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bone cement

Bone cement grafting increases implant primary stability in circumferential cortical bone defects

Bone cement grafting increases implant primary stability in circumferential cortical bone defects

... poor bone quality, maxillary posterior jaw locations, and short ...grafting bone substitute into the preparation hole before implant placement was suggested to improve the primary stability of the ...a ...


A Bone Cement Mass in the Pulmonary Artery

A Bone Cement Mass in the Pulmonary Artery

... Pulmonary bone cement embolism is not a rare complication. The incidence of pulmonary embolism is 2.1% to 26%. 1)2) Although most cases are detected incidentally and are asymptomatic, clinical presentation ...


Intracardiac Foreign Body (Bone Cement) after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty

Intracardiac Foreign Body (Bone Cement) after Percutaneous Vertebroplasty

... Percutaneous vertebroplasty is a relatively easy and minimally invasive procedure used in treating vertebral fractures. However, the procedure has many complications, one of which is bone cement leakage, ...


Drug Fever Due to Piperacillin/Tazobactam Loaded into Bone Cement

Drug Fever Due to Piperacillin/Tazobactam Loaded into Bone Cement

... into Bone Cement Although drug fever may develop after administration of the drug by various routes, it has not been reported with antibiotic-loaded bone ...into bone cement is ...of ...



Supportive Bone Cement Replacement for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head

... 이러한 보존 치료로서 수술의 이상적인 조건은 수술이 쉬어야 하며, 덜 침습적이고, 다른 부위에 병변을 만들지 않아야 하며, 수술 후 조기에 고관절 통증을 감소시키 고, 고관절 전 치환술을 일정 기간 연기할 수 있어야 한 다. 이와 같은 구제술로서 생물학적인 시도 외에 Glim- cher와 Kenzora 12) 및 Hernigou 등 13) 이 골 시멘트를 이 용한 술기를 소개한 바 있다. ...


Spine Surgery

Factor Analysis Affecting the Leakage of Bone Cement After Vertebroplasty

... 시술은 본원의 일인 술자에 의해 시행되었으며, C형 방 사선 투시기하에 일측 혹은 양측 척추경 도달법을 이용 하였다. 시술시에는 모든 예에서 투관 침을 추체의 전 방 1/3부까지 삽입하고. 바늘의 경사면이 골절면을 향 하지 않도록 조절하였으며, 조영제를 이용하여 척수 강 및 신경 공으로의 유출을 C형 방사선 투시기로 확인 후 polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA, DePuy ...


Bone Cement Augmentation Procedures for Spinal Pathologic Fractures by Multiple Myeloma

Bone Cement Augmentation Procedures for Spinal Pathologic Fractures by Multiple Myeloma

... thopedic residents who were blinded to the purpose of this study and clinical results. Height loss and local kyphotic angle of the affected vertebral body were measured using initial, postopera- tive 1 month and the last ...


MR Findings Predictive of Intradiscal Leakage of Bone Cement in Vertebroplasty

MR Findings Predictive of Intradiscal Leakage of Bone Cement in Vertebroplasty

... 바늘 삽입 후 조영제와 0.9% 식염수를 1:1 비율로 섞어 손으 로 측면과 전후상으로 골정맥조영술을 시행하였다. Polymethylmethacrylate(PMMA, CMW3 bone cement, DePuy international Ltd, Blackpool, England) 15 cc에 소량 의 바륨(barium sulfate)을 첨가하고 골정맥조영술 소견에 따 ...


MR Predictors of Bone Cement Leakage in Patients Receiving Percutaneous Vertebroplasty

MR Predictors of Bone Cement Leakage in Patients Receiving Percutaneous Vertebroplasty

... whether cement leakage is related to any of following MR findings: pres- ence of cortical disruption of the vertebral body, severity of body compression (proportion of abnormal to nor- mal vertebral body volumes), ...


Lumbar Nerve Root Compression due to Leakage of Bone Cement after Vertebroplasty

Lumbar Nerve Root Compression due to Leakage of Bone Cement after Vertebroplasty

... Copyright © 2014 Korean Neurotraumatology Society 155 Introduction The vertebral fractures is the most common complica- tions of osteoporosis. 13) These fractures result in signifi- cant mortality and morbidity including ...


Tumor Prosthetic Arthroplasty and Arthroplasty with Bone Cement for the Metastatic Malignant Bone Tumor in the lower Extremity

Tumor Prosthetic Arthroplasty and Arthroplasty with Bone Cement for the Metastatic Malignant Bone Tumor in the lower Extremity

... Materials and Methods: This report is based on nine patients diagnosed as a metastatic tumor and treated by tumor prosthetic arthroplasty, from June 1998 to December 2001. Age of the patients ranged from 49 to 63 with ...
Cement Mantle Thickness at the Bone Cement Interface in Total Knee Arthroplasty: Comparison of PS150 RP and LPS­Flex Knee Implants

Cement Mantle Thickness at the Bone Cement Interface in Total Knee Arthroplasty: Comparison of PS150 RP and LPS-Flex Knee Implants

... of cement mantle at the bone cement interface in knees with closed and open box designs in total knee arthroplasty ...the cement mantle thickness at the bone cement interface ...


Total Hip Arthroplasty around the Inception of the Interface Bioactive Bone Cement Technique

Total Hip Arthroplasty around the Inception of the Interface Bioactive Bone Cement Technique

... (PMMA) bone cement in goat THAs. 10) These bioactive bone cements have not yet been approved for clinical ...acrylic bone ce- ment was applied to patients; 11) despite the expectation of the ...


Causes of Late Revision Surgery after Bone Cement Augmentation in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures

Causes of Late Revision Surgery after Bone Cement Augmentation in Osteoporotic Vertebral Compression Fractures

... non-filled cement augmented ...the bone cement augmenatation procedures ...of bone around the cement, resulting in bone resorption, and/or a stress riser around the bone ...


Two-Stage Reimplantation of Infected Total Knee Arthroplasty with Antibiotic-Loaded Bone Cement Spacer - Comparison of the Types of Antibiotic-Loaded Cement Spacer -

Two-Stage Reimplantation of Infected Total Knee Arthroplasty with Antibiotic-Loaded Bone Cement Spacer - Comparison of the Types of Antibiotic-Loaded Cement Spacer -

... Key Words: Infected total knee arthroplasty, Two stage reimplantation, Antibiotic-loaded bone cement spacer, Articulating, Non-articulating.. 서 론.[r] ...


Effect of Bone Cement Volume and Stiffness on Occurrences of Adjacent Vertebral Fractures after Vertebroplasty

Effect of Bone Cement Volume and Stiffness on Occurrences of Adjacent Vertebral Fractures after Vertebroplasty

... of bone cement was varied with respect to the volume of the can- fractures in levels adjacent to the augmented body is not com- plete, the bone cement and its effect on the non-augmented ver- ...


Intracardiac Foreign Body Formation from Bone Cement Material Following Total Hip Replacement: A Case Report

Intracardiac Foreign Body Formation from Bone Cement Material Following Total Hip Replacement: A Case Report

... Jin Hee Moon, et al : Intracardiac Foreign Body Formation from Bone Cement Material Following Total Hip Replacement ─ 178 ─ 대한영상의학회지 2005;53:175-178 전고관절치환술 후 골 시멘트에 의한 심장내 이물질 형성: 증례 보고 1 ...


Does kanamycin have effectiveness as an antibiotic-loaded bone cement for the treatment of musculoskeletal tuberculosis?

Does kanamycin have effectiveness as an antibiotic-loaded bone cement for the treatment of musculoskeletal tuberculosis?

... of bone cement causes a loss in load-bearing structural area and concentrates mechanical stress on specific areas 20 ...from bone cement, the porosity of bone cement is known to ...


Isoniazid Could Be Used for Antibiotic-loaded Bone Cement for Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis: An In Vitro Study

Isoniazid Could Be Used for Antibiotic-loaded Bone Cement for Musculoskeletal Tuberculosis: An In Vitro Study

... guidelines. We therefore determined the (1) elution char- acteristics and (2) antimycobacterial activity of isoniazid- and rifampicin-loaded bone cement. This study has some limitations. First, as it is an ...


Treatment of the Unstable Distal Radius Fracture with External Fixation and Bone Cement in Elderly Patients

Treatment of the Unstable Distal Radius Fracture with External Fixation and Bone Cement in Elderly Patients

... Conclusion: External fixation and bone cement is useful method for radial length maintenance, preventing reduction loss, restoring the articular surface, early exercise of the wrist jo[r] ...


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