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Academic year: 2021



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전체 글

(1)JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN GLAUCOMA SOCIETY. 1HZ3HUVSHFWLYH. ৊৒ௐીਁਕല੹૵़ઔ‫ؘ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ଖ൝ 김태임 ᩑᖙ᮹‫ݡ‬. 서 론. Scheimpflug analyzer (corneal visualization Scheimpflug technology [Corvis ST], OCULUS, Wetzlar, Germany)‫ؘ‬. ી൜ഡ ৊৒੹ ௐીട‫ ؘ‬ҫ੸ ‫ֳפ‬ણ੹ ଔ‫ز‬ടӋ ௗ‫ݑ‬ട‫ؘ‬. ࡻાண ࣦઑഓ‫ܟ‬ԓ(Scheimpflug) ௡ެ‫ ݴ܅‬౿ന ӖԞ ࡚࣏. ٙ ઔৰ ѿણ ԕࡅઊ ‫ ؘٻ‬Ԟ૴ઊ‫د‬. ઊ‫ ݴ‬੥ടਉ ‫د‬৩ഡ ࠒࠩ. ਁ ‫ ݳگ‬Ҁ‫࠹ ޅ‬ൌ੹ ࡂ޷ࣳ ‫ٳ‬१ਁ ৊৒੹ ௐીഢ ़ ઔ‫ࣝ ؘ‬. ‫ڝ‬ઊ १٩‫ٻ‬Ӌ ઔ‫ؘ‬ٙ ԓૻਁࣳ٩ ѿણ Ԟࡅઊ ‫ࠒ ؘٻ‬२੸. ܾ੎ ৊৒ӆઊ‫د‬. Ӌङઅ ࣦઑഓ‫ܟ‬ԓ ௡ެ‫܅‬ѿ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ੒ଓઑ. Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ઍીഡ ޷હ੹ ೤೤ടҲ ട‫ؘ‬ٙ ച੄ഡ ඩ੹ ௐીട. ੹ ԞܿടԞ ੥ന ણ୲‫ٻ‬ৰ ઔ੶޵ ஢સङ ੒ଓઑ%

(2)   . ‫ ؘ‬৒೤৊৒ௐીࠩઊ‫د‬. െથԪ଒ ѿણ ી൜ടӋ ઑࣛਁࣳ ‫އ‬. motion)੶ܾ ਕࣛઊ થࣥ‫دټ‬. ৊৒ࢻ‫ ކ‬ৈ‫ ܅إ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռ. ઊ ઊੋ‫ ؘٻ‬৊৒ ௐીࠒ२ઌ ӏ‫ ކڙ‬৒೤৊৒ӆ(GAT)અ Ӌ. ࠃ ࣥஔਊഠહ ࠉ੾Ԫ଒ ௐી‫ ़ ٽ‬ઔ٩ܿ Ӌ৊‫دৼٻ‬.7. ৊ઘઌ Dr. Goldmannઊ 60‫ ઺ ך‬ઊ߸ ଒હഡ ࠅ‫ܾف‬, Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ 1. ઊ஋‫ ܣ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռਭ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ࣥஔਊഠ ઌઘѿ ৊৒ௐીਁ. ૻ७ ‫ڂ‬Ռ‫ ؘ‬৊৒ௐીਁ ి ਕല੹ ߸௛ ़ ઔ੶޵ ࢻ‫ ކ‬ৈ‫إ‬. ਕല੹ ߸ௗ‫ ؘ‬ҫ੸ ઊ߸ ઝ ্ܱ૊ ઔ‫࣏ ؘ‬५ઌٙ ઊਁ ًട. ‫ ܅‬Ӗ‫ޅ‬અ ӄଓऀ ‫ڢ‬٩ ࠹़ѿ ‫ ़ ٽ‬ઔ‫د‬.2 GATઅ ӄੌ ಡඥ. ਉ ৰ‫ ۄ‬ઊ੭ਁࣳҥ Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ ીࣛઊ ৈ‫ ا‬ӄੌ‫ ޷܅‬ԓܾ ઌന. Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռ֢ ౖࣛਁ અന ‫ ੸އ‬ਕല੹ ࠊ੹ ़ ઔԞ ‫ਁߚڹ‬. ৊৒ ௐીઊ ࡘી൜നଖ ѿ‫ऀ؟‬ઊ ઔ‫د‬. ಡඥ Ҁ‫ࡘ ޅ‬૚, ੘ஷ. ઊ‫ࡂ ݴ‬ીടԞ ੥ഡ ‫ ݳد‬ௐીࠩ‫ڝ‬ઊ घґ‫ٻ‬Ӌ ઔ‫د‬.. Ҁ‫ޅ‬, Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռѿ ઍીട଒ ৌ੸ ӄੌ, Әң Ӹ઻़ी੹ ࠊ. Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ૻ७‫ڂ‬Ռ‫ ؘ‬৒೤৊৒ௐીࠩਁࣳ ௐી‫ ټ‬৊৒ௗਭ ৩ 3. ੸ ӄੌ, Ҁ‫ ޅ‬ఓ‫܅‬ҳ ӯୱҿഥी १ര ൲ ൒੸ ࡜Ԑ௘ഡ Ҁ‫ޅ‬. અ ࣛӚӚӆ‫ ݴ‬ѿ଒Ӌ ઔ‫ؘ‬ٙ ಡඥ ‫ڂ ੌޓ‬Ղ੎ ૻ७Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռ. ೵޷ઊ֢ ඒౡઅ ࠋࣥ ‫ ڢ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ Ӌ੭અ ಡऀ੹ ੭଒ടӋ ઔ଒. ‫ ݴ‬ѿଔ ӄੌ ५ૂࡂ‫ ੸׬ د‬৊৒੹ ࡂઊҲ ‫دټ‬. ࠉ‫ ܾف‬Ocu-. ߆ട‫ ؘ‬ӄੌਁࣳ‫ ؘ‬ી൜ഡ ৊৒ ௐીઊ ৰܶҲ ‫دټ‬. ઊਁ Ҁ. lar Hypertension Treatment Studyઅ ਌ӴҿӘਁ ‫ ޷ݱگ‬৥੸. Ҁઅ Ҁ‫ ޅ‬ઊࣛઊ ৊৒ ௐીਁ ߸ௗ‫ ؘ‬ਕല੹ ৈܑਭ Ҏઊ ી. ૻ७Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռ‫ ݴ‬ѿ଒Ӌ ઔ‫ ؘ‬Ӌ৊৒଑൝ઘઅ ӄੌ ґࠒҀ‫ֳפ‬. ‫ݼ‬ടਔ‫د‬.. 4. ણ੶ܾ ࠋ઺ഢ ѿ‫ऀ؟‬ઊ ً ‫ ؘد׬‬ҫઊ ࠌൄଔ ࠅ ઔ‫د‬.. Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռࢻ‫ ކ‬ৈ‫ ܅إ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ࣥஔਊഠહ ઌઘѿ ߸ௗ‫ ؘ‬ਕ. 본 론. ല ਊ१ ਉ‫ ܟ‬ୱܺ ࡂӋ‫ ࠅ ټ‬ઔ‫د‬. ৊Ӵࠉ੾࡚ࣴԞ(Ocular    7!E#F^E  \;¢™#*. ‫ݽڽ‬নп݄߽ૐ. ‫ ؘ‬corneal hysteresis (CH)ਭ corneal resistance factor. ௤ज़ ௝୲ ੘ઌઊ ‫ٻ‬ৰ ֢ౌ֢‫޾۾ ؘ‬৩Ҁ‫࠾ޅ‬଑੸ Ҁ‫ޅ‬. (CRF), ԓ‫ݼ‬Ӌ ઊ‫ ݴ‬౿ന ࡂી‫ ټ‬৊৒ઌ Goldmann corre-. ੹ ‫زز‬ടҲ ‫ڝކ‬Ԟ ‫ ਁߚڹ‬௝୲ઊ ઔ‫ ؘ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ਕਊਁࣳ ৊৒. lated IOP (IOPg)ਭ corneal compensated IOP (IOPcc)‫ૂ ݴ‬. ੹ ௐીട‫ ؘ‬ӄੌ ५ૂ ‫ౖࣛ ؁‬ਭ‫ ੸׬ ݳد ؘ‬৒ܲઊ ֢ౌ. Ӗഡ‫د‬. ‫ ڂ‬৊৒અ ୱઊ‫ ؘ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ࣥஔਊഠઌઘਁ ‫د ܅گ‬৩. ֧ ़ ઔ‫د‬. ‫ߜڙ‬Ԡ ട଒‫ ކ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ҿछ੹ ެੌԞ ੥ന ૒ଓા. ഡ ୱઊ‫ࡂ ݴ‬ઊ‫ؘ‬ٙ ઊ஋‫ ܣ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ౖࣛ‫ ؘ‬৊৒અ ௐીਁ ૻ. ୲ૂ‫ੋ࣏ ݴ‬ഡ ӄੌਁ ઔৰࣳ٩ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ӄ٩ѿ ଑ѿടҲ ‫ټ‬. ੄ഡ ਕല੹ ߸ௗҲ ‫دټ‬.. 5,6. ઊ਼ਁ٩ மԕ घґ‫ ټ‬dynamic. ‫د‬. ઊ‫ ܡ‬ӄੌਁ‫ ؘ‬Ҁ‫޷ ؘـ ਁޅ‬હઊ ً ઙ੸ Tono-Pen XL. Journal of The Korean Glaucoma Society.

(3) Ԥౖઑ৊৒ௐીਁਕല੹૵़ઔ‫ؘ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ଖ൝. %E  \;¢™#*ણௗ‫ ݴ‬ઊੋടਉ ௤ज़௝୲. ਁ १ी ൲ ৊৒੸ १ी ઺ࡂ‫׬ د‬Ҳ ௐી‫ٻ‬Ҳ ‫دټ‬. ઊ઺ ࡂӋ. ઊ ૔થട଒ ৌ‫୻ ੹࡚ࡘ ؘ‬ৈࣳ ৊৒੹ ௐીട‫ࠩࠒ ؘ‬ઊ ஷ. ਁ ‫ ޷ݱگ‬Ҁ‫ ޅ‬ఓ‫܅‬ҳ ӯୱҿഥी ൲ ৊৒੹ ௐી ࡻӯഡ ҿ. ஍‫دټ‬. ട଒‫ف ކ‬ґ ‫޾۾‬৩Ҁ‫࠾ޅ‬଑અ ࠋࣥ੥ௗѿ Ҁ‫ૻޅ‬७. Ә, १ी ઺ 12.0 mmHgਁࣳ, 3ґਖ਼ ‫ ڎ‬13.5 mmHg, 6ґਖ਼ ‫ڎ‬. ࡘ‫ ݴ‬௝ࠨട‫ ؘ‬ӄੌѿ ‫ ੹੻އ‬Ӌܱഢ ‫ ڹ‬ಉ޻ഡ ࡘ࡚੹ ୻ৈ. 14.0 mmHg, 1‫ ڎ ך‬15,0 mmHgܾ ௐી‫ৼٻ‬Ӌ ઊ‫ ؘ‬੭અ߸ഡ. ૲࠹ࡘ Ҁ‫ ࣳਁޅ‬৊৒੹ ಡીടҲ ‫޷ٻ‬, ૲࠹ࡘ Ҁ‫ૻ ੸ޅ‬७. ી٩અ ଑ѿ ৩ࣛ੹ ࡂਔ‫د‬.11. Ҁ‫ࡻ ਁޅ‬ന ‫ڂ‬Ռѿ ‫ڂ‬Ղੌܾ߳ ઊ ਊ१ ‫ ੸׬‬৊৒ઊ ௐી‫ٽ‬ 8. ़ ઔ੻੹ ਐ‫ڂ ਁڂ‬ৰৡ ഡ‫د‬.. ৈଓԪ଒ Ҁ‫ ޅ‬ఓ‫܅‬ҳ ӯୱҿഥी੹ ࠊ੸ Ҁ‫ ਁޅ‬ઔৰ ৊৒ અ ࣛ०Ә Ӛܳഡ ી൜ഡ ௐી Ԟ૴੸ ‫ٻܳބ‬ৰ ઔ଒ ৌ੶֢, ઊ‫ܟ‬ഡ ‫ ࣳਁ؁‬૗ ً ી൜ടҲ ৊৒੹ ௐીഢ ़ ઔ‫د‬Ӌ ਉҺ ଒‫ࠒ ؘ‬२੶ܾ‫ ؘ‬Pascal dynamic contour tonometer (PDCT;. п݄ࠗઙ Ҁ‫ࡘޅ‬૚ઊ ֢ౌ֢Ҳ ‫ ޷ٻ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռѿ ଑ѿടԞ ‫ਁߚڹ‬. Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems Group Co., ٩१޻  -. Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ ‫׬‬Ҳ ௐી‫دټ‬Ӌ ࣥҀഢ ़ ઔ੶֢ ࡘ૚੶ܾ ઌന ़. land)ઊ‫د‬. ઊ‫ ؘ‬GATਭ ࡻӯടਉ Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռ֢ ࣥஔਊഠહ ઌ. ൛‫ ټ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ӄੌ ӄ٩ѿ ֯ৈ଒Ԟ ‫ ਁߚڹ‬ઍࠉહ੶ܾ ৊৒੸. ઘઅ ࠹൛ਁ ً હ੸ ਕല੹ ࠊԞ ‫ߚڹ‬ઊ‫د‬.12. ً ֯Ҳ ௐી‫دټ‬. ઊ‫ ܡ‬ӄੌ GATܾ ௐીഡ ৊৒੸ ી൜ട଒ ৌ੶޵, Ҁ‫ࡘޅ‬૚અ ਕല੹ மघ൛ടਉ ৊৒ ௐી੹ ടԞ ੥. п݄੉ध. നࣳ‫ ؘ‬Tono-Pen XL֢ iCare (iCare Finland Oy, Helsinki,. ‫د‬৩ഡ ૚‫ݩ‬અ Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२ઊ १٩‫ٻ‬Ӌ ઔ‫د‬. ઺௖Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२ਁ. Finland), ۙ‫ ؘ‬ORA ણࡻ‫ ݴ‬ઊੋട‫ ؘ‬ҫઊ ૝‫د‬. Tono-Pen. ࣳࡘౡ ࡘ࡚௖Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२੶ܾ ৗୄ ࡘ࡚੹ ઊ२ട‫ ؘ‬Deep an-. XLਭ iCare‫઺ ؘ‬ஔ ৊৒ ਕਊਁࣳ ી൜ഡ ௐીҿӘ‫ࡂ ݴ‬ਔ. terior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK), ‫ڎ‬ୄ ࡘ࡚੹ ઊ२ട‫ؘ‬. Ӌ, ORAઅ ӄੌ ીࣛࠨ੥અ ৊৒ਁࣳ ી൜ഡ ৊৒ઊ ௐી‫ٻ‬. Descemet’s Stripping (Automated) Endothelial Keratoplasty. 9. ‫ ؘ‬ҫ੶ܾ ࡂӋ‫دৼٻ‬.. (DSEK/DSAEK), ԓ‫ݼ‬Ӌ Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty (DMEK)ਁ ઊ‫ݱ‬ԞԪ଒ ઊ२ട‫࡚ࡘ ؘ‬ઊ ҀԞ. बೠդद ‫ ੸׬‬٩़અ ֥१‫ࡂ ݴ‬ઊ‫࡜ ؘ‬Ԑ௘ഡ Ҁ‫ ؘࣳਁޅ‬৒೤ १ ࣥ. ‫ ݳد‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२ઊ १٩‫ٻ‬Ӌ ઔ‫د‬. Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२़ी ઊ൲ ી൜ഡ ৊৒ ௐી੸ ‫੄ૻ ੌޓ‬ഡٙ ़ी ઊ൲ ਉ‫ ܟ‬ѿ଒ ੘ઌਁ અന. ऀ‫ ؘٻ‬miresઅ ൌౖѿ ֥१ ࠒലਁ ‫ ܅گ‬ઍીട଒ ৌҲ ֢ౌ. ৊৒ࣛ०ઊ ઍৰ֢Ԟ ॕԞ ‫ߚڹ‬ઊ‫د‬. ઺௖Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२અ ӄੌ. ֢Ԟ ‫ ਁߚڹ‬GAT ௐીઊ ࡘી൜ഢ ़ ઔ‫د‬. ઊ ӄੌ ֥१અ. ৗਁࣳ ࣹ޻ഡ ࠅਭ Ҏઊ Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռ, Ҁ‫֥ޅ‬१ ‫ ਁڢ‬અന ૲ܾ. ࠒലਁ ‫ ܅گ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ ѿಶ‫ ݳ‬ୄӘ ೤೤ഡ ୄ ‫ࠒ ڂ‬ലਁࣳ ৴੸. ਕല੹ ࠊҲ ‫ٻ‬଒‫ކ‬, ࡘ࡚௖ Ҁ‫ޅ‬ઊ२અ ӄੌ ઊ઺ਁ ৺ৼَ. ৊৒ௗઅ ೤ԑ੹ ֳৰ ம૚ ৊৒ௗ‫ ݴ‬ҿીഢ ़ ઔ‫د‬. ۙഡ ৗ. ઊ२೟Ә ़ਉઘઅ ૒ଓ ࣏ઊਁ ࣥԠ Ӗҁઊ ۙ ‫़࠹ ݳد‬ѿ. ਁࣳ घґഡ ࠅਭ Ҏઊ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ૘੸ ޷હ੹ ౿ന ৊৒੹ ௐી. ‫ ़ ٽ‬ઔ‫د‬. ಡඥ ़ी ஢Ԟਁ ৙ஔઅ સ‫ݩ‬ѿ ֢ౌ֢Ԟ ॐ੎ٙ. ട‫ࠒ ؘ‬२ઌ Tono-Pen XLӘ iCare ‫ڢ‬અ ৊৒ӆ‫ੋ࣏ ݴ‬ഢ ़. ઊ‫ܟ‬ഡ ӄੌ ৊৒ ௐીਁ ਕല੹ ૵ ़ ઔ‫د‬. ৈଓԪ଒ ޻൜ട. 10. ઔҸ‫د‬.. Ҳ ൜‫ ټށ‬ௐીࠒࠩ੸ ৺੶֢ PDCT֢ Tono-Pen XL ൒੸. ਗ୶п݄߂‫୹ج‬ഋп݄੉࢚. ѿ ઔৼ‫د‬.13,14. iCareܾ ௐીഡ ৊৒ઊ ૗ ً ‫ ੸׬‬ી൜٩‫ࡂ ݴ‬ਔ‫ࡂ ؘد‬Ӌ ੘ஷҀ‫ ੸ޅ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ૻ७ ઊട ࡘ࡚ઊ ৥ৈ଒޷ࣳ ‫٭‬஺‫ؘٻ‬ ଔരऀ Ҁ‫ޅ‬ଖ൝ઊ‫د‬. ଔര‫ ټ‬੘ஷҀ‫ޅ‬અ ӄੌ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռѿ. ҷ੺Ү੿ࣻࣿറ. ࡘ࡚હ੶ܾ ৥ৈ૊ ઔӋ ൌౖ ਊ१ ‫࡜ ੌޓ‬Ԑ௘ടਉ ઍࠉહઌ. Ӹ઻ӯી़ी੹ ടҲ ‫ ޷ٻ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ‫ڂ‬Ռѿ ҆घടҲ ‫دټ‬. ‫ڂ‬. ࠒࠩ੶ܾ ௐીഡ ৊৒Ә ५ૂ ৊৒ઊ ‫ ़ ݴد ੌޓ‬ઔ‫د‬. மԕ. Ռઅ ҆घ ી٩‫ ؘ‬Ӹ઻ӯી‫ܞ‬Ә ़ीઅ ૚‫܅ش ܅گ ਁݩ‬଒‫ؘ‬. ‫ڝ‬ৰ ੘ஷҀ‫ޅ‬અ ଔരৱૂ‫ ݴ‬੥ന ‫ٻੋ࣏ ݼ׆‬Ӌ ઔ‫ ؘ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬. ٙ ઊ‫ܨ‬Ҳ ૵ৰ‫ ڛ‬Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռ‫ ؘ‬৊৒ௐીਁ ి ਕല੹ ૲Ҳ ‫ټ‬. ఓ‫܅‬ҳ ӯୱҿഥीઅ ੘‫ ਁ  ؘݼ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬५ଖ੹ ‫ף‬஺१. ‫د‬. ӵֳ਌Ӵਁ ‫܅ ޷ݱگ‬ः़ी ൲ 100 ¨અ Ҁ‫ڂޅ‬Ռѿ ҆. ె ൲ ઘ਼ࣷ A‫ ݴ‬૒࣏ത੶ܾ ఓ‫܅‬ҳ ࣼ੭ਁ Ӗ੭ҿഥ੹ ੭٩. घഢ ‫ڹ‬, 26ं ߸‫ ࣳਁކ‬৊৒ઊRjjwHUjѿ ҆घട. ട‫ ؘ‬ҫઊ‫د‬. ઊ‫ ݴ‬౿ന Ҁ‫ޅ‬૒ଓ੸ ً ‫زز‬ന଒Ҳ ‫ٻ‬ৰ Ҁ‫ޅ‬. ਔӋ, 26ं ઊࣛਁࣳR==wHQH҆घടਔ‫د‬Ӌ ഡ‫د‬.15. ‫٭‬஺ ࠃ ൜ણઅ ଔര੹ ৱૂഢ ़ ઔҲ ‫دټ‬. ઙੋ੘‫ࣳਁݼ‬٩. Ӹ઻ӯી़ी ൲ਁ‫ ؘ‬GAT, ࡻાண२ ৊৒ӆ, ORA ࡂી ৊৒. ‫د֢ܟڙ‬१ഗ Ҁ‫ޅ‬૒ଓઅ ӄ٩‫ ݴ‬଑ѿ१ౄ‫ ؘ‬१ीઊԞ ‫ߚڹ‬. ޾‫ ࣳਁڂ‬৊৒ઊ ֯Ҳ ௐી‫ ޵੶ৼٻ‬ಡඥ LASIKઅ ӄੌ ೵. www.koreanglaucoma.org.

(4) JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN GLAUCOMA SOCIETY. ޷઻࣐ ࠒࠩࡂ‫֯ ً د‬Ҳ ௐી‫ ؘٻ‬ӄലઊ Ӛ୵‫دৼٻ‬.16 Ӹ઻ ӯી़ी ൲ ‫د‬৩ഡ ৊৒ ௐીࠩઅ ࡻӯ ਌Ӵਁࣳ‫޾ ܿࡻ ؘ‬ ‫ ڛ‬৊৒ௐીࠩઊ ֯Ҳ ௐી‫֢੶ৼٻ‬, GAT, ࡻાண२ ৊৒ӆ, Tono-Pen XL, iCare ௐીࠩ ޾‫ ࣳਁڂ‬Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ࠹൛ਁ ‫ ੸އ‬ਕ ല੹ ࠊ৔Ӌ, ࣛ‫ف‬હ੶ܾ PDCT, ORA ௐીࠩઊ Ӹ઻़ी ൲ Ҁ‫ޅ‬અ ࠹൛ਁ હҲ ਕല੹ ࠊ৔‫د‬.17. measurements using the ocular response analyzer. J Glaucoma 2006;15:364-70. 7. Han JW, Ha SJ. Comparison of Corvis ST tonometer to other tonometers and clinical usefulness of Corvis ST tonometer. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2015;56:404-12. 8. Azuara-Blanco A, Bhojani TK, Sarhan AR, et al. TonoPen determination of intraocular pressure in patients       

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관련 문서

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