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bony defect

Shoulder Instability: Open Technique for Bony Defect

Shoulder Instability: Open Technique for Bony Defect

... Shoulder Instability: Open Technique for Bony Defect 경희대학교 정형외과 이 용 걸 본원에서 1993년부터 2004년까지 총 820례의 anterior shoulder instability 환자에서 7.56%인 66례에 서 수술후 subluxation 또는 dislocation을 보이고 있었다(Rhee et al : ...


Glial Choristoma Accompanied with Severe Bony Defect in Orbit in a Newborn

Glial Choristoma Accompanied with Severe Bony Defect in Orbit in a Newborn

... Suk Hwan Han, et al. : - Glial Choristoma Accompanied with Severe Bony Defect in Orbit in a Newborn - - 308 - ×4 cm의 딱딱한 종괴가 고정된 양상으로 입 안 가득 관찰 되었으며 이로 인한 기도의 폐쇄로 호흡곤란이 있었다. 증 상은 체위 변화에 의해 호전과 악화를 반복하였다. ...


Management of Tibial Bony Defect with Metal Block in Primary Total Knee Replacement Arthroplasty

Management of Tibial Bony Defect with Metal Block in Primary Total Knee Replacement Arthroplasty

... tibial bony defect, if extensive bone resection was expected necessary to expose the unaffected cancellous bone for proper bone grafting, we carried out metal block augmentation after partial removal of the ...


Diagnostic Efficacy of High Resolution Temporal Bone Computed   Tomography on Bony Defect in Chronic Otitis Media

Diagnostic Efficacy of High Resolution Temporal Bone Computed Tomography on Bony Defect in Chronic Otitis Media

... for bony defect of the facial nerve canal, the tegmen tympani and the lateral sem- icircular canal between the findings of HRCT and the operative findings in chronic otitis ...for bony defect ...


An alternative treatment option for a bony defect from large odontoma using recycled demineralization at chairside

An alternative treatment option for a bony defect from large odontoma using recycled demineralization at chairside

... the defect with the recycled hard tissues were planned for orthodontic ...The bony defect was ...the defect was observed in panoramic radiograph and CT ...


Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Coated Biphasic Calcium Phosphate on the Dehiscence Bony Defect around Dental Implant

Effects of Epigallocatechin-3-gallate Coated Biphasic Calcium Phosphate on the Dehiscence Bony Defect around Dental Implant

... 7 provide a sufficient space for bone regeneration when applied to the large bony defect region. 22 By contrast, BCP has a superb space maintenance effect and an excellent biocompatibility. Therefore, BCP ...


Discussion: An alternative treatment option for a bony defect from large odontoma using recycled demineralization at chairside

Discussion: An alternative treatment option for a bony defect from large odontoma using recycled demineralization at chairside

... In-Woong Um, http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4628-3662 Woo-Jin Cho, http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2952-2921 References 1. Lee JH, Lee EY, Park EJ, Kim ES. An alternative treatment op- tion for a bony defect from ...


Simultaneous Osteoperiosteal Autologous Iliac Crest Graft and Lateral Meniscus Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesion with Bony Defect and Lateral Discoid Meniscus Tear

Simultaneous Osteoperiosteal Autologous Iliac Crest Graft and Lateral Meniscus Allograft Transplantation for Osteochondral Lesion with Bony Defect and Lateral Discoid Meniscus Tear

... Dhong Won Lee, MD 1 , Jin Goo Kim, MD, PhD 2 , Jeong Ku Ha, MD 3 , and Woo Jong Kim, MD 4 1 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Daejeon Military Hospital, Daejeon; 2 Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Konkuk University ...


Synchronous Bony and Soft Tissue Metastases from FollicularCarcinoma of the Thyroid

Synchronous Bony and Soft Tissue Metastases from FollicularCarcinoma of the Thyroid

... On examination, the general condition and vital signs were normal. A left STN measuring 5×3 cm was present, and was hard in consistency. There was no cervical lymphadenopathy. The left parietal region swelling was firm, ...


Multilocular developmental salivary gland defect

Multilocular developmental salivary gland defect

... lingual bony defect located at the lingual side of the mandibular canal ...lobulated bony defect below the mandi- bular canal ...the defect was ...the defect was ...




... Conclusion: The bone density on PRP group was remarkably increased at 3 months postoperation compared to bone graft only group and it was seemed to be associated with more new bone form[r] ...


Correction of bony deviation in rhinoplasty

Correction of bony deviation in rhinoplasty

... OPERATIVE TECHNIQUES Medial osteotomy Medial osteotomy is essential for the centralization of a convex and concave bony portion on both sides in a deviated nose. It may not be required if the large bony ...


Clinical Experience in Bony Mallet Finger

Clinical Experience in Bony Mallet Finger

... 고 찰 추지 발생기전은 원위지관절을 능동적으로 신전시킬 Fig. 2. A. preoperative film, Niechajev classification type D. B . postoperative film, articular incongruity was restored. C . postoperative 14 months, bony union was achieved and ...


Defect Severity-based Defect Prediction Model using CL

Defect Severity-based Defect Prediction Model using CL

... 2. Proposed Defect Prediction Model Structure 기존 결함심각도에 기반한 연구에서 사용되었던 NASA의 데 이터세트 중 JM1, PC4 데이터세트의 핵심 입력 Column을 선 정한다. 그리고 결함심각도가 분류되어 있지 않는 JM1, PC4에 2장에서 설명한 CLAMI 방법을 결함심각도에 기반하여 적용한 다. 그 다음에 최종 훈련 데이터세트를 ...


Physical Therapy-Induced Secondary Bony MalletFinger Deformity SURGERYOFTHEHAND

Physical Therapy-Induced Secondary Bony MalletFinger Deformity SURGERYOFTHEHAND

... complete bony union is con- firmed by hand ...that bony mallet deformity can occur during physical therapy following by surgical pinning of a proximal phalangeal ...


CT of cholesteatomas - in respect to bony complications-

CT of cholesteatomas - in respect to bony complications-

... This is especially lik e1 y to occur in the region of the first j:( enu at the level of the cochlea or in the horizontal portion of the undersurface of lateral semicir[r] ...
defect depth(micron)

defect depth(micron)

... 결손부의 깊이, 폭, 단면적에 대한 초음파 스케일 러의 mode, power setting, 측방압의 각 변수별로 평 균과 표준편차 및 분산분석을 시행하여, 각 변수가 결손부 형성에 미치는 영향을 보기 위해 각 변수에 대해 다중분석을 수행하였다.. Scanning electronic micrographs(×45) of defect[r] ...


후방 후두 경추간 유합술 후 골유합의 평가 장@ 한·채종우·박종범

The Evaluation of Bony Union after Posterior Occipitocervical Fusion

... 그러므로 저자들은 특히 내고정기기가 삽입된 후두 경추간 고정술의 유합여부는 방사선 검사상으로 판단 이 불가능하다 생각하며 추시 방사선 검사상 내고정기 기의 이완이나 단절이 없으면 안정성이 부여된 것으로 판단할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 저자들의 예에서 술 후 6개월까지 추시 굴곡/신전 방사선 검사상 운동성 및 이완이 없으면 이후 추[r] ...


A New arthroscopic bony bankart repair using DAFF technique

A New arthroscopic bony bankart repair using DAFF technique

... 골성 뱅카트 병변을 확인한후 Liberator knife을 이용하여 골편을 관절와로부터 완전히 분리 시킨고, 관절와의 경부까지 burr를 이용하여 연마하여 골의 치유가 쉽도록 준비한다.. 이어 견갑하건을 통해 2.4mm FASTak (Arthrex)의 가이드를 삽입 하여 전하방 삽입구를 만들어 관절와의 경부(골절면의아래쪽)에 FAS[r] ...


TFT-LCD Defect Blob Detection based on Sequential Defect Detection Method

TFT-LCD Defect Blob Detection based on Sequential Defect Detection Method

... TFT-LCD defect blob detection algorithm using the sequential defect detection ...a defect possibility is determined by the intensity difference and the defect candidates are detected according ...


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