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Three-Dimensional Time-Domain Elastic Wave Modeling using Finite-Difference Method


Academic year: 2021

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ڮॢ޲қѪں ۋڌॢ ֨Âًٖ ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ 





Three-Dimensional Time-Domain Elastic Wave Modeling using Finite-Difference Method

Dong-Joo Min*, Hyoung-Soo Kim, Hai Soo Yoo and Kwang-Hee Kim

Abstract :We describe a 3-D time-domain, displacement-based, finite-difference elastic wave modeling algorithm that is constructed by defining the material properties within cubes. In the conventional displacement-based finite-difference method, both displacements and material properties are defined at the nodal points, whereas in our finite-difference algorithm, displacements are still assigned to the nodal points but material properties are defined within cubes. In this case, free-surface boundary conditions, which describe stress-free at the free surface, are naturally satisfied by the changes of material properties. Through numerical examples for infinite homogeneous and semi-infinite homogeneous models, we could examine the accuracy of the 3-D finite-difference elastic wave modeling algorithm.

Some numerical examples showed that the 3-D finite-differenc elastic wave modeling algorithm satisfies the reciprocity theorem and successfully generates synthetic seismograms and snapshots.

Key words :3-D, Time-domain, Finite-difference, Elastic wave modeling, Free-surface boundary condition څ أ:֨ÂًٖقԴ Ѻڦχں ۋڌॠي սॱʼə ޲ڙ ѺڦŖԐ ڮॢ޲қ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτقԴ ۙڮϸ ąćܓ3 æں ܁ঝ০ ГԐॠş ڦॢ ѓѪڷͿ گϸߕ Ǵҙق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॣ ìں ܃؋ॢɰ ϔݗۆ НՁę Ѻڦε. Ͽ˃ üۙ۾ق ܁ۆॠə şܕۆ ѓѪęə ɵν ϔݗۆ НՁں گϸߕ Ǵҙق ܁ۆॣ ąڍ ߸Àۺۍ ۙڮϸ ąć, ܓæں Ԑڌॠݓ ؍Čʪ ϔݗۆ НՁۆ ѺজχڷͿ ۙڮϸقԴ ڿͳۋ Ԑ͆ݕɰə ۙڮϸ ąćܓæں χܔ֨࢈

ս ەɰ Иॢ Œݗ ϔݗę ъИॢ Œݗ ϔݗق ʂॠي ս࠘ۺۍ ३ٮ ३Եۺۍ ३ε Ҽİ॥ڷͿ׆ گϸߕ Ǵҙق.

ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτѪۆ ܁ঝՁں ঝۍॠٕɰ բ֪ڙę սݕşۆ ڦ࠘À3 .

ԴͿ цNJ ąڍق ʂॠي ս࠘ۺڷͿ ĵॢ ३˞ں Ҽİ॥ڷͿ׆ گϸߕ Ǵҙق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ3

ڮॢ޲қ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ ؎Čνˠۋ Ԝъڙν(reciprocity theorem)ε χܔ֨ࢇɰə ìں ؎ ս ەؽɰ ̚ॢ. , սथࠗ ĵܓ ф ɳࠗĵܓق ʂॠي ०Ձ࢏Ձࣷ ɳϸʪ ф ֟ǹɳϸʪε ՁėۺڷͿ ۚՁॣ ս ەؽɰ.

ܳڅر :3차원 시간영역 변위근사 유한차분 탄성파 모델링 자유면 경계조건, , , , , Vol. 43, No. 1 (2006) pp. 65-75

Դ ΁

࢏Ձࣷ ۙΒۆ ս࠘३Ե şѪۆ ॠǣۍ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝ τڹ ɰδ ۙΒ३Ե şѪۍ ࢏Ձࣷ ĵܓ҃܁ۋǣ ًԓ قԴ ܛܛ ۋڌʽɰ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ܁ঝՁ ф মڱՁ. ۋ ࢏Ձࣷ ًԓۋǣ ĵܓ҃܁ şѪۆ ܁ঝՁę মڱՁق

ࡾó ٖॳں ܳдͿ ܁ঝॢ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ ؎Čνˠں

Òьॠə ìۋ ϔڍ ܼڅॠɰ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ֨ߣə. ڮॢ޲қѪں ۋڌॠي ֨Â ėÂًٖقԴ սॱॠə ì- ۋؽɰ(Kelly et al., 1976).Ŕ ঳ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ܁ঝ, Ձ ф মڱՁں ȭۋş ڦॢ ψڹ ٍĵÀ ەؽڷ϶ ֨, Â ėÂࣷս ًٖ- (pseudospectral method),ܳࣷս ėÂ-

ًٖقԴ ڮॢ޲қѪۋǣ ڮॢڅՙѪں ۋڌॢ ࢏Ձࣷ

Ͽʝτ ؎Čνˠۋ Òьʼؽɰ(Kosloff and Baysal, 1982; Fornberg, 1987, 1989; Marfurt, 1984; Jo et al., 1996; Shin and Sohn, 1998; Stekl and Pratt, 1998; Min et al., 2000, 2003, 2004).

࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ܁ঝՁں ࠑ܁ॠə ॢ ѓѪڷͿ Л܃À ەڷ϶ ۋə ݓशϸ Àūۋق բ֪ڙę

Lamb ,

սݕşÀ ܕۦॠə ąڍق ǣࢍǣə ࢀ ݕफں Íə ۹

ܳࣷۆ ͪێνࣷε ܁ঝ০ ГԐॠəÀق ěॢ Л܃ۋ ɰ. Lamb Л܃ə ۙڮϸقԴ ڿͳۋ Ԑ͆ݕɰə ۙڮ

ț ښ ێ ۿս ț ښ ێ ޽࢘

2006 1 4 , 2006 2 14

1 ॢĶ३تٍĵڙ ३۹ঞąٍĵԐغɳ

2 ॢĶսۙڙėԐ սۙڙٍĵڙ ݓॠսݓъ ٍĵՙ

*Corresponding Author лʴܳ) E-mail; djmin@kordi.re.kr

Address; Marine geoenvironment research division, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute, 1270, Sa-2-Dong, Sangrok-Gu, Ansan, Kyunggi 425-170, Korea



ϸ ąćܓæں ضυǣ ۞ ŖԐ֨ࢅɗǽق ۆ३ ३Āʽ ɰ Ѻڦχں ۋڌॠə ڮॢ޲қѪں ۋڌॢ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽ. ʝτڹ ۋ͠ॢ ۙڮϸقԴۆ ڿͳܓæں χܔ֨ࢅş ڦ ३ ێ޲йқ ঍ࢗͿ शইʼə ۙڮϸ ąćܓæں ۋڌॠ

ٕڷǣ ۋəLamb Л܃ق ʂ३ ܁ঝॢ ३ε ܃֨ॣ ս ػڷ϶ Ԝъڙν, (reciprocity theorem)ε χܔ֨ࢅݓ Ї

ॢɰ ۋق ؼüۙε ۋڌॠي ڿͳę ՚ʪε ॥ƍ ܁ۆ. , ॠə ؼüۙѪ(staggered-grid method; Bayliss et al., 1986; Levander, 1988; Virieux, 1986; Fornberg, 1989) ۋ ܃؋ʼؽڷ϶, 3޲ڙ Ͽʝτ ф ҝő࠙ॢ ݓ঍ۆ Ͽ ʝτق ۺڌʼə ˣ Àۤ টь০ ۋڌʼČ ەɰ Ŕ͠ǣ. ۋ͠ॢ ؼüۙѪڹ ڿͳę ՚ʪε ॥ƍ ۋڌॠдͿ Ѻڦ χں ۋڌॠə ѺڦŖԐѪق Ҽ३ মڱۺۋݓ Їॠɰ.

ˣ ę лʴܳٮ ڮ३ս ə ܳࣷս ًٖ

Min (2004) (2003)

ę ֨Â ًٖقԴ ϔݗۆ НՁχڷͿ ۙڮϸ ąćܓæں

܁ঝ০ ГԐॣ ս ەə ԞͿڏ ޲ڙ ѺڦŖԐ ڮॢ޲қ2 Ѫں ܃؋ॠٕɰ ۋ˞ڹ. Lamb Л܃ق ʂॠي ܁ঝॢ

३ε ܃֨ॠə ѺڦŖԐ ڮॢ޲қѪں ڦॠي üۙ۾ق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠʏ şܕ ڮॢ޲қѪęə ɵν Ն Ǵҙق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॣ ìں ܃؋ॠٕɰ ۋ ąڍ. Нνۺۍ ࢏Ձࣷʴѓ܁֩ߌͤ Ԝъڙνʪ χܔ֨ࢇɰ.

֬܃ ݓॠϔݗقԴ ࣷʴڹ 3޲ڙۺڷͿ ۻࣷʼдͿ

֬܃ ࣷʴۆ ۻࣷε ܁ঝ০ ГԐॠş ڦ३Դə ޲ڙ ࢏3 Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۋ ज़څॠɰ. 3޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ąڍ Âɳॢ ֨Â ėÂًٖ Ͽʝτۋ͆ ॣݓ͆ʪ ψڹ ࠻ौ- ࢢ ϭϿνٮ ćԓ֨Âں ज़څͿ ॠдͿ ڿͳę ՚ʪε

॥ƍ ۋڌॠə ؼüۙѪ҃ɰə Ѻڦχں ۋڌॠ϶ ܁ঝ

ॢ ३ε ܃֨ॠə ڮॢ޲қѪۋ ज़څॠɰ. MinęKim ڹ ʆĵܓ Ͽ঍قԴۆ

(2005) MASW(Multichannel An- Ѫۆ ۺڌÀɠՁ ٍĵقԴ alysis of Surface Waves) Min ˣ(2004)ۋ ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτقԴ ܃؋॰ʏ ѓѪں2 3

޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτق ۺڌॢ ц ەɰ ۋ ٍĵقԴə. ˣ ۋ ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτقԴ ܃؋॰ʏ Ն Min (2004) 2

şъۆ ѺڦŖԐ ڮॢ޲қѪۋ ޲ڙڷͿ ر̎ó ঝۤ3 ʼəݓ ۙՃ০ ԕट҃Č Ŕ ܁ঝՁں ۙՃ০ êࢹ३ ҃ Čۙ ॢɰ.

޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ

޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қٍԓۙ


ҼŒݗ ˣѓՁ ϔݗق ʂॢ ࢏Ձࣷʴѓ܁֩ڹ ֨Âٖ

ًقԴ ɰڼę Ïۋ शইʽɰ.


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ə нʪ,


əLaméԜսۋČ, , ٮ  ə ѺڦۋČ, , ٮ ə բ֪ڙۋɰ ֩. (1)قə



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ۆ Òۆ йқ२ۋ ܕۦॢɰ9 . 3޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ

Ͽʝτں սॱॠş ڦॠي Ϥ۹ Á йқ२ق ʂॢ ڮॢ

޲қ֩ں ĵՁ३آ ॢɰ. 2޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτق ʂॢ

ۆ ѓѪق şߣॠي ÁÁۆ йқ२ق Min et al. (2004)

ʂॢ ڮॢ޲қ֩ں ĵՁॣ ս ەɰ ۋ ѓѪں ޲ڙق. 3 ۺڌॠş ڦॠيFig. 1ę Ïڹ üۙķں À܁ॢɰ. Fig.

قԴ Ѻڦə üۙ۾ق ܁ۆʼ϶ ϔݗۆ НՁڹ گϸߕ

1 ,

Ǵҙق ܁ۆʽɰ.

ۆ üۙķقԴ

Fig. 1 xѓॳۆ Ѻڦق ʂॢ ޲йқ२2




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ঔ०йқ२ۆ ڮॢ޲қ֩ ̚ॢMin et al. (2004)À ܳ

ࣷս ًٖ ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτقԴ ۺڌ॰ʏ ѓѪں Ŕ2 ʂͿ ۋڌॠٕڷ϶, xٮ yق ʂॢ ޲йқ२2 


ۆ ڮॢ޲қ֩ڹ ɰڼę Ïڹ ѓѪڷͿ ĵՁʽɰ.



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֩(8)ę (9)ε ֩(7)ق ʂۓॠي ܁νॠϸ,




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ڮԐॢ ѓѪڷͿ 


ق ʂॢ ڮॢ޲қ֩ڹ ɰ ڼę Ïۋ शইʽɰ.




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Ïڹ ѓѪڷͿ ɰδ ঔ०йқ२˞ں शইॣ ս ەɰ.

֩(1), (2), (3)ۆ ܟѺق ەə нʪ२ق ʂ३Դə ܳѺ ۆ Òۆ گϸߕۆ нʪε थŒ॥ڷͿ׆ ŖԐ֨ࢇɰ ֩8 .

ۆ ܟѺڹ ɰڼę Ïۋ ŖԐʽɰ

(1) .


≈ 

       


      


يşԴ ڹ ֨Âۺқɳćε ǣࢍǶɰn .

ۙڮϸ ąćܓæ

ۆ üۙķۋ ۙڮϸں χǣó ʼϸ ڬҙқۋ Fig. 1a

Ԑ͆ݓó ʽɰ(Fig. 1b ޷ܓ ˰͆Դ ֩). , (4)-(12)قԴ1, ق ३ɾॠə НՁں ڷͿ ȮڼڷͿ׆ ۙڮϸ ą

2, 3, 4 0

ćܓæں ГԐॣ ս ەɰ ۋε ֩ڷͿ शইॠϸ ɰڼę. Ïɰ.




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(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Finite-difference grid sets in a left-handed Cartesian coordinate (a) inside the main body and (b) at the free surface.





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≈ ∆


 


   

   

 





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≈ ∆∆

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     

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≈ 

   


       


֩(13)-(18)قԴ ؎ ս ەˢۋ گϸߕ Ǵҙق ϔݗۆ Н Ձں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қѪۆ ąڍ ۙڮϸقԴۆ3 ڮॢ޲қ֩ڹ ޲ڙ ٚ܃2 (Min et al., 2004)قԴߌͤ ٰ ۻॢ ޲ йқ ̚ə ޲ йқڷͿ शইʽɰ ˰͆Դ ر1 2 .

̅ ࣢ѻॢ ۙڮϸ ąćܓæۋ ػۋ ۙڮϸ ڬҙқقԴ ۆ ϔݗۆ НՁۋ ۋ͆ə ܓæق ۆॠ0 ي ۙڮϸقԴ ڿ ͳۋ Ԑ͆ݕɰə ۙڮϸ ąćܓæۋ ۹ۼͿ χܔʾ ս ەɰ.

܁ঝʪ қԵ

޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қٍԓۙÀ ĵՁʼϸ ۋ˞ ڮॢ޲қٍ

3 ,

ԓۙÀ ܁ঝ০ ĵՁʼؽəÀε ԕट҃ş ڦॠي ޲ڙ3

࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ܁ঝʪ қԵں սॱॠيآ ॢɰ ҃ࣀ. ڹ ܁ঝʪ қԵق ؘԴ ս࠘қԓ३Եں սॱॠي ܳرݕ ١޲ۆ ॢć ǴقԴۆ ࣷۤ ɾ üۙսε Ā܁ॠČ ؋܁

ܓæ қԵں ࣀॠي ֨ÂۺқÂüں Ā܁ॠó ʽɰ л( ʴܳٮ ڮ३ս, 2002).Ŕ͠ǣ ޲ڙ ࣷʴѓ܁֩ۆ ąڍ3 ս֩ۋ ҄ۡॠдͿ қԓܓæ ф ؋܁ܓæں Ā܁ॠşÀ رͷɰ ˰͆Դ ࣷۤ ɾ üۙս ф ؋܁ܓæڹ ąॹۺۍ. ѓѪں ࣀॠي Ā܁ॠٕɰ ܁ঝʪ қԵڹ ИॢŒݗϔݗ.

ę ъИॢ Œݗϔݗق ʂॢ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ε ३Եۺۍ ३ ٮ ҼİॠČ Ԝъڙνε χܔ֨ࢅəÀε êݒ॥ڷͿ׆, սॱʽɰ.


࢏Ձࣷʴѓ܁֩ق ʂॢ ڮॢ޲қ֩ۋ ĵՁʼϸ Ϥ۹ Àۤ ş҆ۺۍ Иॢ Œݗ ϔݗق ʂॠي ս࠘ۺڷͿ ĵ

ॢ ३ε ३ԵۺڷͿ ĵॢ ३ٮ Ҽİ॥ڷͿ׆ ܁ঝʪε қԵॢɰ ИॢŒݗϔݗق ʂॢ ३Եۺۍ ३ə. Pilant À ܃֨ॢ ֩ں ս࠘ۺڷͿ ۺқ॥ڷͿ׆ ĵॠٕ


ڷ϶ ɰڼę Ïۋ शইʽɰ, .

 

  

  

       




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 

  

  

    

 


 

 


 

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يşԴ ڹ R(

  

)ѓॳ ѺڦۋČ,

ə ѓॳ Ѻڦۋ϶,  

ۋČ,  


ə բ֪ڙۆ ܳࣷսًٖڷͿۆ ऻνق Ѻঞʽ É ۋɰ.

ɰڼۆ ěć֩ں ۋڌॠϸ, x ѓॳ(u), y ѓॳ(v), z ѓ ॳ(w) Ѻڦε ĵॣ ս ەɰ.

         (21)

            (22)

      (23)

ИॢŒݗ ϔݗق ʂॢ ܁ঝʪ қԵں ڦॠي ࣷۆ ՚P ʪ, Sࣷۆ ՚ʪ нʪÀ ÁÁ, 2000 m/s, 1000 m/s, 2.0 g/cm3ۍ ϔݗں À܁ॠČ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ٮ ३Եۺۍ ३ε ĵॠٕɰ բ֪ڙڷͿə ߯ʂܳࣷսÀ. 20 Hz (ܳ ܳࣷ

սÀ5 Hz)ۍ ޲йқ঍ࢗۆ Àڍ֟ ॥սε ۋڌॠٕɰ1 ս࠘ۺۍ ३ۆ ćԓقԴ ࠻ौࢢۆ şزڌ͟ۆ (Fig. 2).

ॢć ф ćԓ֨Â ɳ߹ں ڦॠي ࣷۤ ɾ Òۆ üۙս5 ε ۋڌॠٕɰ ۋə शܵ ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ ؎Čν. 2 ˠۋ1%ۆ ١޲ε ڮݓॠş ڦॠي ࣷۤ ɾ 33.3Òۆ üۙսε ज़څͿ ॰ʏ ìں ČͲॠϸ ϔڍ ۺڹ üۙս,


ε ۋڌॢ ìڷͿ أÂۆ ս࠘қԓ ١޲ε ڮьॣ ìۋ, ɰ ս࠘қԓق ۆ३ ьԦॠə ١޲ə ࣷۤ ɾ üۙսε. ɚͲܹڷͿ׆ ३Āॣ ս ەڷǣ ࣷۤ ɾ üۙսε ݒÀ,

֨࢈ ąڍ ज़څॢ ߪ üۙսÀ ɚرǣдͿ ψڹ ࠻ौࢢ şزڌ͟ę ćԓ֨Âں ज़څͿ ॢɰ ˰͆Դ. PC-cluster ε ۋڌॠäǣ ֙ऎ࠻ौࢢε ۋڌ३آ ॢɰ ИॢŒݗϔ. ݗͿ À܁॰ݓχ ֬܃ ϿʝτقԴə1000 m × 1000 m

ࡾşۆ Ͽ঍ں À܁ॠٕČ ėÂüۙ Âü

× 1000 m (∆  


, :ϔݗ ՚ʪۆ ߯ՙÉ, : ࣷۤɾ üۙս, : ߯ʂܳࣷս ڹ) 10 mε ۋڌॠٕɰ ˰͆. Դ ߪ ۋڌʽ üۙսə101 × 101 × 101ۋɰ.

ę ə բ֪ڙۋ Ͽ঍ۆ ܁ ܼؖق ڦ࠘ॣ ˺ Figs. 3 4

޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қѪں ۋڌॠي ĵॢ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ٮ ३Ե 3

ۺۍ ३ε ҃يܳČ ەɰ. Fig. 3ڹ բ֪ڙں ܼ֮ڷͿ x߹ڷͿ 0 m, y߹ڷͿ200 m, z߹ڷͿ200 m ʼə Ė قԴ ćԓॢ ३ε ҃يܳČ ەڷ϶ ۋ ąڍ, x ѓॳ Ѻڦ ə ܕۦॠݓ ؍ڷдͿ ʪ֨ॠݓ ؍ؕɰ. Fig. 4ə բ֪ڙ ں ܼ֮ڷͿx߹, y߹ ߹ڷͿ ÁÁ, z 200 mʼə ĖقԴ ćԓॢ ३ε ҃يܳČ ەɰ. Fig. 4قԴ ҃ϸ, x߹ ѓॳ Ѻڦٮy߹ ѓॳ ѺڦÀ ԴͿ ێ࠘॥ں ؎ ս ەɰ. Figs.

ę قԴ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ٮ ३Եۺۍ ३ Ԑۋۆ ١޲ə ս 3 4

࠘ۺۍ ѓѪڷͿ ३ε ĵॣ ˺ ࣷۤ ɾ üۙսε ߿қ০

ܳݓ ؍؉Դ Ԧşə ս࠘қԓق ۆॢ ١޲ٮ ३Եۺۍ ३ε ĵॠə ę܁قԴ ऻνق Ѻঞ ę܁ ˣقԴ ьԦॢ

١޲ۋɰ ̚ॢ ܟڍۆ ąćϸقԴۆ ъԐࣷε ܃äॠݓ.

؍ؕڷдͿ ۻࣷ֨Âۋ ţرݗ ąڍ ܟڍ ąćϸقԴ ъ Ԑʽ ࣷ˞ۋ ٖॳں й࠘ó ʽɰ.

ъИॢ Œݗϔݗ

࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ ؎Čνˠۆ ܁ঝʪε êݒॠş ڦॠي Л܃ق ʂॠي ܁ঝॢ ३ε ܃֨ॠəÀε ԕट҇


ज़څÀ ەɰ(e.g., Ewing et al., 1957; Levander, 1988;

Л܃ə ъИ Min et al., 2003; Min et al., 2004). Lamb

ॢ Œݗ ϔݗقԴ ݓशϸۋǣ ݓशϸ Ŗߌق բ֪ڙۋǣ սݕşÀ ܕۦॠə ąڍ, Pࣷ ф शϸࣷۍ ͪێνࣷق ʂॠي ܁ঝॢ ३ε ܃֨ॠəÀε êݒॠə ìۋɰ.

Л܃ق ěॢ ३Եۺۍ ३ə ۋ

Lamb Ewing et al.(1957)

܃֨ॢ ३ε ۋڌॠٕڷ϶ ɰڼę Ïۋ शইʽɰ, .

 

    ′  (24)

Fig. 2. The first derivative of Gauss function whose maximum frequency is 20 Hz (major frequency is 5 Hz).

Fig. 3. Analytic solutions (solid line) and numerical solutions (plus symbol) obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for (a) y- and (b) z-displacements at the distance of (0 m, 200 m, 200 m) from the source. Gs indicates the number of grid points per wavelength.


   

  (25)

      ′ (26)


   (27)

′   (28)

ۋɰ ֩. (24)قԴ ə սथѓॳ Ѻڦѯࢢq (q = iu + jv) ۋČ ֩(25)قԴwəzѓॳ Ѻڦۋɰ ֩. (24)ٮ(25) قԴ Ѻڦε ćԓॠş ڦॠي ܳࣷս ًٖقԴ ق ʂॢk ۺқÉں ćԓॢ ঳ ऻνق ًѺঞ֨ࢅə ѓѪں ۋڌॠ

ٕɰ ėÂࣷս ق ʂॢ ۺқڹ ս࠘ۺۍ ćԓѓѪں. k ۋڌॠٕڷ϶ ۋ ˺, dkÉۋ ۚںս΀ ܁ঝॢ ३ε ص əɰ ۋ ٍĵقԴə. LambЛ܃ۆ ३Եۺۍ ३ε ĵॠ

ş ڦॠي dk = 0.001ں ۋڌ॰ɰ.

ۋ ٍĵقԴ Č؋ʽ ޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қѪ3 ں ۋڌॢ Ͽʝ τ ؎ČνˠۋLambЛ܃ق ʂॠي ܁ঝॢ ३ε ܃֨ॠ əÀε ԕट҃ş ڦॠي ИॢŒݗϔݗقԴٮ Ïۋ ࣷP ۆ ՚ʪ, Sࣷۆ ՚ʪ нʪε ÁÁ, 2000 m/s, 1000 m/s, 2.0 g/cm3 ۍ ϔݗں À܁ॠٕČ բ֪ڙڹ ߯ʂܳࣷս, À20 Hz(ܳ ܳࣷսə5 Hz)ۍ ޲йқ঍ࢗۆ Àڍ֟1

॥սͿ ݓशϸۆ ܼؖق ڦ࠘ॠČ ەɰ ИॢŒݗϔݗق. Դٮə ɵν ս࠘ۺۍ ३ۆ ćԓں ڦॠي ࣷۤ ɾ üۙ

սε20Òε ۋڌॠٕڷдͿ1000 m × 1000 m × 1000

ࡾşۆ Ͽ঍ں Ͽʝτॠş ڦॠي

m 401 × 401 × 401

Òۆ üۙսε ۋڌॠٕɰ ܟڍ ąćϸڷͿҙࢢ ԦՁʼ. ə ъԐࣷۆ ܃äε ڦॠيShin(1995)ۋ ܃؋ॢ ֟ऐݓ ąćܓæں ۋڌॠٕɰ. Fig. 5ə բ֪ڙڷͿҙࢢ

ѓॳڷͿ100 m, 200 m, 300 m̆رݕ ݓशϸقԴ ĵ

ॢ ߹ ѓॳ Ѻڦۆ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ٮ ३Եۺۍ ३ε ҃يz

ܳČ ەɰ. Fig. 5قԴ ҃ϸ ३Եۺۍ ३ٮ ս࠘ۺۍ ३, Fig. 4. Analytic solutions (solid line) and numerical solutions (plus symbols) obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for (a) x-, (b) y- and (c) z-displacements at the distance of (200 m, 200 m, 200 m) from the source. Gs indicates the number of grid points per wavelength.


À ϔڍ ۞ ێ࠘ॠČ ەڼں ؎ ս ەɰ.


گϸߕǴق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қ3 Ѫۋ Ԝъڙνε χܔ֨ࢅəÀε ԕट҇ ज़څÀ ەɰ.

ۋε ڦॠيFig. 6ę Ïڹ Ͽ঍ں À܁ॠČ(1000 m,

ٮ ق ÁÁ բ֪ڙ

800 m, 0 m) (1000 m, 1200 m, 0 m)

ę սݕşε ڦ࠘֨ࢅČ ĵॢ ս࠘ۺۍ ३(forward)ٮ բ֪ڙę սݕşۆ ڦ࠘ε ԴͿ цƾԴ ĵॢ ս࠘ۺۍ ३(reverse)ε Ҽİ३ ҃ؕɰ. Fig. 7ڹzѓॳ Ѻڦق ʂ ॠي ս࠘ۺڷͿ ĵॢ ३˞ں ҃يܳČ ەɰ. Fig. 7قԴ

҃ϸ բ֪ڙę սݕşۆ ڦ࠘ε ԴͿ цƴرԴ ĵॢ ३ À ԴͿ ێ࠘॥ں ؎ ս ەڷ϶ ۋͿ׆ گϸߕ Ǵҙق, ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ ڮॢ޲қѪڹ Нνۺۍ3

࢏Ձࣷʴѓ܁֩ę υ޴ÀݓͿ Ԝъڙνε χܔ֨ࢇɰə

ìں ؎ ս ەɰ.

ս࠘Ͽʝτ Āę

Иॢ Œݗ ϔݗę ъИॢ Œݗ ϔݗق ʂॢ ܁ঝʪÀ êݒʼČ ǣϸ ڮॢ޲қѪں ۋڌॢ ޲ڙ ֨Âًٖ ࢏3 Ձࣷ Ͽʝτ ؎Čνˠۋ ݓݗॡۺ Ͽ঍ق ʂॠي ܁ঝॢ

࢏Ձࣷ ɳϸʪε ۚՁॣ ս ەəÀε ԕट҇ ज़څÀ ە ɰ ۋε ڦॠي սथࠗĵܓ Ͽ঍ق ʂॠي ०Ձ࢏Ձࣷ. ɳϸʪε ۚՁॠČ ɳࠗĵܓ Ͽ঍ق ʂॠي ֟ǹ ɳϸ, ʪε ۚՁॠٕɰ.

ݔۿࣷ ъԐࣷ ےćĹۼࣷ Ͽ˚ۻঞࣷ ˣۋ ܃ʂͿ, , ,

঍ՁʼəÀε ԕट҃ş ڦॠي Âɳॢ սथ ࠗ ĵܓق2 ʂॠي ०Ձ࢏Ձࣷ ɳϸʪε ۚՁॠٕɰ սथ ࠗ ĵܓ. 2 ۆ ࡾşə1000 m × 565 m × 200 mۋ϶ Ԝҙࠗۆ ˃ Fig. 5. Analytic solutions (solid line) and numerical solutions (plus symbols) obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for vertical displacements of Lamb's problem at the distance of (a) 100 m, (b) 200 m, and (c) 300 m from source.


ƍə20 mۋɰ Ԝࠗę ॠࠗۆ НՁڹ. Table 1ق ǣࢍǣ ەɰ բ֪ڙڷͿə ߯ʂܳࣷսÀ. 100 Hz (ܼ֮ܳࣷս À25 Hz)ۍ Àڍ֟॥սۆ ޲ йқ঍ࢗε ۋڌॠٕɰ1 . բ֪ڙڹ ݓशϸۆ ܼ֮ق ȮيەɰČ À܁ॠٕČ սݕ, şə शϸقԴx߹ں ˰͆ ۻÒʼر ەə ìڷͿ À܁ॠ

ٕɰ. Fig. 8ڹ սݔѓॳ Ѻڦۆ ०Ձ࢏Ձࣷ ɳϸʪε ҃ يܵɰ. Fig. 8قԴ ҃ϸ ݔۿࣷ ъԐࣷ ےćĹۼࣷٮ, ,

ࢀ ݕफں Íə ۹ܳࣷսۆ ͪێνࣷÀ ǣࢍǣČ ەɰ.

ɳࠗĵܓͿəy-zɳϸʪÀFig. 9ۆ Ͽ঍ę Ïڷ϶x

߹ ѓॳڷͿ НՁۆ ѺজÀ ػə Ͽ঍ں À܁ॠٕɰ բ.

֪ڙڹ(750 m, 750 m, 0 m)Ϳ ݓशق ڦ࠘३ ەڷ϶, սݕşə(750 m, 300 m, 0 m)قԴ(750 m, 1200 m, 0 m)ūݓy߹ں ˰͆ қपॠČ ەɰ բ֪ڙڷͿə ߯. ʂܳࣷսÀ60 Hzۍ ޲ йқ Àڍ֟čԸں ۋڌॠٕ1 ɰ. Fig. 10ڹ ۻࣷ֨Âۋ ÁÁ0.1333 s, 0.2 s, 0.2666 ێ ˺ ɳࠗϿ঍ق ʂॠي صڹ ֟ǹɳϸʪε s, 0.3333 s

҃يܵɰ. Fig. 10قԴ ݔۿࣷ ъԐࣷ Ĺۼࣷ ͪێνࣷ, , , ˣۋ ۻࣷ३ Àə Ͽ֥ں ě޶ॣ ս ەɰ.

Ā ΁

ϔݗۆ НՁں üۙ۾ق ܁ۆॠə şܕۆ ڮॢ޲қѪ ęə ɵν ϔݗۆ НՁں گϸߕ Ǵҙق ܁ۆॠə ڮॢ

޲қѪں ۋڌॠə ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτѪں ۙՃ০ ՙ3 ÒॠČ Ŕ ܁ঝʪε қԵॠي ҃ؕɰ ϔݗۆ НՁں گ. ϸߕ Ǵҙق ܁ۆॣ ąڍ üۙ۾ق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆ ॠʏ şܕۆ ڮॢ޲қѪęə ɵν ۙڮϸقԴ ڮॢ޲қ

֩ڹ ٰۻॢ ޲йқ ̚ə ޲йқۆ ঍ࢗε ̿ó ʼ϶1 2 , Нνۺۍ ࢏Ձࣷʴѓ܁֩ߌͤ Ԝъڙνε ŷ̲νݓ ؍ əɰ ˰͆Դ ڮॢڅՙѪں ۋڌॢ ࢏Ձࣷ ϿʝτقԴߌ. Fig. 6. A y-z cross section of the 3-D model for

reciprocity check.

Fig. 7. Numerical examples for reciprocity theorem:

vertical displacements for the forward and reverse problems.

Fig. 8. Synthetic seismograms for the horizontally homogeneous layered model where one layer is overlain on homogeneous media.

P-velocity S-velocity Density

1 892 m/s 477 m/s 2.0 g/cm3

2 2000 m/s 1000 m/s 2.2 g/cm3

Table 1. Material properties for the layered model where one layer is overlain on a homogeneous medium


ͤ ࣢ѻॢ ۙڮϸ ąćܓæ ػۋʪ ϔݗۆ НՁχڷͿ

ۙڮϸقԴ ڿͳۋ ܕۦॠݓ ؍əɰə ۙڮϸ ąćܓæ ں ܁ঝ০ ГԐॣ ս ەɰ.

޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۆ ąڍ қԓěć֩ۋ ϔڍ ҄ۡ


ॢ ঍ࢗε ̿дͿ қԓܓæ ф ؋܁ܓæں ݔۿ ĵॠş À ֖ݓ ؍ɰ ˰͆Դ қԓܓæ ф ؋܁ܓæں ֬ॹۺۍ. ѓѪڷͿ Ā܁ॠٕɰ ИॢŒݗϔݗ ф ъИॢ Œݗ ϔ. ݗق ʂॠي ս࠘ۺڷͿ ĵॢ ३ε ३ԵۺڷͿ ĵॢ ३ ٮ Ҽİ॥ڷͿ׆ ܁ঝʪ қԵں սॱॢ Āę گϸߕ Ǵ ق ϔݗۆ НՁں ܁ۆॠə ޲ڙ ࢏3 Ձࣷ Ͽʝτۋ ३Ե ۺۍ ३ق ϔڍ ŖԐॢ ս࠘ۺۍ ३ε ܃֨ॢɰə ìں

؎ ս ەؽɰ ̚ॢ բ֪ڙę սݕşۆ ڦ࠘ε ԴͿ цƾ. À϶ ս࠘ۺڷͿ ३ε ĵॠČ Ҽİ३ ҆ Āę Ԝъڙν ʪ χܔ֨ࢇɰə ìں ؎ ս ەؽɰ ̚ॢ սथࠗ ĵܓ. , ق ʂॠي ०Ձ࢏Ձࣷ ɳϸں ۚՁ॥ڷͿ׆ ݔۿࣷ ъ, , Ԑࣷ ےćĹۼࣷ ͪێνࣷÀ ܁ঝ০ ГԐʽɰə ìں, ,

؎ ս ەؽڷ϶ ɳࠗĵܓ Ͽ঍ق ʂॠي ֟ǹɳϸʪε,

ۚՁ॥ڷͿ׆ ࣷۆ ۻࣷتԜۋ ܁ঝ০ ГԐʽɰə ìں Fig. 9. A y-z cross section of the 3-D vertical step


Fig. 10. Snapshots obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for the vertical step model: at (a) 0.1333 s, (b) 0.2 s, (c) 0.2666 s, and (d) 0.3333 s.


ঝۍॣ ս ەؽɰ ۋ͠ॢ Āę˞ں ц࢖ڷͿ Ѻڦχں. ۋڌॠə ޲ڙ ࢏Ձࣷ Ͽʝτڹ ݓݗॡۺ őϿۆ Ͽ঍3 ۆ ϿʝτقԴ মęۺڷͿ ۋڌʾ ս ەں ìڷͿ şʂ ʼ϶ ॳ঳ ޲ڙ ًԓۋǣ ĵܓ҃܁ ˣقԴ মڱۺڷͿ, 3 টڌʾ ìڷͿ şʂʽɰ.


ۋ ٍĵə ॢĶ३تٍĵڙPE93300, PM31600ę ॢ Ķսۙڙ ėԐ KIWE-DRC-04-14ۆ ۦ܁ۺ ݓڙڷͿ սॱʽ ìڷͿ ěćşěق ÇԐ˚ςɦɰ.


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л ʴ ܳ ť ঍ ս

1993țԴڐʂॡİ ݓĵęॡİگę ۋ ॡԐ

ț Դڐʂॡİ ęॡİگę ݓĵН 1995

νۻė ԵԐ

ț Դڐʂॡİ ęॡİگę ݓĵН 1999

νۻė чԐ

ț ԴڐʂॡİݓݗęॡęۋॡԐ 1986

ț ԴڐʂॡİݓݗęॡęݓĵН 1988


ț ԴڐʂॡİݓݗęॡęݓĵН 1994


ইۦ ॢĶ३تٍĵڙ Ըےٍĵڙ (E-mail; djmin@kordi.re.kr)

ইۦ ॢĶսۙڙėԐ սۙڙٍĵڙ սԵٍĵڙ (E-mail; hskim@kowaco.or.kr)

ڮ ३ ս ť ġ ৠ

ț ॢتʂॡİ ۙڙėॡę ėॡԐ 1982

ț ॢتʂॡİ ۙڙėॡę ݓĵН 1984

νۻė ԵԐ

ț ॢتʂॡİ ۙڙėॡজ ݓĵН 1996

νۻė чԐ

ț ॢتʂॡİ ݓĵ३تęॡę

1996 ,


1999țUniversity of Memphis, Department of Geological Science, ݓĵНνۻė ԵԐ

2003țUniversity of Memphis, Department of Earth Sciences, ݓĵНνۻė чԐ

ইۦ ॢĶ३تٍĵڙ ޾ےٍĵڙ (E-mail; hsyoo@kordi.re.kr)

ইۦ ॢĶ३تٍĵڙ Ըےٍĵڙ (E-mail; kwanghee@kordi.re.kr)


Fig. 1. Finite-difference grid sets in a left-handed Cartesian coordinate (a) inside the main body and (b) at the free surface.
Fig. 3. Analytic solutions (solid line) and numerical solutions (plus symbol) obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for (a) y- and (b) z-displacements at the distance of (0 m, 200 m, 200 m) from the source
Table 1. Material properties for the layered model where one layer is overlain on a homogeneous medium
Fig. 10. Snapshots obtained by the 3-D finite-difference method for the vertical step model: at (a) 0.1333 s, (b) 0.2 s, (c) 0.2666 s, and (d) 0.3333 s.


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