10.1 Comprehensive Testing of Electric Installations According to the requirements for connection of RES65 to electric networks, the Power Generating Organization is obliged to conduct comprehensive tests. Prior to the commencement of comprehensive tests, an energy producing organization shall:
✓ to comply with the requirements of the technical specifications within the deadlines and in full;
✓ conclude an agreement with the system operator for the provision of services for the technical dispatching of supply to the networks and the consumption of electric energy;
✓ conclude an agreement with the buyer for the sale and purchase of electricity;
✓ conclude an agreement with an energy transmitting organization for the provision of services for the transmission of electrical energy.
65 Details of the requirements for connecting renewable energy sources to networks are described in Chapter 5
66 Clause 2-1 of Article 9 of the Law on Electric Power Industry
After fulfilling the requirements of the technical specifications and the conclusion of the above agreements, the power transmission organization conducts comprehensive tests of the RE facility, in accordance with the Connection and Output Scheme and the requirements of the Grid Rules approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 18 December 2014 No. 210 (with amendments dated 14.07.2017).
The comprehensive testing of electrical installations of the energy producing organization using renewable energy sources is carried out in accordance with the test program agreed with the System Operator (KEGOC JSC) after obtaining the permission of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and in the presence of an agreement for the purchase and sale of the entire amount of electrical energy produced during the comprehensive test 66.
According to the Rules For The Centralized Purchase And Sale By The Financial Settlement Center Of Electric Energy,67 the Energy Production Organization notifies the RFC and the energy transmitting organization to the network of which the RE facility is connected about the date of the comprehensive testing of the electric installations of the RE facility 30 calendar days before the start of the relevant test and provides forecasted volume of generation, supply of electricity to the network for the period to the end of the current year, broken down by months.
The contractor, unless otherwise provided by the construction agreement, guarantees that the facility of construction specified in DED and the possibility of operating the facility in accordance with the agreement for the entire guarantee period68.
10.2 The Order of Acceptance in Commercial Operation of Automated Commercial Energy Metering System for the Wholesale Electric Energy Market Subjects (ACEMS)
Acceptance for commercial operation of ACEMS is carried out with the aim of implementing a unified technical policy for the accounting of electric energy with the help of ACEMS entities and integrating it into a single automated metering system of the wholesale market of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as determining the compliance of the ACEMS subjects with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of electricity and security unity of measurement.
After completion of pilot industrial tests, ACEMS subject sends letters of invitation to the System Operator and related subjects about the readiness to put into commercial operation ACEMS and to participate in the work of the commissions for analyzing the results of pilot tests of ACEMS and making a decision on the further operation of the system.
The acceptance into commercial operation of ACEMS is carried out by a commission approved by the first or technical director of the entity, which includes representatives:
✓ power grid operator, to the electric networks of which technologically connected subjects;
✓ related participants of the wholesale electricity market having common borders with the subjects of the balance sheet;
67 Article 19 of the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 2, 2015 No. 164 “On approval of the Rules For The Centralized Purchase And Sale By The Financial Settlement Center Of Electric Energy Produced By Renewable Energy Facilities, Recalculation And Redistribution By The Financial Settlement Center Of The
✓ general contracting, contracting and project organization;
✓ system operator.
The system operator and related subjects within ten working days agree on the terms and send their representatives to participate in the work of the commission. The entities shall submit the following documents to the committee for consideration:
✓ technical specifications for the connection of ACEMS system to ACEMS of the system operator;
✓ Terms of Reference for the design of ACEMS, agreed by the system operator;
✓ ACEMS project coordinated by the system operator;
✓ working documentation of ACEMS;
✓ operating documentation of ACEMS, including:
technical descriptions and operating instructions for data collection, transmission, storage and display devices, ACEMS user's manual, ACEMS system administrator's manual;
✓ copies of certificates on verification of measuring instruments that are part of commercial electricity accounting in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
✓ examination certificates of commercial electricity accounting;
✓ a copy of the licensing agreement for system and application software ACEMS;
✓ copies of the organizational and administrative documents for pilot operation: the program of pilot-industrial tests of ACEMS, the test of pilot-industrial tests of ACEMS, the minutes of pilot testing of ACEMS components.
When reviewing documents of ACEMS, the commission carries out:
✓ checking the completeness of the documents for compliance with the requirements of the rules for the operation of an automated system for the commercial accounting of electric power for the subjects of the creation of an automated system," technical specifications for the creation of ACEMS;
Corresponding Share Of Electric Energy For Qualified Conditional Consumer At The End Of The Calendar Year”
✓ compliance assessment of the ACEMS project with the requirements of the technical design for the ACEMS design;
✓ compliance assessment of the working documentation with the requirements of the ACEMS project;
✓ compliance assessment of the documents (sections) of the operational documentation to the automated system with the requirements of the terms of reference and the project, including the assessments of the
"User's Guide" with the requirements of ST RK 1087-2002 "Unified Program Documentation System User's Guide." Requirements for composition, content and design;
✓ the executive documentation after the implementation of ACEMS project;
✓ characteristics assessment of the system and application software with the requirements of the terms of reference and the design of ACEMS;
✓ analysis of organizational and administrative documents for the pilot operation for compliance with the requirements of RD 50-34.698-90 "Guidance document on standardization. Methodical instructions.
Information technology. The complex of standards and guidance documents for automated systems. The automated systems. The requirements for the content of documents";
✓ analysis of the results of pilot industrial tests and pilot operation of ACEMS.
The results of consideration of the documents of the commission are drawn up by the minutes of the meeting of the commission. If there are comments, the subjects eliminate the deficiencies specified in the minutes and inform the System Operator of the readiness for re-acceptance into commercial operation. In the absence of any comments, the commission draws up an act on the putting into commercial operation of ACEMS.
The system operator registers the Act in the register of automated systems for commercial accounting of electrical energy, which is maintained by the System
Operator. The Act confirms the readiness of the use of ACEMS both for internal commercial settlements and for settlements in the wholesale market. The act is made in two copies, one of which is sent to the subject, the second copy is sent to the Registry.
Every five years after putting into commercial operation of ACEMS subjects provide a letter to the System Operator, which includes the following documents, confirming the operability of the system:
✓ the list of accounting complexes with identification codes with the indication of the status of the account of electric energy: "commercial" or "technical";
✓ copies of certificates with valid verification dates for measuring instruments included in commercial electricity accounting;
✓ copies of acts of replacement of measuring instruments included in commercial electricity accounting;
✓ copies of acts of verification of data transmission from the complexes to the central database of the ACEMS system operator;
✓ copy of the order on the appointment of responsible persons for operation and metrological support of ACEMS, number of contact phones and e-mail addresses.
The system operator, in the period of fifteen calendar days, together with the administrator of the integrated automated system, verify documents provided for by the Rules for the operation of the automated system for the commercial accounting of electric power for the subjects of the wholesale electricity market. If there are comments, the subjects eliminate the deficiencies and inform the System Operator of the readiness to conduct a second check. If the results of document verification are positive, the System Operator together with the administrator of the integrated automated system shall issue an act on re-registration of ACEMS and make appropriate changes to the Register.