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Alzheimer disease

A Study on Ontology Based Knowledge Representation Method with the Alzheimer Disease Related Articles

A Study on Ontology Based Knowledge Representation Method with the Alzheimer Disease Related Articles

... on Alzheimer disease that has received a lot of attention recently in the medical ...for Alzheimer disease defines all the possible classes: lexical information from journals such as ‘author’ ...


Familial Alzheimer disease (AD) is caused by mutations in the PSEN1, PSEN2 and APP genes.

Familial Alzheimer disease (AD) is caused by mutations in the PSEN1, PSEN2 and APP genes.

... 33 Familial Alzheimer disease (AD) is caused by mutations in the PSEN1, PSEN2 and APP genes. In rare cases, mutations in ABCA7 and SORL1 also show familial AD, depending on their positions in the proteins. ...


Online Learning for Classification of Alzheimer Disease based on Cortical Thickness and Hippocampal Shape Analysis

Online Learning for Classification of Alzheimer Disease based on Cortical Thickness and Hippocampal Shape Analysis

... 3. Jack CR Jr. Alzheimer disease: new concepts on its neu- robiology and the clinical role imaging will play. Radiol- ogy 2012;263(2):344-61. 4. Bain LJ, Jedrziewski K, Morrison-Bogorad M, Albert M, Cotman ...


A Study on Interpretation of Alzheimer Disease Through Three Yin and Three Yang and the Direction of Acupuncture Treatment

A Study on Interpretation of Alzheimer Disease Through Three Yin and Three Yang and the Direction of Acupuncture Treatment

... Dept. of Acupuncture, Moxibustion, and Acupoint, College of Oriental Medicine, Dae-Gu Haany University Creative Research Laboratory, TKM Information Research Division, Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine Abstract ...


Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Hypointensity of the Pulvinar Nucleus of Patients with Alzheimer Disease: Its Possible Association with Iron Accumulation as Evidenced by the T2(star) Map

Fluid-Attenuated Inversion Recovery Hypointensity of the Pulvinar Nucleus of Patients with Alzheimer Disease: Its Possible Association with Iron Accumulation as Evidenced by the T2(star) Map

... 2 Department of Neurology, Hanyang University Medical Center, Hanyang University School of Medicine, Seoul 133-791, Korea; 4 Center for Geriatric Neuroscience Research, Konkuk University School of Medicine, Seoul ...


Cell Therapy Products in Alzheimer Disease

Cell Therapy Products in Alzheimer Disease

... and Alzheimer’ s disease are mainly suggested as examples that easily applicable and has a big possibility of success, although these are inveterate ...treating Alzheimer’ s disease only by ...


Effect of Gojineumja(Guzhenyinzi) on Neural Tissue Degeneration In Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease

Effect of Gojineumja(Guzhenyinzi) on Neural Tissue Degeneration In Mouse Model of Alzheimer Disease

... Ⅳ. 고 찰 치매는 뇌의 만성적 진행성 변성질환에 의해 흔히 기억장애 및 기타 지적기능의 상실이 일어 나는 임상증후군으로 65세 이상의 노년 인구에 서 2.2~8.8%가 치매환자이며, Alzheimer's disease(AD)의 경우는 유병률이 1.6~15.3%로 보고되고 있다. 치매는 대부분이 만성적이고 비 가역적인 질환으로, 치료에 많은 시간과 경제적 부담이 요구되며 가족과 ...


The Mechanism of Lotus Root Extract (LRE) as Neuro-Protective Effect in Alzheimer Disease (AD)

The Mechanism of Lotus Root Extract (LRE) as Neuro-Protective Effect in Alzheimer Disease (AD)

... In this research, we applied LRE on Aβ 25-35 pre-treated SH-SY5Y cells, to find out the nerve protection effect and mechanism in AD cell model.. Next experiment, we assessed dama[r] ...


Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

Analysis of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Thickness in Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment

... Discussion Neurodegenerative diseases in adults are associated with chronic and progressive loss of structure and function of neurons. In AD, entanglement of Ab deposits and neuro- fibrillary tangles coupled with the ...


Insulin-degrading enzyme secretion from astrocytes is mediated by an autophagy-based unconventional secretory pathway in Alzheimer disease

Insulin-degrading enzyme secretion from astrocytes is mediated by an autophagy-based unconventional secretory pathway in Alzheimer disease

... pathological conditions such as AD. Astrocytes are activated to degrade Ab at an early stage of AD. For the removal of extracel- lular Ab, astrocytes take up Ab bound to membrane receptors via endocytosis, 51 and degrade ...


A Study on Interpretation of Alzheimer Disease through Three Yin and Three Yang and the Direction of Acupuncture Treatment

A Study on Interpretation of Alzheimer Disease through Three Yin and Three Yang and the Direction of Acupuncture Treatment

... 따라서 Alzheimer 치매의 여성 호발을 낮추기 위해서는 정서적인 이완을 추구하 여 少陽經의 기능을 강화하는 것이 필요할 것으로 사료되며, 이것은 Alzheimer 치매에서 동반되는 증 상 중 하나인 우울증을 치료하는 데에 강 등 57) 이 足少陽膽經의 正格을 주요 穴로 사용한 것과 같은 맥락이라고 ...


Analysis of differential plaque depositions in the brains of Tg2576 and Tg-APPswe/PS1 dE9 transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer disease

Analysis of differential plaque depositions in the brains of Tg2576 and Tg-APPswe/PS1 dE9 transgenic mouse models of Alzheimer disease

... mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease. J Neurosci 2001;21: 372-81 Lee KW, Kim JB, Seo JS, Kim TK, Im JY, Baek IS, Kim KS, Lee JK, Han PL. Behavioral stress accelerates plaque pathogenesis in the brain of Tg2576 mice ...


relationaship between postural instability and subcortical volume loss in Alzheimer's disease

relationaship between postural instability and subcortical volume loss in Alzheimer's disease

... 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Participants This cross-sectional study included the patients who visited the memory clinic of the Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center for evaluation of cognitive function from ...


Decreased Vasomotor Reactivity in Alzheimer ’ s Disease

Decreased Vasomotor Reactivity in Alzheimer ’ s Disease

... In the RSS study, VMR was reduced in subjects with cognitive decline but not in patients with clinical dementia. 10 In addition, the cerebral blood MFV was correlated with both the cognitive decline and the clinical ...


World Alzheimer Report 2019

World Alzheimer Report 2019

... Alzheimer’s disease is simply non-existent in most of these contexts, the logical presumption is that the risk factors identified before are exacerbated, and my working theory is that many of these older persons ...


World Alzheimer Report 2018

World Alzheimer Report 2018

... De Strooper led a team of 250 researchers at the KE Leuven in Belgium before moving to University College London, and becoming director of the research institute that was started as a result of a pledge coming out of the ...


Relation of apolipoprotein E polymorphism to clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease in the Korean population

Relation of apolipoprotein E polymorphism to clinically diagnosed Alzheimer's disease in the Korean population

... Key words Alzheimer’s disease, apolipoprotein E, genotype, Koreans, polymerase chain reaction. INTRODUCTION Apolipoprotein E (apoE = protein, APOE = gene) is a plasma protein involved in cholesterol transport and ...


The nonlinear relationship between cerebrospinal fluid A beta(42) and tau in preclinical Alzheimer's disease

The nonlinear relationship between cerebrospinal fluid A beta(42) and tau in preclinical Alzheimer's disease

... Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) studies consistently show that CSF levels of amyloid-beta 1–42 (Aβ 42 ) are reduced and tau levels increased prior to the onset of cognitive decline related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). ...


Nurr1 (NR4A2) regulates Alzheimer's disease-related pathogenesis and cognitive function in the 5XFAD mouse model

Nurr1 (NR4A2) regulates Alzheimer's disease-related pathogenesis and cognitive function in the 5XFAD mouse model

... Selkoe, 2007; Hyman et al., 1984). This selective neurodegeneration and focal pattern of disease propagation might result, at least in part, from selective accumulation of A β within neurons (Braak & Del Tre- ...


Percutaneous Absorption Characteristics of Tacrine in Alzheimer-type Dementia Treatment

Percutaneous Absorption Characteristics of Tacrine in Alzheimer-type Dementia Treatment

... 이러한 polysaccharide 중에서, karaya gum matrix의 침투율은 lipophilic drug in vitro 와 같은 tacrine 내에서 가장 빠르다.. 그러므로, transdermal의 tacrine 흡수율은 vehicle 구성을 바꿈으로써, 혹은 침투 강화제 를 사용함으로써 향상되었을 것이다.[r] ...


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