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On the compactness of the structure space of a ring


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~ (Wuhan Lee)

1. INTRODUCTION Jacobson (l] has shown that a topology may bedefined on the set SeA) . of primitive ideals of any non-radical ring A With this topology SCA) is called the STRUCT·

URE SPACE of A The topology is given by defining closure: If T=(P} is a set of primitive ideals then T is the set ofprimitive ideals which contain

0,.=n{PIPE T}.

It is well known that if A has an identity el·

ement. then SCA) is compact (2. pp. 208).

Moreover M. Schreiber (3) has recently observed that if every two-sided ideal ofA is finitely ge- nerated. then SCA) is again compact. However, since the condition that A has an identity element neither implies nor is implied by the condition that every ideal of A be finitely generated. it is clear that neither of these conditions is necessary in order that SCA) be compact. R. L. Blair and L.C. Eggan (4) investigated this situation thro- ughlyandfoundacondition that is both necessary and sufficient for the compactness of SCA) as a consequence of a general lattice-theoretic result.

They also obtained a remarkable result for aclass of rings consisting of those ringsA such that no non-zero homomorphic image of A isaradical ring, stating that the structure space of such ring is compact if and only if A is generated. as an ideal.

by a finite number of elements. Recently a direct proof wasgivenbyTaikyunKwun (5)usingopen sets instead of closure. In view of the fact that the Jacobson radical of an arbitrary ring pl2_Ys an important role in the structure theory of rings.

Presented at the Yonsei Simposium, 9 Oct 1962, received 2 Mar. 1964

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the author tried to find a relationship betweell the notion of radical and the compactness of a structure space. As a result he found that for a certain class of rings the modularity of the rad- ical is both necessary and sufficient for compac- tness of SCA). and for anotherclassofrings the condition is that A is generated as an ideal by a fmite number of elements. Section2is entirely due to M. Schreiber (4)and the author has found his method very useful in searching for a link between the compactness and theradical. Section 3 is concerned with properties of the modular ideal which will be' used in the proofs of the main theorems. Section 4- and 5 contain the main.


2. OPEN BASIS OF THE TOPOLOOY. For each xEA write (x) for the principal two-sided ideal generated by x. and let

Ux= {PIP=l2(x). for all PESeA)}.

PROPOSITION 1. lUx}1UA is an open basis ot the topology.

PROOF. Since the set {PIP.::l(x)} is clearly closed, its complement Ux is open. Let U be an open subset of SCA), and let F=UC (the comp- lement of U). Now suppose PEU. Since F=F

= {F'Ip/::2Dr>} and PG F. we have P Dr>.Hence there exists an element a in A such that a be- longs to DF but not to p. so that P (a). that is, PE U... Suppose pIEU... then pI=I=-(a) and

P~F.so that F'1$F. or p/U. HencePE UaCU.

PROPOSITION 2. If a ring A has an identity then SeA) is compact.

PROOF. We prove that any basic open cover has a finite subcover. By Proposition 1. the col- lection




A(l-e)= {x-xerxEA}, A(l-eD= {x-xCII xEA}.

It follows A(l-e)=A(l-~)(l-e,)

lUx}X_A is an open cover of SeA). Then

SeA)=UlUx} x_A

= {P13 ).Isuch that P:;J2Cav)}

={PlI;:j~I:a.A Ca)}.


Hence PfR is a primitive ideal in AfR for AlP is primitive ring. Conversely any primitive ideal in AfR is of the form PjR, where P is a


On the other hand, A(l-e2)cA. and this implies


But A(l-eJ)c:P. Hence we have A(l-e)cP.

Since A(l-e2)k:P'. we have A(l-e2)(l-el)

cP/(l-ea. Therefore

A(l-e)c;P' and A(l-e) cPnP'.

A similar argument implies (l-e)Acpnp'·

Hence P n P' is modular.

PROPOSITION 4. Every two-sided modular ideal can be imbedded in a primitive ideal.

PROOF. Let (I:A) denote the set of element a of a ring A such that AacI where I is a mo- dular maximal right ideal. Since


where M is an irreducible A-module (2, Pro- position 2. pp. 6). it follows that (1:A) is primitive ideal. Now let B be a modular two-si- ded. ideal. Since it is well known that every modular right ideal can be imbedded ina modu- lar maximal right ideal. regarding B asamodular right ideal. we can put Bb!. But· Abc:B for every element b of B. Hence Bc(l:A).


the modularity of the radical of a ring A is su- fficient for the compactness of SeA). But it is not necessary for the same reason stated. in the INTRODUCTION. An effort was done in searc- hing a class of rings for which the compactness of SCA) necessitate the moduIarity of the radicals.

PROPOSITION 5. H the radical R of a ring A is modular. then SCA) is compact.

PROOF: Let e be the identity moduloR. Then AfR is clearly aring with an identity. Since AfR has an identity. the structure space SCAfR) is compact. Now consider a primitive ideal P. Then we have

x-xe=x-x(e2 0 eJ)




A Ca).

In a ring with an identity every two-sided ideal can be imbcdded in a primitive ideal (6). But


exhausts aB primitive ideals. Hence I=A, so that the identity element I is in 1 Hence there exist b,•...• bn in (a)+··+(b) sU:ch that the identity 1= b, + ... + bn• so that


But this means that there exists a finite subset E={a.···.b} of A such that

SCA)= {PIF$E""A(a)}

=U(U"}"'E' This proves the Proposition.


DEFINITION. A two-sided ideal P is called modular if and only if there exists an element e in A such that for all a of A, a-ea, a-ae E P.

The element e is called an identity modulo P.

Evidently. if a two-sided ideal P of ring A is modular with an identity e modulo P, then AlP

is a ring with an identity e+P.

PROPOSITION 3. An intersection of finite number of modular two-sided ideals is modular.

PROOF. Let P and pI be modular two-sided ideals of a ring A. and let eJ and ~ be the identities modulo P and pI respectively. Then it suffices to show that the intersection of P and

pI is modular. Now put

e=~ 0 eJ=~+e,-~el


- 4


primitive ideal. Since the correspondence P-4PjR

preserves arbitrary intersection. itfollows that it is a homeomorpism of SCA) onto the structure space S(AjR) of AIR. Therefore SeA) is com- pact

Now we consider a class of ring with the property that

(C) For every D. of fU.} ....A. Du.is modular.

For such a ring A. a result can be obtained as follows:

PROPOSITION 6. For a ring A satisfying the condition CC). if SCA) is compact, then the ra- dical R of A is modular.

PROOF: It suffices to show that any basic open cover has a finite subcover. Since {Dx } xeA

is an open cover. there exists a subcover {D.}aeE

where E is a finite subset of A. Then

Du{u.l=Ds{A)=R. (R: the radical of A) since


Du{u.}:::2Du.nDubn... nDue.

where a.b, ..·,cE.


R.:::2DuanDubn... nDue.

where a.b, "',cc: E.

By hypothesis. each {Dua}. ac:E. is modular.

Then it follows that the radical R of A is mo- dular by Proposition 3. This proves the Propos- ition.

Combining proposition 5 and 6, we obtain the following:

TBmREM. 1. Let A be a ring with a pr- operty that each Du. is modular. Then the str- ucture space of A is compact if and only if the radical R of A is modular.

5. COMPACTNmiS AND MODULARITY OF P- IUNCIPAL TWo-sIDED IDEALS. Itispointed out explicitly in (5) that the condition that A is generated. as an ideal. by a finite number of elements is sufficient for the comactness of SCA) regardless of the type of A. We consider a class of rings with the property that

(C') Every principal two-sided ideal is modular.


PROPOSITION 7. For a rir.g A satisfying the condition CC'), if SCA) IScomp3.ct, then the ring A is generated. as an ideal. by a finit::l number of elements.

PROOF: Consider the basic open cover fUll]xfA

Then we have a finite subcover {D.}a€E

where E is a finite subset of A. and SCA)=U(D.I.fiE

= {P[P=.t'X,.,E(a)).



Since B contains a principal ideal. it is modu- lar. Now suppose B is proper Ideal of A. By proposition 4, B can be imbedded in a primitve ideal This is a contradiction to th3 fact that


exhausts all primitive ideals. Hence B=A.

We state this fact in the following fonn:

THEOREM: 2. Let A be a ring with the property that every principal two-sided ideal is modular. Then the'structure space of A is com- pact if and only if the ring A is generated. as an ideal by a finite number of elements.

REJIlAKKS: Considera ring A with a pr0-

perty that

(C") No non-zero homomorphic J:JDagCof A is a radical ring.

R.L. Blairand L.C. Eggan have proved that.

for sucha ring, the structure space is compact ifand only ifA is generated as an ideal by a fi- nite number of elements. It would be interesting to clarify the relations among the classes of rin- gssatisfying codition CC). CC') and CC").


1. N. Jacobson. A topology 01 thesetof/Jrimitive ideals in an arlJitrary ring. proc. Nat. Acad.

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3. M Schreiber. ComPact'lless 01 the structure sp- ace 01 a ring. Proc. Amer. Moth. Soc. vol. 8 (1957) pp. 684-685.

4. R.L. Blairand L.C. Eggan, On the compactness 01 the structure space of a ring. Proc. Amer

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1•. 1962if, 9jj 24B ~~!le.*Bulletin 01] tIl /±l.sJ:J1., Bull Vol 69, No1, P 4161] ffl1l'~ f,,'~39 ii. tf:l~~ Joseph Hammer

n2 7~ ~ !le7} 2f-o-J ?:l%~(.£...!f- 4~ &HIH=

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~ ~i= rr7U~~ ~ol 01t;) ~15Il ~~ ~Jll- ~ o} Ali=7


2. 1963if,8jj 7B BulloJl ~!:f.l.sJ.3l., Vol69, No6, P 73861] ~11'~ o. Taussky~ f",m, lOii.

A.B-€- f\:fdJ3MIMl~ nxnn7ljo]et.3l. i;};<.}.

A$J- 1iJ~'li ff:B:~ rr71jX~ B7} 1iJ~0]'ti, B~

::.z. RoI] £f{~-€-


fili=- AoJ1 HiS,! ~~~61et0F

'%4.(H.M Wcd.derburn~ Lectures on matrices.

Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Pub!. Vol 17. 1934~


:fll~oJl M Marcus~ N.A Khan~ (Canad.

J. Math. 12(1960). 259-277) fil:lk6*-i- Ail- . AX-XA~ RI~ol'i!'8;fAJ- X~ XB-BX$} 1iJ~

0]~ ~)Eroll m!!J3~}~4.

Dl-t :fll~oJ]i=- MF. Smiley(Canad. J. Math.

13 (l961), 353-355)011 ~is"}<.9 0]~01 Charact ('·ristic 01 0 ~~ .J!jo-J.£.n'li 7il~ ~~iS"}..3l. if:

~.&~SJ com.mutativity~ ~011 7l}-AJ -.IHtsl '3.i4.

:l~'l! Smiley~ 01 *6*i=- ft~ftJWHto}"d BOIl r.llis"}<.9.s:. 1!it'li7}?

3. 13~~ojl ~of Ai l-¥-tsl 2n7l}-:.<:lSJ It-i:- %

tt!~ MjAi n711.!!l


(al.bl.). (~.bz,)• •..• (a...b",). a.<b;

~ 'I!:~4. A]iF

5. Taikyun Kwun. A direct proof oj theorem oj BlairandEggan and some results (to appear).

6. N. Jacobson. The radical and semi-simPlicity lor arbitrary rh'g. Amer. j. Math. trot. 65

(1945) pp. 300-320.

(Tong Kook University)

et -:'f-0}"c-j ~-i:- 2n7~ ~l lZCi. di i=- "c-j.s;. 4~4-

~~i=-7}? 01 f,,1Wii=- Mok-Kong Shen.iJj- Tsen- Pao Shen 011 *is"}~, ~tg~ ~23:."c-j , 1962if, 9jj 6B~~~"'Wi2.J Bulletin 01] tIllfl.sJo-J, Bull Vol68, No 6. p 557011 r"'Wi39ii.Q...s;.,,c, ~fi'.sJ ~ 1:-;1 ~o]4.

n=l,2~~i=-~"@:- No ~~ 1fU:!.'&l ~4- ~4.

u}et,,(-j f,,'il7} .sJi=- ~~ n~3~~o14. :l~0I]

~% 1Y1J~"c-j

n=3 : (1,5). (2,3), (4.6)

n=6 : (1, 10), (2,6), (3.9), (4, ll).

(5.8). (7.12)

n=8 :Cl,10), (2.14), (3.16), (4, Il).

(5,9). (6.12). (7,15). C8,13).

% ~4- 914,

:li[till 1963if, Ijj6B Bull 01] ~1fl.sJ.3L, Vol 69. No 3, p33301] m1l'~ M Slater~ r,,'~lii~

0] rn,moll r.llis"}~ 4%Jll- ~ol '±'~iS"~~4. ~

I-¥-tsl n7Jj-Al.!!l Jk~ n+I-¥-&l 2n7Jj-Al.!!l lZ.s;.

~% tfr%l1l1 2n7l1.sJ ~~ ~bi±i7} .5:...!f- c~-.S:7l]

~4- ~~~7r?

::'later 01] .sJis"}1ft n=2. 3. 6~1tI]i=- ::fRIfjg%}:J1., ::.z.;f-.!!l noJ] r.llis"}o'J~ 1iJjjI§'8}tf.3l. rt;Wo].sJo-J

11.4. .2011 ~ is"~'li nXn~ Chess 01]Ai n711~ queen~ .'::..i!>] "*.3l. queen 7Ij t;).:e Ai.s;. Jtc.t}A!

~~* r",~~ H.o] ~ 4:J1. %4. :It;).3L SJateri=- 4*Jll- ~~ f9V~ -i-..3l. ~4.

n=4 :(1.7), (2. 5). (3.8). (4.6), n=7 :Cl.9). (2.14). (3, 12). (4.10)

(5.8). (6.13), (7, 11).

n=9 : 0.14). (2,18), (3. 11). (4.13), (5,16). (6.12), (7. 17). (8.15).


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