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구리 및 구리合金의 耐蝕性에 미치는 어닐링 熱處理의 影響


Academic year: 2023

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Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of corrosion corrosion corrosion potential potential potential potential with with with heat heat heat treatment heat treatment treatment treatment temperature. Variation Variation of Variation of of cyclic cyclic cyclic voltammogram cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram (15th (15th (15th (15th (15th cycle) cycle) cycle) cycle) of or of Cu-10% Ni. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of corrosion corrosion corrosion potential corrosion potential potential potential with with with annealing with annealing annealing temperature temperature temperature temperature in in.

Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of AC of AC AC impedance AC impedance impedance with with with with annealing annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment in in. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of AC of AC AC impedance AC impedance impedance with impedance with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment in.

The Effect of Annealing Heat Treatment Affecting to Corrosion Resistance of Copper and Copper Alloy


부식은 위에서 언급한 양극반응의 결과라고 할 수 있는데, 부식이 진행되기 위해서는 양극반응에서 생성된 전자가 소모될 수 있는 음극반응이 있어야 한다. 이것을 EMF 시리즈라고 합니다. 이 시리즈에서는 맨 아래에 있는 것이 맨 위에 있습니다. 틈새 부식, 즉 틈새 부식을 다른 부품과 비교하여 설명합니다.

물에 가까운 부분이 물에서 먼 부분보다 산소 농도가 높아서 음극이 되어 물에서 먼 부분의 부식이 촉진되는 것을 알 수 있습니다. 다. 네른스트 방정식으로부터 구한 금속 반응의 원동력인 전위(E)를 평형전위라 한다. 부식은 퇴적물 부식이라고도 하는데, 동관을 주기적으로 청소하면 부식을 방지할 수 있습니다.

NH3 역시 부식성이 매우 강하여 구리 합금의 응력 부식 균열을 유발합니다.

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Cathodes Cathodes Cathodes Cathodes polarization polarization polarization curves curves curves of of of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy with with with with not heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment in in in in sea sea sea sea water water water water solution. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of of cathodic cathodic cathodic polarization polarization polarization polarization curves curves with curves with with with annealing annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment in treatment in in not in not flow flow condition flow condition condition condition of. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of cathodic of cathodic cathodic polarization polarization polarization curves polarization curves curves with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment in treatment in inflow in flow flow condition condition condition of condition of of the sea.

Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of of anodic anodic anodic anodic polarization polarization polarization polarization curves curves curves with with with annealing with annealing annealing annealing heat heat treatment heat treatment treatment into in into non flow flow state flow state stand state off. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of of anodic anodic anodic anodic polarization polarization polarization polarization curves curves curves curves with with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment into in into flow flow flow condition condition condition of condition of of the sea. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of cyclic cyclic cyclic cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of of of Cu-10%Ni of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy with with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in into in not in non-non-flow flow condition flow condition condition at condition at sea at sea sea water sea water water water solution.solution.solution.solution.

Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of of of Cu-10%Ni of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in flow in flow flow flow condition condition condition condition at at at sea sea sea water water water water solution.solution.solution.solution. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of of of Cu-10%Ni of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in non non non flow non flow flow condition condition condition condition at at at sea sea sea water water solution.water solution.solution.solution. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of voltammogram of of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy alloy with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in non non non flow non flow flow condition condition condition condition at at at sea sea sea water water solution.water solution.solution.solution.

Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of voltammogram of of Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni Cu-10%Ni alloy alloy alloy with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in flow flow flow condition flow condition condition at condition on sea on sea sea water sea water water water solution.solution.solution.solution. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of anodic anodic anodic anodic polarization polarization polarization curves curves curves curves with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat heat heat trtrtreatment eatment eatment eatment eat in in in in not not flow flow condition flow condition condition condition of. Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of of of Cu-30%Ni of Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni alloy Cu-30%Ni alloy alloy with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in non non non flow non flow flow condition condition condition condition at at at sea sea sea water water solution.water solution.solution.solution.

Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of of of Cu-30%Ni of Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni alloy Cu-30%Ni alloy alloy with with with annealing annealing annealing heat heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in flow flow flow condition flow condition condition at condition on sea on sea sea water sea water water water solution.solution.solution.solution. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of voltammogram of of of Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni alloy alloy alloy with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in non non non flow non flow flow condition condition condition condition at at at sea sea sea water water solution.water solution.solution.solution. Variation Variation Variation of Variation of of of of of Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic Cyclic voltammogram voltammogram voltammogram of voltammogram of of of Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni Cu-30%Ni alloy alloy alloy with with with annealing with annealing annealing heat annealing heat heat heat treatment treatment treatment treatment h). 1h) in in in in flow flow flow condition flow condition condition at condition on sea on sea sea water sea water water water solution.solution.solution.solution.

Variation Variation Variation Variation of of of of of of of of of cyclic cyclic voltammogram cyclic voltammogram cyclic voltammogram (voltammogram 1 (1st cycle (1st cycle)) of cycle) of cycle) of Cu-30%Ni of Cu -30%Ni Cu-3 Ni Cu-30%Ni alloy alloy alloy alloy with with with with with annealing annealing annealing heating heating heat treatment.

Tabl e 3. 3은 Cu-30%Ni합금강을 어닐링 열처리 하였을 경우 표면의 경도 측정 변화를 보여주고 있다.
Tabl e 3. 3은 Cu-30%Ni합금강을 어닐링 열처리 하였을 경우 표면의 경도 측정 변화를 보여주고 있다.


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관련 문서

Cyclic voltammogram for monolayer palmitic acid-DMPC mixture LB films on an ITO electrode in 0.05 N NaClO