electrode Position and the Clinical Outcome after Bilateral Subthalamic Nucleus Stimulation

... This study has several limitations. First, we categorized the electrode positions into three groups based on the plotted elec- trode position on the axial view at the level of 3.5 mm below the AC-PC line in the human ...


Clinical Outcome of Parosteal Osteosarcoma

Clinical Outcome of Parosteal Osteosarcoma

... TEL: +82-2-970-1242 FAX: +82-2-970-2403 E-mail: dgjeon@kcch.re.kr Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the oncologic outcomes of parosteal osteosarcoma (POS) and to ascertain the fates of patients after ...


Percutaneous Catheter Drainage of Liver Abscess: Clinical Outcome

Percutaneous Catheter Drainage of Liver Abscess: Clinical Outcome

... Purpose: We studied to evaluate the effect of percutaneous catheter drainage (PCD) in liver abscess Materlas and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed clinical data (pre[r] ...


장관골에 발생한 Stage IIB 골육종의 치료결과

Clinical Outcome of Stage IIB Osteosarcomas in Long Bones

... 21) Rougraff RT, Simon MA, Kneisl JS, Greenberg DB, Mankin HJ: Limb salvage compared with amputation for osteosarcoma of the distal femur for primary bone tumor. A long-term oncological,[r] ...


Acquired Uterine Vascular Malformation: Clinical Outcome of Transarterial Embolization

Acquired Uterine Vascular Malformation: Clinical Outcome of Transarterial Embolization

... Duplex ultrasound evaluation performed three days after em- bolization showed ultrasonographic success in all patients. The mean clinical follow-up period was 20 months, and it ranged from 1 to 42 months. Vaginal ...


연부조직에 발생한 단소성 섬유 종양의 임상 결과 공창배

The Clinical Outcome of Soft Tissue Solitary Fibrous Tumor

... Photomicrograph reveals increased cellularity, nuclear pleomorphism and increased mitotic count (H&E, ×400)... tyrosine kinase inhibitors, sorafenib, pazopanib, imatinib, trabected[r] ...


Correlation of CT and MR findings with clinical outcome

Correlation of CT and MR findings with clinical outcome

... but in 2 cases of exophytic growing tumor ‘ a subtotal resection of the tumor was possible and th e pati ents were alive for 9 months and 24 monlhs ‘ resp ec lively The tumors[r] ...
Clinical Outcome of Open Adhesiolysis in Severe Stiff Elbows

Clinical Outcome of Open Adhesiolysis in Severe Stiff Elbows

... 관절 유리술은 술전 주요 병소가 있는 부위로 먼저 선택적인 도달을 하 였으며 술중 주관절의 반복적인 운동범위 측정을 통해 완전 운동범위를 얻을 때까지 순차적인 유리술을 실시 하였다.[r] ...


Clinical outcome of Internal Impingement Syndrome in Non-Athletes

Clinical outcome of Internal Impingement Syndrome in Non-Athletes

... 내적 충돌 증후군(Internal impingement)은 투수에게 흔한 병변으로 1 9 9 2년 w a l c h가 처음으로 보고하였 고, 90도 외전및 최대 외회전의 투구 자세에서 후상방 관절와연과 상완골두 사이에서 회전근개의 하부가 끼이 는 병변으로 정의하였다.. Jobe는 사체 연구를 통해 전방불안정성이 없는 비 운동선수에서[r] ...


Clinical Outcome in the Surgical Intervention of Congenital Muscular Torticollis

Clinical Outcome in the Surgical Intervention of Congenital Muscular Torticollis

... 2012. Clinical photographs and medical records of the following patients were reviewed: patients who underwent surgical release at <10 years of age, and patients who revisited the outpatient clinic after >1 year ...


Good Patients Make Favorable Clinical Outcome: K-TAVI Registry Reports.

Good Patients Make Favorable Clinical Outcome: K-TAVI Registry Reports.

... and outcome of TAVI among low- or intermediate-risk patients versus high-risk ...The clinical outcome was excellent with procedure success rate of ...


근치적 위 절제술에서 병합절제의 임상적 결과 1

The Clinical Outcome of Combined Organ Resection during Radical Gastrectomy

... The aim of this study is to investigate the risk of combined minor organ resection (GB, gynecologic organ, appendix etc) in gastric cancer surgery.. Methods: The clinical data from 673[r] ...


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