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Breast self examination

Predicting Factors of Breast Self-Examination Among Middle Aged Women

Predicting Factors of Breast Self-Examination Among Middle Aged Women

... Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify predicting factors of the performance of breast self-examination (BSE) among Korean middle-aged women based upon [r] ...


The Effects of Breast Self-examination Program Enriched Environmentally among Healthy Women

The Effects of Breast Self-examination Program Enriched Environmentally among Healthy Women

... Conclusion: Findings suggest that the environmental enrichment should be needed to support women's breast self-examination and expanded for compliance of breast self-examination to promo[r] ...


Effects of a smart phone application on breast self-examination: a feasibility study

Effects of a smart phone application on breast self-examination: a feasibility study

... examination date alarm, reminder to encourage her mother to practice breast self- examination together, record keeping and education content with video clips. Women [r] ...


Factors Influencing the Practice of Breast Self-Examination Among Women in Their 30s and 40s

Factors Influencing the Practice of Breast Self-Examination Among Women in Their 30s and 40s

... of Breast Self-Examination Among Women in Their 30s and 40s Kim, Mi Young · Kang, Eun Hee · Byun, Eun Kyung Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Kyungnam College University of Information & ...


Practice Rate of Breast Self- examination and Its Related Factors among Women in a Rural Area

Practice Rate of Breast Self- examination and Its Related Factors among Women in a Rural Area

... Higher economic status, regular exercise and positive family history of breast cancer each presented high practice rates of breast self- examination.. The practice rate revealed higher i[r] ...


The Comparison of Factors related to Performance of Breast Self-examination by Age Group in the Middle and Mature Aged Woman

The Comparison of Factors related to Performance of Breast Self-examination by Age Group in the Middle and Mature Aged Woman

... Prospective analysis of the long-term effect of teaching breast self-examination and breast awarness, European Jour- nal of Cancer Care, 17 , 371-376.. Gammon, M..[r] ...


Influences on Practical Intention of Breast Self-Examination among High School Girls' Knowledge and Attitude about Breast Self-Examination

Influences on Practical Intention of Breast Self-Examination among High School Girls' Knowledge and Attitude about Breast Self-Examination

... 10 대 유방암 발생률은 국가차원에서의 공식적인 통계자 료가 없어 직접적으로 비교할 수 없지만, 미국의 한 조사 (Breast cancer org., 2013) 에 의하면 유방암 발생 최소 연령 이 17세로 나타나 우리나라의 최소 연령인 13세와는 차이 가 있었다. 초경연령이 빨라지고 서구화된 식생활로 10대 의 낮은 연령에 증가하는 유방암의 특성을 고려한다면, 이 시기에 유방암 ...


The Affecting Factors on Breast Self-Examination(BSE) of Korean

The Affecting Factors on Breast Self-Examination(BSE) of Korean

... 둘째 유방자가검진 태도형성에 가장 영향미치는 요인은 , 스스로 유방자가검진을 하는 것이 어렵게 느껴진 다는 것으로서 긍정적 태도형성을 할 수 있도록 대상자의 교육접근성을 높일 수 있는 체계적인 교 육과 홍보전략 방안이 요구된다.. 셋째 유방자가검진실천에 가장 영향주는 요인중 하나가 , 자기효능감으로서 자기효능을 증진시킬 수 있는 대[r] ...


A Study for the Health Education of Breast Self-Examination

A Study for the Health Education of Breast Self-Examination

... 유방자가검진은 1947 년 Dr. Popma 가 처음 창안하 여 1950 년 Haagensen 과 미국 국립보건원에서 영화 , 슬라이드 팜플렛 강연 등을 통해 일반 대중에게 보급되 , , 기 시작하였다 이러한 유방자가검진은 훈련을 받을 경 . 우 1cm 이하의 작은 종괴도 찾을 수 있을 뿐 아니라 실 제 유방암 환자의 대부분이 유방자가검진을 통해 유방암 을 발견하는 경우가 많아 효율성이 높은 ...


Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Compliance on Breast Self Examination among Female College Students in Gyeonggi Province

Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Compliance on Breast Self Examination among Female College Students in Gyeonggi Province

... 이상의 결과에서와 같이, 여대생의 유방암 예방을 위 해 유방자가검진의 지식과 자기효능감을 향상시켜, 유방 자가검진에 대한 이행 정도의 정확성을 추구하여, 유방 자가검진의 성공적 수행과 지속적 실천을 도모하여야 할 것이다.. 또한 추후 여대생을 대상으로 적용하게 될 교육 프로그램 개발에 적극 반영하여 실제 적용 가능한 효율[r] ...


The Analysis for Behavior Model and Effectiveness of Education of Breast Self Examination

The Analysis for Behavior Model and Effectiveness of Education of Breast Self Examination

... 행위이론(Theory of Planned Behavior : TPB)에 자 기효능(Self-Efficacy : SE)이론이 추가된 TPB-SE 모 델을 통해 유방자가검진 행위에 대한 설명력과 적합성을 검정하고, 이러한 모델에 따라 유방자가검진 교육이 유 방자가검진 의도와 행위에 영향을 미치는지를 분석하기 위하여 본 연구를 시도하였으며, 궁극적으로는 유방자가 검진 행위에 대한 ...


Convergent research of Experience about Women Religious on Breast Self-Examination Education Participation

Convergent research of Experience about Women Religious on Breast Self-Examination Education Participation

... 미국 암협회는 유방암의 조기 발견을 위하여 20세부 터 유방자가검진을 매달 수행할 것을 교육하고 있다[12]. 한국유방암 학회는 30세 이상의 여성은 매월 유방 자가 검진을 시행할 것과 40세 이후는 1~2년 간격의 임상진찰 과 유방촬영을 권고 하고 있다. 유방 자가 검진은 생리를 하는 여성의 경우는 생리가 끝난 직후 1주일 전후가 가장 검사에 적합한 시기이며 폐경을 한 여성은 매월 일정 날 ...


Effects of Action Oriented Breast Self-examination(BSE) Education on Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Performance Competence in Nursing Students

Effects of Action Oriented Breast Self-examination(BSE) Education on Knowledge, Self-efficacy, and Performance Competence in Nursing Students

... Purpose: This study was undertaken to test effects of action oriented BSE education on knowledge, self- efficacy, and performance competence in nursing students.. M[r] ...


The Difference of Women's Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Education after Education for Breast Self-examination

The Difference of Women's Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice Education after Education for Breast Self-examination

... Therefore, the intensive education about BSE can be effective to enhance women's health belief and practice to perform BSE for early detection of breast cancer. K[r] ...


The Impact on Supportive Education on the Effectiveness of Breast Self-examination among College Women and Correlate to Self-Efficacy

The Impact on Supportive Education on the Effectiveness of Breast Self-examination among College Women and Correlate to Self-Efficacy

... The first class was implemented through lectures, pamphlets, videotapes, breast palpation on cloths, demonstration and practice for identification of breast masses t[r] ...


Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast-Self Examination among Middle and High School Girls

Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Breast-Self Examination among Middle and High School Girls

... 최근까지 실시된 유방자가검진에 관한 선행연구는 중년 여성을 대 상으로 유방자가검진 실천에 대한 영향 요인에 관한 연구[16,17]가 주 로 이루어졌으며 고등학생, 대학생 등의 젊은 연령을 대상으로 한 선행 연구는 유방자가검진의 지식, 태도, 실천의지[8,12] 등이 수행되어 왔으 나 여중, 여고생을 대상으로 유방자가검진의 실천 정도[r] ...


The Effects of a BSE(Breast Self-Examination) Education Program on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Performance Level in Female Nursing Students

The Effects of a BSE(Breast Self-Examination) Education Program on Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Performance Level in Female Nursing Students

... Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of BSE education and practice on knowledge, self efficacy and performance in female nursing students.. Method: The subject[r] ...


Differences in Health Belief by Compliance Level with Breast Self-Examination and Predictors of BSE among Women

Differences in Health Belief by Compliance Level with Breast Self-Examination and Predictors of BSE among Women

... Optimistic bias in adolescent and adult smokers and nonsmokers. The health belief model and prediction of dietary compliance: A field experiment. Use of the health belief model in det[r] ...


The Effect of Knowledge of and Attitude to Breast Self-examination on Female University Students' Intention to Practice

The Effect of Knowledge of and Attitude to Breast Self-examination on Female University Students' Intention to Practice

... %[18]와 유사한 결과는 매우 긍정적인 현상으로 무엇보다도 이들의 의도가 행위로 연결될 수 있도록 효과적인 교육 제공 과 함께 제도적 뒷받침이 마련되는 것이 필요할 것이다. 본 연구대상자의 유방자가검진에 대한 지식은 16점 만점에 2.57점으로 Suk 등[10]의 16점 만점에 6.12점과 Kim [12]의 17점 만점에 6.60점에 비해 매우 낮았다. 이는 유방자가검진 Table 5. ...


Effects	of	a	Smartphone	Application	on	Breast	Self-Examination:	A	Feasibility	Study

Effects of a Smartphone Application on Breast Self-Examination: A Feasibility Study

... Because breast tissue softens and an abnormal mass can be more easily distinguished from normal breast tissue 7 days after the onset of menses, this user-tailored method could improve the effectiveness of ...


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