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Association Between
Sedentary Behavior, Physical Activity and Hyperuricemia
Doo Yong Park Physical Education The Graduate School Seoul National University
PURPO SE: The purpose of this study was to identify the association of sedentary behavior and physical activity level with hyperuricemia in South Korean men and women. M ETHO DS: The subjects of this study were healthy 161,064 men and women, whom had completed the health examination between M arch 2011 and December 2013. Physical activity level and sitting time were assessed by using a validated Korean version of International Physical Activity Q uestionnaire Short Form(IPAQ -SF). The presence of Hyperuricemia was determined by examining serum uric acid (SUA) concentration (SUA ≥ 7mg/dL). Logistic regression analysis, adjusting other confounding factors, was conducted to identify the association of sedentary behavior and physical activity level with
hyperuricemia (p<0.05). RESULTS: The Subjects who spend ≥ 10hour/day as sedentary was more likely have to hyperuricemia than spend < 5hour/day as sedentary (O R=1.10, 95% CI=1.05-1.16), Participated health enhanced physical activity (HEPA) was declined comparing minimally active group (O R=0.92, 95%Ci= 0.87-0.96). When it comes to gender, Sitting time (O R=1.09, 95%Ci= 1.04-1.15) and HEPA (O R=0.91, 95%Ci= 0.87-0.96) were associated with hyperuricemia in men, But women was not significantly associated (≥ 10hour/day sitting time O R=1.27, 95%Ci= 0.97- 1.67; HEPA O R=0.91, 95%Ci= 0.77-1.39). From the analysis of age, young adult group (age 18-39), who spend 5-9hour/day and ≥ 10hour/day as sedentary, was significantly declined in prevalence of hyperuricemia, compared to spend < 5hour/day as sedentary (5-9hour/day O R=0.91, 95%CI= 0.87-0.96l; ≥ 10hour/day O R=0.91, 95%CI= 0.87-0.96l). M iddle age group (age 40-64), who spend ≥ 10hour/day as sedentary (O R=1.13, 95%Ci= 1.04-1.22) and participate in HEPA (O R=0.86, 95%CI= 0.79- 0.93), was significantly associated with the prevalence of hyperuricemia.
However the prevalence of hyperuricemia in elderly group (age≥ 65) was only associated with HEPA participation (O R=0.57, 95%CI= 0.37-0.88).
The association of sedentary behavior and physical activity level with hyperuricemia was shown differently in each multivariable models (BM I, Waist circumference, Percent body fat). CO NCLUSIO NS: This study identified that the Development of hyperuricemia, due to the change in life style pattern, was associated by decreased physical activity and prolonged sedentary behavior. Thus, participate in regular physical activity and reduce sedentary time are recommended to reduce the prevalence of hyperuricemia