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Exper i mentResul t s

문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 50-63)


the site where depth ofthe defects was 75% ofthe thickness.However,itwas possibletoconfirm thedefectswiththenakedeyethatlookedconspicuously.

Fig.17showstheexperimentresultswhen distancebetween apipespecimen and halogen lamp wasadjusted to 1m and 2m and intensity ofthehalogen lamp was setto 80%.According to theexperimentresults,itwas possibleto confirm thedefectswiththenakedeyeunderalloftheexperimentconditions.Itwasalso possible to clearly distinguish the defects in the site where depth ofthe defects was 50% of the thickness and where sharpness was low as intensity of the halogenlampwasupto60%.Inaddition,ashapeofdefectswasthemostsimilar toactualshapeofthedefects.

According to the experiment results, the halogen lamp was able to detect wall-thinneddefectsinsidethepipe.Furthermore,itwasconsideredthatthepower ofthehalogen lamp should be60% orhigherand thedistance between thepipe and thehalogen lampshould beshortsuch as2m in ordertodetectwall-thinned defectsinsidethepipeduringtheoverhaulperiodoftheNPPs.

Heatingsource Powerofhalogen lamp

Heating time

Distancebetweenpipe specimenandhalogen

lamp 1kW




1m,2m respectively 80% 1m,2m respectively TABLE 6.Conditionsoftheexperimentusingaheatingdevice

(a)distanceofthehalogenlampfrom pipespecimen-1m

(b)distanceofthehalogenlampfrom pipespecimen-2m Fig.16.60% powerof1kW halogenlamp

(a)distanceofthehalogenlampfrom pipespecimen-1m

(b)distanceofthehalogenlampfrom pipespecimen-2m Fig.17.80% powerof1kW halogenlamp

2.Cool i ng Exper i ment alResul t s

Thecooling experimentsforthedetection ofwall-thinned defectsinsidethehot pipe of the NPPs that were in normaloperation was conducted at 150℃.An heating devicewasinsertedinsidethepipespecimen,whichaimedatimplementing ahightemperatureofthepipespecimen.

Fig.18 shows the experiment results when a single fan was used with a distancebetween thepipespecimen and fan adjusted to 1m and 2m.Thedefects createduptoa75% depthinsidethepipespecimenweredetectedatadistanceof 2m.The defects were detected more clearly as the distance between the pipe specimenandfanbecameshorter.

Fig.19showstheexperimentresultswhen twofanswereusedtocoolthepipe specimen atadistanceof1m and 2m.Thedefectsartificially created with a75% depthand50% depthinsidethepipespecimen couldbedetected.Thedefectswere detectedmoreconspicuouslyasthedistancebetweenthepipespecimenandcooling devicebecameshorter.

According to the experimentresults,the fan cooling device was able to detect defectsinsideapipespecimen partially.Furthermore,itwasconsidered thatwind speed and airvolumeofthefan should beincreased and distancebetween apipe specimen and thefan should beshortsuch as1m in ordertodetectwall-thinned defectsinsidethepipeoftheNPPsthatwasinnormaloperation.

Coolingsource Fan Temperatureof pipespecimen

Distancebetweenpipe specimenandfan




1m,2m respectively 2 1m,2m respectively TABLE 7.Conditionsoftheexperimentusingacoolingdevice

(a)distanceofthefanfrom pipespecimen-1m

(b)distanceofthefanfrom pipespecimen-2m Fig.18.Coolingexperimentusing1fan

(a)distanceofthefanfrom pipespecimen-1m

(b)distanceofthefanfrom pipespecimen-2m Fig.19.Coolingexperimentusing2fan

Ⅴ.Concl usi ons

In this study,IR thermography was used to detectwall-thinned defects inside thepipesofNPPsthatwereintheoverhaulperiodandnormaloperation.Thepipe modeland pipe specimen thathad the same physicalproperties as those forthe actualpipeoftheNPPswereused fortheFEA simulationsand theexperiments. Moreover,thesizeofthedefectsappliedtothepipespecimenwasequaltothatof thedefectsappliedtothepipemodelfortheFEA simulation.

Based on the FEA simulation results thataimed atinvestigating the heating effects of the heating device and the optimal experiment conditions, it was predicted thatcapability to detectdefects increased as distance between the pipe andthehalogenlampwasshorterandintensityofthehalogenlampwashigher.

FEA simulationwasconductedtoexaminethecooling effectsofacoolingdevice and the optimalexperiment conditions.The results predicted that the detection ability ofdefectsincreasedwith decreasing distancebetween thepipeand fan and increasing wind speed of the fan. The results were applied to subsequent experiments.

In theexperimentusing theheating devicebasedontheFEA simulation results, defectslookedmoreconspicuousasdistancebetween apipespecimen andhalogen lampwas2m andthepowerofhalogen lampwashigher.Theoptimalexperiment conditionsforinvestigationofthewall-thinneddefectsintheNPP’spipeusing the halogen lampincludedthedistancebetween thepipeandtheheating deviceof2m andthehalogenlamppowerof60% orhigher.

The defects could be detected partially in the experimentthatwas conducted using the cooling device of fans based on FEA simulations.Unlike the FEA simulation results,thedefectswith the75% depth ofthepipethicknesscould be detectedclearlywhenthedistancebetweenthepipespecimenandfanwas1m.To detectthewall-thinned defectsin theNPPsthatisin normaloperation based on

such results,the distance between the pipe and fan should be short(e.g.1m), whereasthewindspeedandairflow ofthefanshouldbehigh.

In conclusion,IR thermography enabled thedetection ofthewall-thinned defects insidethepipeanditwasexpectedtobequiteusefulon theNPPssitecompared totheexistingNDI.Moreover,becauseIR thermographyfacilitatesthemaintenance offacilitiesoftheNPPsthatareinnormaloperationorNPPsthatareinoverhaul period,itis expected to maximize the operation efficiency ofthe NPPs facilities andminimizetheenergy lossandeconomiclosscan beattributedtotheoperation stop.

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항상 친구라는 행복감을 안겨주고 함께 울고 웃으며 10년이 넘는 시간을 함께해준 친구들 낙훈,지훈,태현,경수,용진,진희,유영,낙현,현우,승연,준민,영훈,설아 등 등 정말 고맙고 앞으로 남은 평생 동안 서로 의지하고 잘 지내보자.

바로 이 분들과의 ‘인연의 실’이 저를 이끌었고,그리스로마 신화의 테세우스처럼 어 둔 미래라는 미궁으로 나아갈 수 있는 힘이었습니다.때로는 마음처럼 되지 않는 일들

문서에서 저작자표시 (페이지 50-63)

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