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저작자표시 2.0 대한민국 이용자는 아래의 조건을 따르는 경우에 한하여 자유롭게

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2 0 0 9 년 2 월 석 사 학 위 논 문


E Ef f ff f fe e ec c ct t to o of f ff f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t tg g gr r ro o ow w wt t th h hf f fa a ac c ct t to o or r r o o on n nf f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t td d di i if f ff f fe e er r re e en n nt t ti i ia a at t ti i io o on n nf f fr r ro o om m m b b bo o on n ne e em m ma a ar r rr r ro o ow w w s s st t tr r ro o om m ma a al l lc c ce e el l ll l li i in n nd d do o og g g

섬 섬 섬유 유 유모 모 모세 세 세포 포 포성 성 성장 장 장인 인 인자 자 자가 가 가 개 개 개의 의 의 골 골 골수 수 수기 기 기질 질 질세 세 세포 포 포로 로 로부 부 부터 터 터 섬

섬유 유 유모 모 모세 세 세포 포 포 분 분 분화 화 화에 에 에 끼 끼 끼치 치 치는 는 는 효 효 효과 과 과

조선대학교 대학원

치 의 학 과

서 영 종



E Ef f ff f fe e ec c ct t to o of f ff f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t tg g gr r ro o ow w wt t th h hf f fa a ac c ct t to o or r r o o on n nf f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t td d di i if f ff f fe e er r re e en n nt t ti i ia a at t ti i io o on n nf f fr r ro o om m m b b bo o on n ne e em m ma a ar r rr r ro o ow w w s s st t tr r ro o om m ma a al l lc c ce e el l ll l li i in n nd d do o og g g

섬 섬 섬유 유 유모 모 모세 세 세포 포 포성 성 성장 장 장인 인 인자 자 자가 가 가 개 개 개의 의 의 골 골 골수 수 수기 기 기질 질 질세 세 세포 포 포로 로 로부 부 부터 터 터 섬

섬유 유 유모 모 모세 세 세포 포 포 분 분 분화 화 화에 에 에 끼 끼 끼치 치 치는 는 는 효 효 효과 과 과

2009년 2월 일

조선대학교 대학원

치 의 학 과

서 영 종



E Ef f ff f fe e ec c ct t to o of f ff f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t tg g gr r ro o ow w wt t th h hf f fa a ac c ct t to o or r r o o on n nf f fi i ib b br r ro o ob b bl l la a as s st t td d di i if f ff f fe e er r re e en n nt t ti i ia a at t ti i io o on n nf f fr r ro o om m m b b bo o on n ne e em m ma a ar r rr r ro o ow w w s s st t tr r ro o om m ma a al l lc c ce e el l ll l li i in n nd d do o og g g

지도교수 장 현 선

이 논문을 치의학 석사학위신청 논문으로 제출함.

2008년 10월 일

조선대학교 대학원

치 의 학 과

서 영 종


서영종의 석사학위 논문을 인준함.

위원장 조선대학교 교 수 국 중 기 인 위 원 조선대학교 교 수 김 병 옥 인 위 원 조선대학교 교 수 장 현 선 인

2008 년 11월 일

조선대학교 대학원







Ⅱ.Materials& Methods···3

Ⅲ.Results ···6

Ⅳ.Discussion ···11





Table 1. Nucleotide sequences of the primers used for RT-PCR. ··· 5

Table 2. Conditions for RT-PCR ··· 5



Fig.1EffectofFGFtreatedand/orPDLF-conditionedmediaonbonemarrow stromalcell. ···6



Fig.3Gene(S100A4,S100A2,UNCL,Nestin,Nucleostemin-mRNA)expression patternaccordingtoFGF-treated,PDLF-conditionedmediaat11days


Fig.4Gene(S100A4,S100A2,UNCL,Nestin,Nucleostemin-mRNA)expression patternaccordingtoFGF-treated,PDLF-conditionedmediaat14days




섬유모세포성장인자가 개의 골수기질세포로부터 섬유모세포 분화에 끼치는 효과

서 영 종 지도교수 :장 현 선 조선대학교 대학원 치의학과

다양한 조직으로 분화가 가능한 줄기세포를 치주조직의 치유에 응용할 수 있다 면 향후 심한 치주염 환자들의 조직 재생에 더 유용할 것이다.그러나,다양한 분 화가 가능한 줄기세포에서 섬유모세포로의 분화에 관한 연구는 미비한 실정이다.

이에 본 연구는 줄기세포에 섬유모세포성장인자를 적용하여 섬유모세포로의 분화 가능성에 대하여 연구하고자 한다.

줄기세포는 Dog의 골수기질세포를 실험에 이용하였다.줄기세포에 섬유모세포 성장인자을 첨가한 것을 실험군으로 하였다.실험군을 세분하였는데,섬유모세포 성장인자을 적용한 것을 실험1군,치주인대섬유모세포-조건배지를 적용한 것을 실 험 2군,그리고 섬유모세포성장인자와 치주인대섬유모세포-조건배지를 함께 적용 한 것을 실험 3군으로 세분하였다.대조군은 아무런 처치를 하지 않고 단순히 골 수기질세포만을 배양한 것으로 하였다.치주인대섬유모세포 조건배지는 개의 치주 인대섬유모세포를 배양하여 그 배양액을 조건배지로 이용하였다.세포는 60mm 배양접시에서 10% FetalBovine Serum(FBS,Gibco BRL)이 함유된 Dulbecco's ModifiedEaglesMedium(DMEM,GibcoBRL)을 이용하여 5% CO2,37℃,100% 습 도 조건에서 배양하였다.섬유모세포성장인자는 3ng/ml로 적용하였고,치주인대섬 유모세포 조건배지는 치주인대섬유모세포만 배양하여 얻은 그 배양액을 줄기세포 배양액과 1:1비율로 적용하였다.배지는 이틀에 한번씩 교체하고 14일동안 배양 한 후,치주인대관련 유전자 발현을 평가하기 위하여 Trizolreagents (Gibco,


BRL,Rockville,USA)를 이용하여 각각의 세포에서 totalRNA를 추출하였다.줄 기세포에서 섬유모세포로의 분화를 평가하기 위하여 UNCL,S100A2,S100A4, Nestin,nucleostemin,mRNA에 대한 의 RT-PCR를 시행하였다.이 연구 결과, 섬유모세포 표지자로 이용되는 UNCL,S100A2,S100A4mRNA의 발현이 줄기세 포에 FGF를 적용한 실험군에서 두드러졌다.줄기세포의 섬유모세포로의 분화에 FGF를 이용할 경우,향후 치주염의 치료 및 치주조직 재생에 널리 응용할 수 있 을 것으로 생각된다.




The main purpose in periodontaltherapy is the in regenerating periodontal tissue.Theperiodontaltissueiscomposedofcementum,bone,gingiva,and periodontalligament.Periodontitiscanbecausedbyinfection,mechanical stressandaging.Oncetheperiodontaltissueisimpaired,thetissuehasa limitedcapacityforregeneration1).Sincecementoblasts,osteoblasts,and periodontalligamentfibroblastsarederivedfrom periodontalligament2), regenerationofperiodontaltissuecanbelimitedinsevereperiodontitispatients with periodontalligament loss.Forthis regeneration,human periodontal ligamentfibroblast(hPDLF)iscrucial.PDLF haveaseveralpotential,suchas migration, proliferation, differentiation osteoblast-like, cementoblast-like, &

periodontalligamentfibroblasts,achievethepromotionoftissueregeneration3-6). Melcher 7)stated thatthe phenotypes ofcells re-collected in the root surface (such as gingival epithelium, gingival lamina propria, periodontal ligament, cementum, and alveoloar bone) would determine the adhesion, regenerationcharacteristics,andquality.

Forperiodontalregeneration,hPDLF cellshaving thepotentialtodivideinto variouscellsareimportant.Becauseconventionalperiodontalregeneration methodsremaininsufficienttoobtainacompleteregenerationinperiodontitis patients,theconceptofperiodontaltissueengineeringhasresentlybeenneeded toimprovethehealingofperiodontaltissues8).Generally,S100A4-,S100A2-, Periostin-mRNA could be used as a usefulmarker for distinguishing cultured gingivalfibroblasts and periodontalligamentcells.Park etal.9)reported thatin RT-PCR andNorthernanalysis,theexpressionofS100A4andperiostinmRNA in GF was slightly detectable,and that the expression of S100A4 and periostin mRNA in PDLF wasmuch higherthan thatin GF.On theotherhand,S100A2 mRNA washighlyexpressedinbothGFandPDLF.

The most abundant cellin periodontalconnective tissue is the gingival fibroblast. PDLF and gigival fibroblasts (GF) display distinct functional activities in theregeneration and repairoftheperiodontaltissues as wellas during inflammatory periodontal diseases9-13). Generally, severe periodontitis patients expected tooth extration have no PDLF.Han etal14) reported that PDLF and GF appearto display differentgene expression patterns thatmay


reflectintrinsicfunctionaldifferencesofthetwocellpopulationsandmay well coordinatewith theirtissue-specificactivities.However,itwillbeworth that humanGF canbeusedasahPDLF fortheperiodontaltissueengineering.

Attention isdrawn to periodontaldiseaseseen mainly in adultswith aging population.Ratherthantreating periodontaldiseaseonceitdevelops,prevention isbetterbymaintainingahealthyperiodontium.15)

Stem cellsarepluripotentcellswithunlimitedproliferationpotentialand differentiation capacitytoalltypesofsomaticcells.Periodontaltissue engineeringbasedoninvitroexpandedcellsholdsthepromisetoovercome thelimitationsassociatedwithcontemporaryregenerativetechniques.Stem cellsmaybecomeacellsourcewithunlimitedsupplyforperiodontaltissue engineeringapplications16).Lee .17)reportedthatfibroblasticdifferentiation from stem cellsisofwidespreadsignificanceintheengineeringofvirtuallyall tissuesincludingtendons,ligaments,periodontalligament,cranicalsuturesand asinterstitialfillerofallorgans.Ogiso .18)reportedthatco-cultureof humanperiodontalligamentfibroblastorratskinfibroblast withbonemarrow stromalcells(BMSCs)resultedinalargereductionofbonenoduleformation, andthatfibroblastsmayinhibitosteoblastdifferentiation.Lee .17)observed thatconnectivetissuegrowthfactor(CTGF)-treatedhMSCsfailedtoshow osteogenicorchondrogenicdifferentiation,andthatCTGF isaneffective inductionfactorforfibroblasticdifferentiationofhumanhumanmesenchymal stem cells.Hermann .19)observedthattheirdataprovideanimpetusfor differentiating human bonemarrow stromalcellsin vitro into mature neuroectodermalcells.MSCsgenerallyarepositivefornestin,whichisan earlymarkerofneuronalprogenitors20).Suzuki .20)reportedthatBMSCls canbeexpandedrapidlyinvitroandhavethepotentialtobedifferentiated intoneuronalcelltypes.

MSCscanbecomeavaluablecellsourceasanautograftforclinicalapplication involvingtissueregeneration21).Recentstudieshaveshownthatmesenchymal stem cellsobtainedfrom periodontalligament(PDL-MSCs)aremultipotent cellsthathavesimilarfeaturesofthebonemarrow anddentalpulpMSCsand arecapableofproliferatingandproducingdifferenttypesoftissuesuchas boneand tooth associated-tissues21).

Lu .22)reported the therapeutic potentialofadultbone marrow stromal


cells (BMSCs).BMSCs expressed neuralmarkers nestin.Nestin and GFAP doubleimmunofluorescence showed differentiation ofBMSCsinto neuralstem cells in vitro.Differentiated cells express neuralspecific genes(e.g.68-kDa neurofilament,β-tubulinIIIandnestin)detectedbyRT-PCR method.

MOREAU .23)reported thatin vitro BMSCs growth may be enhanced through culture medium supplementation, mimicking the biochemical environment in which cells optically proliferate and differentiate. They suggested significant in vitro ligament development after only 14 days of culture when using a sequentialgrowth factor approach.Kafienah et al.24) reported thatNucleostemin is a markerofproliferating stromalstem cells in adult human bone marrow and that it is involved in the regulation of proliferationofthesecells.Duarte .25)reportedtheexpressionofS100A2and S100A4 calcium-binding protein in periodontium using in situ hybridization and importantrolemaintaningwidthofperiodontalligamentwithoutcalcification.

Theaim ofthisstudy wastoinvestigatethe possibility offibroblast differentiationfrom BMSCsundertheinfluenceoffibroblastgrowthfactor usingtheRT-PCR.


Materialsand Methods


Thebonemarrow stromalcells(BMSCs)andperiodontalligamentfibroblasts (PDLF)ofdogwereusedforourstudy.Freshmediaobtainedfrom culturing humanperiodontalligamentfibroblastsofdogwereusedforconditionedmedia.

8passageBMSCand6passagePDLFwereusedforthisstudy.TheBMSC andPDLFwereculturedinDulbecco'sModifiedEaglesMedium (DMEM, GibcoBRL,USA)containing10% fetalbovineserum (FBS)at5% CO2,37℃, and100% humidity.

Conditioned medium experiments

Thecellswereculturedat5% CO2,37℃,and100% humidityina60㎜ Petri dishuntil14days.Themediachangewasdoneinahumidincubatorina 2-dayintervalbyexchangingDMEM medium containing10% FBS.The controlgroupwasBMSCwithouttreatment.Theexperimantgroupswere BMSCtreatedwithFGF,FGFplusfreshmediaofhPDLF,freshmediaof hPDLF,freshmediaofdPDLF,FGFplusfreshmediaofdPDLF,respectively.

The3ng/㎖ fibroblastgrowthfactor(FGF)wasappliedina2-dayinterval whentheexperimentalcellculturingmediawaschanged.TheFGFapplied mediawasnamedbyFGF-treatedmedia.

Conditionedmediaobtainedfrom culturingperiodontalligamentfibroblastsof dogwasappliedina2-dayintervalwhentheexperimentalcellculturing media was changed. It is named by PDLF-conditioned media. The PDLF-conditionedmediawasobtainedina2-dayintervalwhenthePDLFs culturingmediawaschanged.ThePDLF-conditionedmediawasmadeby mixtureof1:1ratiowithfreshmediaobtainedfrom PDLFandculturemedia.


ThetotalRNAwasextractedaccordingtothemanufacturer'sinstruction using TrizolReagent(Invitrogen,USA).The first-strand cDNA was synthesizedusing25U ofoligo-d(T)primerandpremix(Bioneer,Korea)per1


㎍ oftotalRNAfrom culturedgingivalfibroblast.Thesenseandanti-sense oligonucleotideprimersforthebasesequencesofUNCL,S100A2,S100A4, nestin,nucleosteminandGAPDH wereordered(Table1).Usingthetemplate ofcDNAprocessedfrom thereversetranscription(RT)process,20㎕ ofPCR mixture was prepared by adding 20 pmols ofprimer,5 ㎕ ofcDNA, AccuPowerPremix(Bioneer,Korea),anddistilledwater.

PCR wasdoneby30-35cyclesofdenaturation,annealing,andextension (Table2)usingPTC-200(MJResearchInc.,Watertown,MA,U.S.A).PCR productswereanalyzedbyeletrophoresingin1.5% agarosegeltoconfirm gene expressions.




(min.)Time S100A2,S100A4,


GAPDH Nucleostemin UNCL

Predenaturation 94 95 94 5

denaturation 94 95 94 1

Annealing 55 58 45 1

Polymerization 72 72 72 *





1. Morphologyofthecells

Morphologicalchanges according to the FGF-treated media and/or PDLF-conditionedmediaofBMSC wasshown.

Morphologicalchangesofthecellswereobservedunderaphasecontrast microscope.At14days,moreproliferationwasobservedundertheFGF treated,PDLF-conditioned,FGFplusPDLF-conditionedgroupsthanthecontrol group.

A.Control B.FGF-tx

C.PDLFconditionedmedia-tx D.FGF-tx/PDLFconditionedmedia-tx

Figure1.EffectofFGF treatedand/orPDLF-conditionedmediaonbone marrow stromalcell.At14days,cellproliferationwasmoreobservedinFGF and/orPDLF-conditionedgroupsthanthecontrolgroup.A.UntreatedBMSC cultures,B.FGF-treatedBMSC,C,PDLF-conditionedmedium,D.FGF-treated plusPDLF-conditioned medium.



TheS100A4mRNAandS100A2mRNAwereexpressedsimilarlyinbetween theexperimentalgroups(FGFtreated,FGFplusPDLF-conditionedmedia andthePDLF-conditionedmediagroup)andthecontrolgroupatoneday.The expressionofUNCL mRNA wereexpressedweaklyatoneday.

ThenestinmRNAshowedstronglyinthecontrolgroup.Thenucleostemin mRNA wasexpressedstronglyinFGF treatedgroup.


S100A4 295bp

S100A2 278bp

UNCL 493bp

Nucleostemin 220bp

Nestin 98bp

GAPDH 200bp

Figure2.Gene(S100A4,S100A2,UNCL,Nestin,Nucleostemin-mRNA) expressionpatternaccordingFGF-treatedand/orPDLF-conditionedmedia.At 1 day. A. Untreated BMSC cultures, B. FGF-treated BMSC, C, PDLF-conditionedmedium,D.FGF-treatedplusPDLF-conditionedmedium.


TheexpressionofUNCLmRNAwereexpressedstronglyat11daysthanone day.Expecially,TheUNCLmRNAwereexpressedstronlyinFGFtreatedand controlgroup.TheS100A4mRNAwasexpressedstronglyinFGFtreatedat 11day.TheexpressionofnucleosteminmRNAwereexpressedstronglyat11 daysthanoneday.Expecially,thenucleosteminmRNAwereexpressedstronly inFGFtreatedandcontrolgroup.TheS100A2mRNAwasexpressedsimilarly betweenexperimentalgroupsandthecontrolgroupat11day.At11day,the expressionofthenestinmRNA wasweak.


S100A4 295bp

S100A2 278bp

UNCL 493bp

Nucleostemin 220bp

Nestin 98bp

GAPDH 200bp

Figure3.Gene(S100A4,S100A2,UNCL,Nestin,Nucleostemin-mRNA) expressionpatternaccordingFGF-treatedand/orPDLF-conditionedmedia.At 11 days.A. Untreated BMSC cultures, B. FGF-treated BMSC, C, PDLF-conditionedmedium,D.FGF-treatedplusPDLF-conditionedmedium. t 7 days.


TheexpressionofUNCLmRNAwereexpressedstronglyinFGFtreatedand FGFplusPDLF-conditionedmediagroupsat14days.TheS100A4mRNA wasexpressedstronglyinFGFtreatedat14day.TheS100A2mRNAwas expressed stronlyin allexperimentalgroups(FGF treated, FGF plus PDLF-conditionedmedia andthePDLF-conditionedmediagroup).The nucleosteminmRNA wereexpressedstronlyinFGF treatedat14days.


S100A4 295bp

S100A2 278bp

UNCL 493bp

Nucleostemin 220bp

Nestin 98bp

GAPDH 200bp

Figure4.Gene(S100A4,S100A2,UNCL,Nestin,Nucleostemin-mRNA) expressionpatternaccordingFGF-treatedand/orPDLF-conditionedmedia.At 14 days.A. Untreated BMSC cultures, B. FGF-treated BMSC, C, PDLF-conditionedmedium,D.FGF-treatedplusPDLF-conditionedmedium. t 7 days.



Theultimatepurposeofclinicalperiodontaltherapy in periodontaldefectsis regeneration ofallloststructuresincluding thealveoloarbone,cementum,and periodontalligament.Attemptsatregenerationofcomplicateperiodontaldefects by guided tissue regeneration have not always yielded predictable results.

Recently,attempts at engineering the defects using various materials have shown promising results.Chong etal.26)reported human periodontalfibroblast responseto enamelmatrix derivative,amelogenin,and platelet-derived growth factor-BB. They reported that the combination of EMD and PDGF-BB producesgreaterproliferativeand wound-filleffectson PDLS cellsthan each by themselves,and thatamelogenin alone may nottrigger the regenerative potentialofperiodontaltissuesandthatitrequiresacombinedinteractionwith otherenamelmatrixcomponentsofEMD todirecttheregenerativeprocess.

Tissue engineering is applied to overcome limited tissueregeneration using the factors that would stimulate the regeneration of alveoloar bone and periodontalattachment.Human periodontalligamentfibroblast(hPDLF)can be differentiated and proliferated into osteoblast-like celland cementoblast-like cell,playing a centralrolein periodontalregeneration.Peopleneed theirteeth longerasthelifeexpectancy increased and wanttoprepareforhealthy older years by maintaining healthy periodontal tissue in shape-wise and from estheticpointofview.

This study was performed to investigate the possibility of fibroblast differentiation from bone marrow stromalcells (BMSC)using the fibroblast growthfactor(FGF)andtoexploretheirpotentialuseforperiodontalligament engineering.RT-PCR wasusedtoexamineexpression ofnestin,nucleostemin, UNCL,S100A4 and S100A2-mRNA in the fibroblast growth factor and/or periodontalligamentfibroblastconditioned media-treated BMSCs at1,11,14 days,respectively.


Chronic periodontitis is a common in adult people. Generally, severe periodontitis patients have a inflammatory PDL or PDL loss. For the prevention and regeneration in periodontitis patients,inhibition ofaging in periodontalcellsisessential,anditwillbeworthusingthehGF asahPDLF.


Bonemarrow stromalcells (BMSCs)residein bonemarrow and providea lifelongsourceofnew cellsforvarioustissues27).Jeong .27)reportedthata BMSC-specific genetic catalog may facilitate future studies on molecular mechanismsgoverning corepropertiesofthesecells.Thedentalfollicleisan ectomesenchymaltissuesurrounding thedeveloping tooth germ.Itisbelieved thatthistissuecontainsstem cellsand lineagecommitted progenitorcells or precursor cells (PCs) for cementoblasts, periodontal ligament cells, and osteoblasts.Morsczeck .28) reported the isolation of PCs derived from dentalfollicleofhuman third molarteeth and thatdemonstrated thatcultured PCS are unique undifferentiated lineage committed cells residing in the periodontium priororduring tooth eruption.They compared gene expressions ofPCs,human mesenchymalstem cells (hMSCs),periodontalligamentcells (PDL-cells) and osteoblasts (MG63) for delimination of PCS. These fibroblast-like,colony forming and plastic adherent cells expressed putative stem cellmarkersNotch-1andnestin.

In this study, periodontal ligament fibroblast-conditioned medium was obtained from cultures of dog periodontal ligament fibroblasts that were untreated (plain)or treated with the indicated concentrations (3 ng/ml)of fibroblastgrowth factorforthe1-,11- and 14dayscultureperiod.Stem cell markergene (nestin mRNA)expression pattern was increased in the treated groupwith theindicated concentrations (3ng/ml)offibroblastgrowth factor (FGF). PDL fibroblast marker genes (UNCL-, S100A2-mRNA) expression pattern was increased in the periodontal ligament fibroblast-conditioned medium groupandthecombinedgroupthanthecontrol.

Bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) are pluripotent stem cells with self-renewalpropertyandpotentialtodifferentiateintoavarietyofcelltypes29,

30).Yang .31)founded thatratbonemarrow stromalcellsexpressed NSE and nestin mRNA,butonly weak expression ofNF1 mRNA was detected.

After Salvia miltiorrhiza induction for 24 hours,NSE and nestin expression maintained thesamelevel,butNF1expression increased apparently compared to the control. rBMSC could also differentiate into neuron-like cells and expressneuronphenotypeaspreviouslydescribed.

Cells ofthe periodontalattachment(cementoblast,osteoblasts,and periodontal ligament fibroblasts) are descended from a common progenitor (the cranial


neural crest). Lallier TE.32) suggested that differential expression of semaphorins and plexins may be involved in regulating cell-sorting in the formation and regeneration ofthe periodontalattachmentstructure.Ogiso

.33)reported thatfibroblasts secrete prostaglandins which can inhibitbone formation,and that this may be one mechanism whereby fibroblasts can modulate osteogenesis at the interfaces of soft and mineralizing connective tissues.Fibroblast-conditioned medium was obtained from cultures ofhuman periodontalligamentfibroblaststhatwereuntreated(plain)ortreated with the indicatedconcentrationsofindomethacinfortheentirecultureperiod33).

Moreau .34)reportedthatthesequentialadministration ofgrowth factors tofirstproliferateandthendifferentiateBMSCsculturedonsilkfibermatrices willsupportthe enhanced developmentofligamenttissue in vitro.Confluent second passage (P2) BMSCs obtained from purified bone marrow aspirates wereseededonRGD-modifiedsilkmatrices.Seededmatricesweredividedinto three groups for5 days ofstatic culture,with medium supplementofbasic fibroblastgrowth factor(B)(1ng/ml),epidermalgrowth factor(E;1ng/ml)or growth factor-freecontrol(C).Afterday 5,medium supplementwaschanged totransforming growth gactor-β1(T;5ng/ml)orC foran additional9days ofculture.Sequentialgrowth factorapplication promoted significantincreases in collagen typeItranscriptexpression from day 5 ofcultureto day 14,for fiveofsix groupstested.Moreau .34)reported thatthefindingsindicates significantin vitro ligamentdevelopmentafteronly 14 days ofculture when usingasequentialgrowthfactorapproach.

Farhadi .35)reported thathuman bone marrow stromalcells from six donors were expanded fortwo passages (expansion phase)and subsequently cultivated in osteogenic medium containing ascorbic acid,β-glycerophosphate, and dexamethasone (differentiation phase). After each phase, cells were transferred into serum-free medium with or without FGF-2 at different concentrationsandfordifferenttimes,andtheexpression ofBMP-2,TGF-β1, and VEGF wasquantified atthemRNA level.In responseto5ng/mlFGF-2 for24hours,themRNA expression ofVEGF increasedatboth culturephases (up to 6.1 fold),whereas thatofBMP-2 and TGF-β1 significantly increased only after the expansion (3.1-fold) or differentiation phase (2.1-fold), respectively. FGF-2 up-regulates the expression of BMP-2,TGF-β1,and


VEGF in human bone marrow stromalcells,in a pattern dependenton the cell-differentiation stage.These findings promptforin vivo investigations on thedeliveryofFGF-2forthetemporally/functionallyregulatedenhancementof bonemarrow stromalcell-basedboneinduction35).

Inourstudy,theexpressionofUNCL mRNA wereexpressedstronglyat11 days than one day.Expecially,The UNCL mRNA were expressed stronly in FGF treatedandcontrolgroup.TheS100A4mRNA wasexpressedstronglyin FGF treatedat11day.TheexpressionofnucleosteminmRNA wereexpressed strongly at11 days than one day.Expecially,the nucleostemin mRNA were expressed stronly in FGF treated and controlgroup.TheS100A2mRNA was expressed similarly between experimentalgroups and thecontrolgroup at11 day.At11day,theexpressionofthenestinmRNA wasweak.

Bone marrow stromalcells (BMSCs)play a centralrole in the repairand regeneration ofmesenchymaltissues.Hankemeier .36)reported modulation ofproliferation and differentiation ofhuman bone marrow stromalcells by fibroblastgrowth factor2 forpotentialimplications fortissue engineering fo tendons and ligaments. They analyzed the effect of low-dose (3 ng/ml) fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and high-dose FGF-2 (30 ng/ml) on proliferation,differentiation (transcription ofcollagen I,collagen III,fibronectin, elastin,α-smooth muscleactin,and vimentin,reversetranscription-polymerase chain reaction)ofhuman BMSC,and compared the results with those ofa controlgroup withoutFGF-2.They reported thatmicroscopicinvestigation of the cellcultures with low-dose FGF-2 showed more homogeneous,dense, fibroblast-like,spindle-shaped cells with long cellprocesses compared with cultureswith high-dose,ornoFGF-2,andshowedthatlow-doseFGF-2may beusefulfortissueengineering ofligamentsandtendonsbyincreasing BMSC proliferation and stimulating mRNA expression ofspecificextracellularmatrix proteinsandcytoskeletalelements.

Inthisstudy,theexpressionofUNCLmRNAwereexpressedstronglyin FGFtreatedandFGFplusPDLF-conditionedmediagroupsat14days.The S100A4mRNAwasexpressedstronglyinFGFtreatedat14day.TheS100A2 mRNAwasexpressedstronlyinallexperimentalgroups(FGFtreated,FGF plusPDLF-conditionedmedia andthePDLF-conditionedmediagroup).The nucleosteminmRNA wereexpressedstronlyinFGF treatedat14days.



In this study,UNCL-,S100A2-,S100A4-mRNA wasexpressed strongly in FGFexperimentalgroupstreatedinBMSCs.ThesefindingssuggestthatFGF canbeassociatedforengineeringperiodontalligamentbyprovidingtheinitial evidenceofareproducibleprotocolforfibroblasticdifferentiationofbone marrow stromalcells.



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학 과 치의학과 학 번 20077169 과 정 석 사

성 명 한글:서 영 종 한문:徐 英 宗 영문:Seo Young Jong 주 소 광주광역시 북구 우산동 207-10 사랑치과

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영문:Effect of fibroblast growth factor on fibroblast differentiation from bone marrow stromal cell in dog 본인이 저작한 위의 저작물에 대하여 다음과 같은 조건아래 조선대학교가 저작물을 이용할 수 있도록 허락하고 동의합니다.

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2008년 10월 일

저작자: 서 영 종 (서명 또는 인)

조선대학교 총장 귀하


관련 문서

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