The analysis of depuration data has shown that the growth-corrected depuration rate constant shows a dependence on the lipid content of the fish, in accordance with bioaccumulation theory. This suggests that the growth-corrected depuration rate constant should be normalised to a ‘standard’ lipid content to allow comparisons to be made between different studies for this parameter. This lipid normalisation is an
important consideration when using the growth-corrected depuration rate constant from an OECD 305 feeding study to calculate a BCF value using an estimate of the uptake rate constant (it will not influence the calculation of biomagnification factor (BMF), which is corrected for the lipid content of both fish and food). The analysis suggests that either the mean lipid content at the end of the depuration phase, the arithmetic mean concentration of the two sampling points over the depuration phase, or the time-weighted average lipid over the depuration phase are appropriate measures for carrying out this normalisation.
Selection of the most appropriate depuration rate constant for BCF estimation is difficult as most of the experimental BCF data have not been growth corrected and it is not always clear whether they have been normalised to a standard lipid content.
However, based on the analysis here, the most appropriate depuration rate constant to use for such purposes is the growth-corrected and lipid-normalised depuration rate constant. This is in keeping with the basis for bioconcentration and biomagnification factors recommended in the OECD 305 test guideline.
Equations for approximating the propagation of errors in the bioaccumulation
parameters derived from an OECD 305 dietary study are given. However, these are subject to a number of assumptions which may not be valid in all cases. It is therefore recommended that these equations are used cautiously and other methods, such as those based on Monte Carlo analysis, are explored (e.g. distributions other than normal distributions can theoretically be considered).
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