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Chronic pain

Psychiatric Treatment of Chronic Pain

Psychiatric Treatment of Chronic Pain

... chronic pain patients in different age groups. J Gerontol 1990; 45: 161 - 5 Peer Reviewer Commentary 재활의학과, 통증 클리닉, 정형외과 의사들은 만성 통증 환자를 진료하면서 정신사회적 요소(psychosocial factor)가 진단과 치료에 중요하다는 점을 충분히 인식하고 있다. 더욱이 ...


A Study on Chronic Pain, Pain Beliefs, Pain Coping, and Fatigue in the Elderly

A Study on Chronic Pain, Pain Beliefs, Pain Coping, and Fatigue in the Elderly

... Purpose: This study were to examine the relationship among chronic pain, pain beliefs, pain coping, and fatigue and to define the main factors influencing chronic pain in the elderly. Me[r] ...


Epigenetic Modification in Chronic Pain: A Literature Review

Epigenetic Modification in Chronic Pain: A Literature Review

... Key words Chronic pain, Epigenomics, Histones, MicroRNAs, DNA methylation 서론»»» 통증은 실제적 혹은 잠재된 조직 손상이나 이와 동반 되는 불쾌한 감각 혹은 정서적 체험으로 정의된다 1) . 조 직 손상으로 나타나는 급성 통증이 손상으로부터 개체 를 보호하는 자연적인 방어 기전으로 역할하는 반면 2) , ...


The Effects of Aromatherapy on Elders' Chronic Pain, Sleep

The Effects of Aromatherapy on Elders' Chronic Pain, Sleep

... their chronic pain, ...in chronic pain, quality of sleep, and the number of urination during sleep decreased compared to the control ...massage, chronic pain decreased, sleep ...


Psychophysiological Characteristics of Chronic Pain Patients Measured by Biofeedback System

Psychophysiological Characteristics of Chronic Pain Patients Measured by Biofeedback System

... Conclusion: Psychophysiological responses of chronic pain patients in stress reactivity test were different from those of normal healthy controls.. These results suggest that sympatheti[r] ...


Comparison of Photobiomodulation Therapy Types for Adults with Chronic Pain

Comparison of Photobiomodulation Therapy Types for Adults with Chronic Pain

... Methods : Overall, 144 of 332 participants’ records were used in this retrospective chart review. The study was conducted at a private health center in Busan city and the integrative medical center of a tertiary care ...


Descending Controls: The Self-Regulation of Chronic Pain

Descending Controls: The Self-Regulation of Chronic Pain

... Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine, School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee University The descending control system is composed of a group of structures in the midbrain, medulla oblongata and pons that form a network of ...


The Association among Pain, Pain Coping and Quality of life of Community- Dwelling Elderly with Chronic Pain

The Association among Pain, Pain Coping and Quality of life of Community- Dwelling Elderly with Chronic Pain

... 본 연구의 대상자는 경기도 S시 소재 Y구 보건소의 방문보건센터에 등록된 65 세 이상 만성통증 재가노인 150명이었으며, 자료수집은 2015년 7월 23일부터 2015년 8월 27일까지 이루어졌다. 연구도구는 시각적 상사척도(Visual Analogue Scale: VAS)를 사용하여 통증정 도, Brown과 Nicassio(1987)가 개발한 PMI(Pain ...


Effects of Manual Therapy and Theraputic Exercise on Chronic Pain and Body Function in Elder Women with Chronic Low Back Pain

Effects of Manual Therapy and Theraputic Exercise on Chronic Pain and Body Function in Elder Women with Chronic Low Back Pain

... Conclusions: According to the results, manual therapy and therapeutic exercise group it was found to be helpful in pain, flexibility, static balance, not strength [r] ...


A Study of Pain, Depression and Self-Efficacy According to the Classifications of Pain among Chronic Pain Patients

A Study of Pain, Depression and Self-Efficacy According to the Classifications of Pain among Chronic Pain Patients

... 본 연구의 대상자는 부산시에 소재하는 1 개 대학병원 과 1 개 의원의 통증클리닉에서 통증관리를 받는 만 20 세 이상의 남녀 외래환자를 대상으로 대상자 선정기준에 부합하는 환자를 의도표출하였다 대상자 선정기준은 . 6 개월 이상 지속되는 통증을 가진 환자 중 의사소통이 가 능하고 본 연구에 참여하기로 동의한 환자이며 암성 통 , 증이나 교통사고로 인한 통증 환자는 제외하였다 또한 . ...


Chronic Pain after Non-traumatic, Non-compressive Myelopathy: Characteristics and Predictors for Neuropathic pain

Chronic Pain after Non-traumatic, Non-compressive Myelopathy: Characteristics and Predictors for Neuropathic pain

... 연구대상및방법: 2014년 3월부터 9월까지아주대병원신경과외래를방문한환자중 비외상성비압박성척수병이있는환자를대상으로하였다. 모든환자들은척수병발생 후 6개월이상지난상태였으며, 인지기능장애가있거나다른원인에의한통증이있는 자는제외하였다. 모든환자들에대하여신경과의사가설문지를통하여통증및삶의질 에대한평가를시행하였다. 통증에대한설문지로는 Short Form McGill Pain ...


A Systematic Review of Treatment for Chronic Pain after Stroke

A Systematic Review of Treatment for Chronic Pain after Stroke

... 의 만성 통증은 견관절 아탈구, central post stroke pain, 시상 증후군, 근골격계 통증 등 여러 원인으 로 발생한다. 이러한 중풍후 통증은 중풍 환자의 재활치료를 방해하고, 우울감을 유발하며, 환자와 보호자의 삶의 질을 낮추고 일상생활에 불편감을 주는 주요요인이다. 중풍환자의 통증 유병률에 대 한 연구에서 흥미로운 사실은 통증이 시기별로 다 르다는 것이다. ...


Psychosocial  Impact  of  Chronic  Orofacial  Pain

Psychosocial Impact of Chronic Orofacial Pain

... 구강안면통증(orofacial pain, OFP) 환자들을 대상으로 통증으로 인한 사회심리적 영 향을 평가하고, 대학병원의 구강안면통증 전문클리닉에 내원한 OFP 환자들의 임상적 특성(유발사건, 이전 치료병력 등)을 조사하고자 ...만성통증척도(Graded Chronic Pain Scale, GCPS) 설 문지를 ...


Proposed New Pathophysiology of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

Proposed New Pathophysiology of Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

... as chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome ...genitourinary pain with or without voiding symptoms in the absence of uropathogenic bacteria, as detected by standard microbiological ...


Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Male Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: How Are They Related?

Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Male Bladder Pain Syndrome/Interstitial Cystitis: How Are They Related?

... urological chronic pain syndromes could help us better understand the relationship between ...of chronic pelvic pain might solve the problems associated with the existing terminology and ...


UPOINT System: A Diagnostic/Therapeutic Algorithm for Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

UPOINT System: A Diagnostic/Therapeutic Algorithm for Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome

... 2. Psychosocial Cannabis has been used in other chronic pain syndromes for symptom relief. Tripp et al. [11] performed a study on men with CP/CPPS who visited clinics and shared their experience with ...


What Can We Do for Chronic Scrotal Content Pain?

What Can We Do for Chronic Scrotal Content Pain?

... long-term pain relief, especially when the duration of chronic pain exceeds 6 months. Patients in whom the above approach does not work should be considered for surgical intervention. Surgical ...


The Effect of Radiofrequency Neurotomy on Chronic Low Back Pain

The Effect of Radiofrequency Neurotomy on Chronic Low Back Pain

... joint, Chronic low back pain, Radiofrequency neurotomy Introduction In most patients, low back pain tends to resolve with either no treatment or only conservative treatment; howev- er, there is a ...


Patients  With  Chronic  Back  Pain

Patients With Chronic Back Pain

... of pain and disability with psychosocial factors, which are potential disturbance variables, in patients with chronic lumbar ...of chronic lumbar pain for more than three ...of pain, ...


Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome 6 Case Series

Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome 6 Case Series

... The purpose of this study is to report the clinical effects of Korean medicine, Sibimijihwang-tang(十二味地黃湯), bee venom pharmacopuncture, and acupuncture treatment on [r] ...


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